From f0dde9ce9e244f9f629afc7e898d513ef9d51f56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Open Food Facts Bot <> Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 21:42:22 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 001/151] New translations new-nutriscore.html (Dutch) --- lang/nl/texts/new-nutriscore.html | 113 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 90 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/lang/nl/texts/new-nutriscore.html b/lang/nl/texts/new-nutriscore.html index 4d2dc8305bf0..427dec39e2b1 100644 --- a/lang/nl/texts/new-nutriscore.html +++ b/lang/nl/texts/new-nutriscore.html @@ -1,12 +1,26 @@ -
We zijn verheugd om de lancering van Nutri-Score v2 op Open Food Facts aan te kondigen, de eerste grote upgrade van het voedingslabelleringssysteem.
Deze is vandaag beschikbaar op onze Open Food Facts mobiele app voor Android en iPhone, evenals op onze website, in lijn met een lange traditie van baanbrekende primeurs.
Nutri-Score is een logo dat tot doel heeft u te informeren over de voedingskwaliteit van voedsel. Het kleurcode varieert van donkergroen (A) voor de gezondste producten tot donkerrood (E) voor de minst gezonde.
+Nutri-Score is een logo dat tot doel heeft u te informeren over de voedingskwaliteit van voedsel. Het kleurcode varieert van donkergroen (A) voor de gezondste producten tot donkerrood (E) voor de minst gezonde.
Lees onze uitlegpagina over de Nutri-Score -De Nutri-Score-formule evolueert om betere aanbevelingen te doen:
Vanaf nu kan het logo een "nieuwe berekening" aanhalen om te verduidelijken dat het inderdaad om de nieuwe berekening gaat.
-Nutri-Score wordt in verschillende landen gebruikt: Duitsland, België, Spanje, Frankrijk, Luxemburg, Nederland, en Zwitserland.
Fabrikanten hebben tot uiterlijk 2026 de tijd om de oude berekening door de nieuwe te vervangen.
Zonder te wachten kun je de nieuwe berekening al vinden in de Open Food Facts-applicatie, , zelfs als de fabrikanten de score niet hebben bijgewerkt.
-Nutri-Score is een score die is ontworpen om de voedingskwaliteit te meten. Het is complementair aan de NOVA-groep op ultrabewerkte voedingsmiddelen (ook aanwezig in de applicatie).
+ +Nutri-Score is een score die is ontworpen om de voedingskwaliteit te meten. Het is complementair aan de NOVA-groep op ultrabewerkte voedingsmiddelen (ook aanwezig in de applicatie).
Voor fabrikanten blijft de weergave van Nutri-Score optioneel.
-"Dit nieuwe algoritme zal de effectiviteit van de Nutri-score bij het indelen van levensmiddelen en dranken verbeteren, in lijn met de belangrijkste voedingsaanbevelingen van Europese landen, en zal consumenten leiden naar bewuste keuzes die goed zijn voor de gezondheid" legt het Franse directoraat-generaal Gezondheid uit.
✅ Verscherpt criterium
Het wetenschappelijke team EREN (Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team) heeft het algoritme dat wordt gebruikt om de Nutri-Score te berekenen grondig doorgelicht, met als resultaat dat er meer scores zijn die de voedselkwaliteit van producten beter weerspiegelen, waarbij veel producten minder goed scoren.
✅ Opvallende banner voor nieuwe berekening
Nutri-Score v2 heeft een opvallende banner die aangeeft dat deze is berekend met de nieuwe formule. Hoewel de banner niet verplicht is op verpakkingen, biedt deze wel de zekerheid dat de Nutri-Score correct is berekend.
- -We geloven dat Nutri-Score v2 een waardevol instrument is voor zowel consumenten, voedselproducenten en retailers.
+We geloven dat Nutri-Score v2 een waardevol instrument is voor zowel consumenten, voedselproducenten en retailers.
Het biedt:
✔ een duidelijke en beknopte samenvatting van de voedingskwaliteit van producten,
✔ consumenten helpen geïnformeerde keuzes te maken
✔ voedselproducenten aanmoedigen om het voedingsprofiel van hun producten te verbeteren.
-Un moyen approprié d'exploiter la base de données est d'utiliser DuckDB, un outil analytique intégré conçu pour traiter de grandes quantités de données en une fraction de seconde. You can read our blog post where we walk you through exploring and processing the Open Food Facts database with DuckDB
+Un moyen approprié d'exploiter la base de données est d'utiliser DuckDB, un outil analytique intégré conçu pour traiter de grandes quantités de données en une fraction de seconde. Vous pouvez lire notre article de blog dans lequel nous vous expliquons comment explorer et utiliser la base de données Open Food Facts avec DuckDB
+ +A simplified version of the JSONL dump is also available in the Parquet format. During the conversion, we filtered columns that contains duplicated information, are used for internal debugging, or are simply irrelevant for users.
+ +The Parquet format has proved to be handy:
+ +
The dataset is available on Hugging Face, a collaborative Machine Learning ecosystem where developers and researchers can share models and datasets.
+ +Les données relatives à tous les produits ou à certains d'entre eux peuvent être téléchargées au format CSV (lisible avec LibreOffice, Excel et de nombreux autres tableurs) via le formulaire de recherche avancée.
@@ -83,9 +105,9 @@Nous améliorons l'API au fil du temps mais nous veillons à conserver une rétrocompatibilité. Veuillez prendre contact si vous l'utilisez, afin que nous puissions vous informer des changements éventuels.
-Exemple :
-Exemple :
+ +Exemple :
Notez que si les résultats sont trop nombreux, vous pouvez les filtrer, comme décrit dans la documentation de l'API.
Le code des applications mobiles officielles d'Open Food Facts est disponible sur GitHub (Flutter, Android Kotlin et iOS Swift). -
Nous cherchons à transformer les bases de code Kotlin et Swift obsolètes en SDK Kotlin et Swift, toute aide est la bienvenue :-) -L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code barre des produits, de voir les informations sur le produit et de prendre et de soumettre des photos et des données pour les produits manquants.
+L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code-barres des produits, d'afficher des informations sur les produits, de prendre et d'envoyer des photos et des données sur les produits manquants.
L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code-barres des produits, d'afficher des informations sur les produits, de prendre et d'envoyer des photos et des données sur les produits manquants.
Vous êtes invités à réutiliser le code (il est open source) et à nous aider à l'améliorer, pour tous, sur toute la planète.
From ced1de6b0e81758f53b2b4e3369c086d135f1949 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Open Food Facts Bot <> Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 23:56:34 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 004/151] New translations faq.html (French) --- lang/fr/texts/faq.html | 5 +++-- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/lang/fr/texts/faq.html b/lang/fr/texts/faq.html index 5a18464c6f6d..2016c4ad2085 100644 --- a/lang/fr/texts/faq.html +++ b/lang/fr/texts/faq.html @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@Voici quelques réponses aux questions les plus fréquemment posées. Si votre question et sa réponse ne sont pas listées ci-dessous, vous pouvez l'envoyer par e-mail à
-Vous pouvez nous poser vos questions ou faire des suggestions sur le salon de discussion Slack ou nous contacter par e-mail:
+Vous pouvez nous poser vos questions ou faire des suggestions sur le Forum d'Idées ou nous contacter par e-mail:
+ +→ liste des contributeurs à la version anglaise
Le Nutri-Score est un logo qui indique la qualité nutritionnelle des aliments avec des notes allant de A à E. Avec le NutriScore, les produits peuvent être facilement et rapidement comparés.
Open Food Facts a commencé à calculer le Nutri-Score en 2014 sur son application mobile et son site Web pionniers, alors qu'il ne s'agissait que d'un document de recherche, et a accompagné son évolution, du "score 5 couleurs" au "Nutri-Score" que vous voyez dans les supermarchés aujourd'hui. - Cependant, le Nutri-Score n’est pas apposé sur tous les produits et Open Food Facts permet d’avoir cette information en scannant le produit. Santé publique France soutient Open Food Facts depuis 2018 pour faciliter l'information des consommateurs. Santé publique France soutient Open Food Facts depuis 2018 pour faciliter l'information des consommateurs. +Cependant, le Nutri-Score n’est pas apposé sur tous les produits et Open Food Facts permet d’avoir cette information en scannant le produit. Santé publique France soutient Open Food Facts depuis 2018 pour faciliter l'information des consommateurs. Santé publique France soutient Open Food Facts depuis 2018 pour faciliter l'information des consommateurs.La base de données Open Products Facts est disponible sous licence Open Database License.
Les contenus individuels de la base de données sont disponibles sous licence Database Contents License.
Les images des produits sont disponibles sous licence Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike licence.
Les licences sont des licences libres qui autorisent l'utilisation et la reproduction du contenu à toutes fins, y compris l'utilisation commerciale, sous certaines conditions,
en particulier l'attribution et le partage sous la même condition d'œuvres dérivées.
Merci de prendre connaissance des Conditions d'utilisation, de contribution et de réutilisation avant de réutiliser les données.
+Merci de prendre connaissance des Conditions d'utilisation, de contribution et de réutilisation avant de réutiliser les données.
-Nous aimerions savoir comment sont utilisées les données Open Products Facts. Ce n'est pas obligatoire mais nous apprécierions grandement si vous pouviez nous évoquer ce que vous en faites afin de le partager avec la communauté Open Products Facts.
+Nous aimerions savoir comment sont utilisées les données Open Products Facts. Ce n'est pas obligatoire mais nous apprécierions grandement si vous pouviez nous évoquer ce que vous en faites afin de le partager avec la communauté Open Products Facts. Vous avez aussi la possibilité de remplir ce formulaire pour avoir l'opportunité de voir votre application mise en avant.
-Les exports de base de données et fichiers de données sont réalisés quotidiennement, chaque nuit.
+Les exports de base de données et fichiers de données sont réalisés quotidiennement, chaque nuit. Notre base de données est énorme, vous pourrez donc trouver diverses façons d'utiliser nos données, selon l'export que vous voulez.
Des informations sur les différents champs des exports MongoDB et CSV sont disponibles sur
Les données concernant tous les produits sont disponibles à travers l'export MongoDB.
- +Des exports delta journaliers sont fournis pour les 14 jours précédents. La liste des fichiers delta actuellement disponibles est trouvable sur
- Chaque ligne représente un fichier disponible à l'adresse{filename}
- Le nom du fichier contient un horodatage UNIX du premier et du dernier changement apporté au fichier JSON, afin que les fichiers delta puissent être importés (après extraction) avec mongoimport
par ordre alphabétique.
Veuillez noter qu'en raison de la nature de mongoexport
, les fichiers delta ne peuvent pas vous renseigner sur les produits supprimés. Veuillez noter qu'en raison de la nature de mongoexport
, les fichiers delta ne peuvent pas vous renseigner sur les produits supprimés.
Des exports delta journaliers sont fournis pour les 14 jours précédents. La liste des fichiers delta actuellement disponibles est trouvable sur
+Chaque ligne représente un fichier disponible à l'adresse{filename}
Le nom du fichier contient le timestamp UNIX du premier et du dernier changement inclus dans le fichier JSON, afin que les fichiers delta puissent être importés (après extraction) avec mongoimport
dans un ordre alphabétique.
Veuillez noter qu'en raison de la nature de mongoexport
, les fichiers delta ne peuvent pas vous renseigner sur les produits supprimés. Pour supprimer les produits supprimés de votre base de données, vous devrez importer l'intégralité du dump MongoDB.
L'intégralité de notre base de données est aussi disponible au format JSONL (parfois appelé LDJSON ou NDJSON) où chaque ligne est un objet JSON. Ce sont exactement les mêmes données que l'export MongoDB. Ce ficher est compressé avec gzip.
-Les données de tous les produits, ou seulement certains, peuvent être téléchargées au format CSV (utilisables dans OpenOffice, Excel et de nombreux logiciels) via le formulaire de recherche avancée.
-Le fichier utilise l'encodage Unicode UTF-8. Le caractère de séparation des champs est <tab> (tabulation).
+Un moyen approprié d'exploiter la base de données est d'utiliser DuckDB, un outil analytique intégré conçu pour traiter de grandes quantités de données en une fraction de seconde. Vous pouvez lire notre article de blog dans lequel nous vous expliquons comment explorer et traiter la base de données Open Products Facts avec DuckDB
+Les données de tous les produits, ou seulement certains, peuvent être téléchargées au format CSV (utilisables dans OpenOffice, Excel et de nombreux logiciels) via le formulaire de recherche avancée.
+Le fichier utilise l'encodage Unicode UTF-8. Le caractère de séparation des champs est <tab> (tabulation).
-Les données sont également disponibles au format RDF. annonce en français.
+Les données sont également disponibles au format RDF. Vous pouvez lire l'annonce en français.
Les images et les résultats OCR peuvent être récupérés soit à partir de notre serveur, soit via AWS (grâce au programme AWS Open Data). Consultez notre documentation pour en savoir plus sur le téléchargement d'images.
+ -L'API se comporte à 99% comme celle d'Open Food Facts, donc la majorité des SDKs devraient fonctionner en remplaçant l'adresse de destination par Le code n'a pas été mis à jour depuis plus d'un an, ainsi de nombreuses APIs plus récentes telles que les Knowledge Panels (panneaux d'informations) ne sont pas encore disponibles.
+ +Une API JSON est également disponible pour accéder aux données d'un produit. Cette API est notamment utilisée au sein des applications Open Products Facts Android et iPhone.
-Nous améliorons les API avec le temps, mais nous veillons à préserver la compatibilité avec les versions antérieures. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous souhaitez certaines améliorations pour faciliter vos usages.
+Nous améliorons l'API au fil du temps mais nous veillons à conserver une rétrocompatibilité. Please get in touch if you use it, so that we can tell you about potential changes.
L'URL pour lire les données d'un produit :[code barre].json
Exemple :
+Notez que si les résultats sont trop nombreux, vous pouvez les filtrer, comme décrit dans la documentation de l'API.
+Vous avez parfaitement le droit d'utiliser l'API pour des programmes en production, tant qu'1 appel API = 1 scan par un utilisateur réel. Toute tentative de "scraper" la base de données en utilisant l'API sera très probablement bloquée, car des exports journaliers complets sont disponibles sur cette page.
En outre, l'envoi d'un en-tête HTTP avec votre appel d'API est un moyen efficace pour que l'on puisse vous contacter, en cas de problème.
-Si vous avez un quelconque doute, ou avez une question (il n'y a pas de question bête !), sentez-vous libre de nous demander sur Slack :-)
- -Si vous n'êtes pas sûr de quelque chose, ou si vous avez une question (il n'y a pas de question bête), n'hésitez pas à la poser sur le canal #api de Slack :-)
-Le code de l'application mobile Open Products Facts actuellement déployée est disponible sur GitHub (Android). Nous avons besoin d'aide pour adapter le nouveau code Flutter aux cosmétiques -L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code barre de produits, consulter des informations et de prendre et envoyer des photos et données pour les produits manquants.
+Vous pouvez également obtenir le résultat en XML en utilisant .xml
+Cette API n'est pas activement maintenue et n'est pas officiellement documentée. -L'application Android est développée en Kotlin.
-La nouvelle application mobile multiplateforme est développée en Flutter/Dart.
-Vous êtes invités à réutiliser le code (il est open source) et à nous aider à l'améliorer, pour tous, sur toute la planète. -
Nous avons probablement un wrapper pour votre langage de programmation préféré. Si c'est le cas, vous pouvez l'utiliser et l'améliorer, ainsi que probablement ajouter la compatibilité à Open Products Facts. Sinon, vous pouvez aider à le créer.
+Nous avons probablement un wrapper pour votre langage de programmation préféré. Si nous l'avons, vous pouvez l'utiliser et l'améliorer. Sinon, vous pouvez aider à le créer.
Ils vous permettront de consommer des données et permettront à vos utilisateurs de créer de nouvelles données.
+ +Vous pouvez ouvrir un fil de discussion sur notre dépôt de documentation API +
La nouvelle application mobile multiplateforme est développée en Flutter/Dart. + +
L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code-barres des produits, d'afficher des informations sur les produits, de prendre et d'envoyer des photos et des données sur les produits manquants.
+L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code-barres des produits, d'afficher des informations sur les produits, de prendre et d'envoyer des photos et des données sur les produits manquants.
-Vous êtes invités à réutiliser le code (il est open source) et à nous aider à l'améliorer, pour tous, sur toute la planète.
-Pour toute question sur les données, vous pouvez nous contacter à l'adresse email +
Vous pouvez consulter les FAQ concernant l'API et les exportations de données ainsi que les questions courantes sur Open Food Facts
+You can join the Open Products Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions and discuss the API. Veuillez poser vos questions dans le canal #api
+Vous pouvez ouvrir un fil de discussion sur notre dépôt de documentation API +
Pour toute question concernant les données, vous pouvez nous contacter à From 1b990f7cff78442364e91fe18e2e72eade791840 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Open Food Facts Bot <> Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 23:56:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 010/151] New translations data.html (French) --- lang/opff/fr/texts/data.html | 183 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 115 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) diff --git a/lang/opff/fr/texts/data.html b/lang/opff/fr/texts/data.html index ba4af40bef19..67356c01be37 100644 --- a/lang/opff/fr/texts/data.html +++ b/lang/opff/fr/texts/data.html @@ -1,134 +1,181 @@ +
La base de données Open Pet Food Facts est disponible sous licence Open Database License.
Les contenus individuels de la base de données sont disponibles sous licence Database Contents License.
Les images des produits sont disponibles sous licence Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike licence.
Les licences sont des licences libres qui autorisent l'utilisation et la reproduction du contenu à toutes fins, y compris l'utilisation commerciale, sous certaines conditions,
en particulier l'attribution et le partage sous la même condition d'œuvres dérivées.
Merci de prendre connaissance des Conditions d'utilisation, de contribution et de réutilisation avant de réutiliser les données.
+Merci de prendre connaissance des Conditions d'utilisation, de contribution et de réutilisation avant de réutiliser les données.
-Nous aimerions savoir comment sont utilisées les données Open Pet Food Facts. Ce n'est pas obligatoire mais nous apprécierions grandement si vous pouviez nous évoquer ce que vous en faites afin de le partager avec la communauté Open Pet Food Facts.
+Nous aimerions savoir comment sont utilisées les données Open Pet Food Facts. Ce n'est pas obligatoire mais nous apprécierions grandement si vous pouviez nous évoquer ce que vous en faites afin de le partager avec la communauté Open Pet Food Facts. Vous avez aussi la possibilité de remplir ce formulaire pour avoir l'opportunité de voir votre application mise en avant.
-Les exports de base de données et fichiers de données sont réalisés quotidiennement, chaque nuit.
+Les exports de base de données et fichiers de données sont réalisés quotidiennement, chaque nuit. Notre base de données est énorme, vous pourrez donc trouver diverses façons d'utiliser nos données, selon l'export que vous voulez.
Des informations sur les différents champs des exports MongoDB et CSV sont disponibles sur
-Les données concernant tous les produits sont disponibles à travers l'export MongoDB.
- +Des exports delta journaliers sont fournis pour les 14 jours précédents. Des exports delta journaliers sont fournis pour les 14 jours précédents.
- Des exports delta journaliers sont fournis pour les 14 jours précédents.
- Le nom du fichier contient un horodatage UNIX du premier et du dernier changement apporté au fichier JSON, afin que les fichiers delta puissent être importés (après extraction) avec mongoimport
par ordre alphabétique.
Veuillez noter qu'en raison de la nature de mongoexport
, les fichiers delta ne peuvent pas vous renseigner sur les produits supprimés. Veuillez noter qu'en raison de la nature de mongoexport
, les fichiers delta ne peuvent pas vous renseigner sur les produits supprimés.
Des exports delta journaliers sont fournis pour les 14 jours précédents. The list of currently available delta files can be found at
+Each line represents a file that is available at{filename}
Le nom du fichier contient le timestamp UNIX du premier et du dernier changement inclus dans le fichier JSON, afin que les fichiers delta puissent être importés (après extraction) avec mongoimport
dans un ordre alphabétique.
Veuillez noter qu'en raison de la nature de mongoexport
, les fichiers delta ne peuvent pas vous renseigner sur les produits supprimés. Pour supprimer les produits supprimés de votre base de données, vous devrez importer l'intégralité du dump MongoDB.
L'intégralité de notre base de données est aussi disponible au format JSONL (parfois appelé LDJSON ou NDJSON) où chaque ligne est un objet JSON. Ce sont exactement les mêmes données que l'export MongoDB. Ce ficher est compressé avec gzip.
-Les données de tous les produits, ou seulement certains, peuvent être téléchargées au format CSV (utilisables dans OpenOffice, Excel et de nombreux logiciels) via le formulaire de recherche avancée.
-Un moyen approprié d'exploiter la base de données est d'utiliser DuckDB, un outil analytique intégré conçu pour traiter de grandes quantités de données en une fraction de seconde. You can read our blog post where we walk you through exploring and processing the Open Pet Food Facts database with DuckDB
+ +Les données de tous les produits, ou seulement certains, peuvent être téléchargées au format CSV (utilisables dans OpenOffice, Excel et de nombreux logiciels) via le formulaire de recherche avancée.
+ +Le fichier utilise l'encodage Unicode UTF-8. Le caractère de séparation des champs est <tab> (tabulation).
Les données sont également disponibles au format RDF. annonce en français.
+Les données sont également disponibles au format RDF. Vous pouvez lire l'annonce en français.
Les images et les résultats OCR peuvent être récupérés soit à partir de notre serveur, soit via AWS (grâce au programme AWS Open Data). Consultez notre documentation pour en savoir plus sur le téléchargement d'images.
+ -L'API se comporte à 99% comme celle d'Open Food Facts, donc la majorité des SDKs, le code pour interagir avec l'API Open Pet Food Facts, devrait fonctionner en remplaçant l'adresse de destination par Le code n'a pas été mis à jour depuis plus d'un an, ainsi de nombreuses APIs plus récentes telles que les Knowledge Panels (panneaux d'informations) ne sont pas encore disponibles.
+ +Une API JSON est également disponible pour accéder aux données d'un produit. L'API est utilisée en particulier pour les applications mobiles Android et iPhone Open Pet Food Facts.
-Nous améliorons les API avec le temps, mais nous veillons à préserver la compatibilité avec les versions antérieures. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous souhaitez certaines améliorations pour faciliter vos usages.
+Nous améliorons l'API au fil du temps mais nous veillons à conserver une rétrocompatibilité. Please get in touch if you use it, so that we can tell you about potential changes.
L'URL pour lire les données d'un produit :[code barre].json
Exemple :
+Notez que si les résultats sont trop nombreux, vous pouvez les filtrer, comme décrit dans la documentation de l'API.
Vous avez parfaitement le droit d'utiliser l'API pour des programmes en production, tant qu'1 appel API = 1 scan par un utilisateur réel. Toute tentative de "scraper" la base de données en utilisant l'API sera très probablement bloquée, car des exports journaliers complets sont disponibles sur cette page.
En outre, l'envoi d'un en-tête HTTP avec votre appel d'API est un moyen efficace pour que l'on puisse vous contacter, en cas de problème.
-Si vous avez un quelconque doute, ou avez une question (il n'y a pas de question bête !), sentez-vous libre de nous demander sur Slack :-)
+Si vous n'êtes pas sûr de quelque chose, ou si vous avez une question (il n'y a pas de question bête), n'hésitez pas à la poser sur le canal #api de Slack :-)
-Vous pouvez également obtenir le résultat en XML en utilisant .xml
API V2 - Complète mais non conforme à OpenAPI - Elle contient des cas d'utilisation pour afficher un produit et permettre à vos utilisateurs d'ajouter les données nécessaires pour obtenir le Nutri-Score, la classification NOVA, les additifs et l'Eco-Score.
+Cette API n'est pas activement maintenue et n'est pas officiellement documentée. -Le code de l'application mobile Open Pet Food Facts actuellement déployée est disponible sur GitHub (Android). Nous avons besoin d'aide pour adapter le nouveau code Flutter aux produits pour animaux. -L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code barre de produits, consulter des informations et de prendre et envoyer des photos et données pour les produits manquants.
-L'application Android est développée en Kotlin.
-L'application classique pour iOS n'a jamais été déployée ni adaptée aux produits pour animaux.
-La nouvelle application mobile multiplateforme est développée en Flutter/Dart.
+Nous avons probablement un wrapper pour votre langage de programmation préféré. Si nous l'avons, vous pouvez l'utiliser et l'améliorer. Sinon, vous pouvez aider à le créer.
+Ils vous permettront de consommer des données et permettront à vos utilisateurs de créer de nouvelles données.
-Vous êtes invités à réutiliser le code (il est open source) et à nous aider à l'améliorer, pour tous, sur toute la planète.
+Nous avons probablement un wrapper pour votre langage de programmation préféré. Si c'est le cas, vous pouvez l'utiliser et l'améliorer, ainsi que probablement ajouter la compatibilité à Open Pet Food Facts. Sinon, vous pouvez aider à le créer. Sinon, vous pouvez aider à le créer.
-Ils vous permettront de consommer des données et permettront à vos utilisateurs de créer de nouvelles données.
+Vous pouvez ouvrir un fil de discussion sur notre dépôt de documentation API - - +
L'application Android est développée en Kotlin. + +
L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code-barres des produits, d'afficher des informations sur les produits, de prendre et d'envoyer des photos et des données sur les produits manquants.
+L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code-barres des produits, d'afficher des informations sur les produits, de prendre et d'envoyer des photos et des données sur les produits manquants.
+ +Vous êtes invités à réutiliser le code (il est open source) et à nous aider à l'améliorer, pour tous, sur toute la planète.
-Pour toute question sur les données, vous pouvez nous contacter à +
Vous pouvez consulter les FAQ concernant l'API et les exportations de données ainsi que les questions courantes sur Open Food Facts
+You can join the Open Pet Food Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions and discuss the API. Veuillez poser vos questions dans le canal #api
+Vous pouvez ouvrir un fil de discussion sur notre dépôt de documentation API +
Pour toute question concernant les données, vous pouvez nous contacter à From e5867f5f5a88fbffc21eccd8a5677a5e0bf282b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Open Food Facts Bot <> Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 23:57:01 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 011/151] New translations data.html (French) --- lang/obf/fr/texts/data.html | 181 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------- 1 file changed, 116 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-) diff --git a/lang/obf/fr/texts/data.html b/lang/obf/fr/texts/data.html index d08c3a8cbf6b..f220a427d942 100644 --- a/lang/obf/fr/texts/data.html +++ b/lang/obf/fr/texts/data.html @@ -1,129 +1,180 @@ +
La base de données Open Beauty Facts est disponible sous licence Open Database License.
Les contenus individuels de la base de données sont disponibles sous licence Database Contents License.
Les images des produits sont disponibles sous licence Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike licence.
Les licences sont des licences libres qui autorisent l'utilisation et la reproduction du contenu à toutes fins, y compris l'utilisation commerciale, sous certaines conditions,
en particulier l'attribution et le partage sous la même condition d'œuvres dérivées.
Merci de prendre connaissance des Conditions d'utilisation, de contribution et de réutilisation avant de réutiliser les données.
+Merci de prendre connaissance des Conditions d'utilisation, de contribution et de réutilisation avant de réutiliser les données.
-Nous aimerions savoir comment sont utilisées les données Open Beauty Facts. Ce n'est pas obligatoire mais nous apprécierions grandement si vous pouviez nous évoquer ce que vous en faites afin de le partager avec la communauté Open Beauty Facts.
-Nous aimerions savoir comment sont utilisées les données Open Beauty Facts. Ce n'est pas obligatoire mais nous apprécierions grandement si vous pouviez nous évoquer ce que vous en faites afin de le partager avec la communauté Open Beauty Facts. Vous avez aussi la possibilité de remplir ce formulaire pour avoir l'opportunité de voir votre application mise en avant.
-Les exports de base de données et fichiers de données sont réalisés quotidiennement, chaque nuit.
+Des informations sur les différents champs des exports MongoDB et CSV sont disponibles sur
+Les exports de base de données et fichiers de données sont réalisés quotidiennement, chaque nuit. Notre base de données est énorme, vous pourrez donc trouver diverses façons d'utiliser nos données, selon l'export que vous voulez.
+Des informations sur les différents champs des exports MongoDB et CSV sont disponibles sur
Les données concernant tous les produits sont disponibles à travers l'export MongoDB.
- +Des exports delta journaliers sont fournis pour les 14 jours précédents. La liste des fichiers delta actuellement disponibles est trouvable sur
- Chaque ligne représente un fichier disponible à l'adresse{filename}
- Le nom du fichier contient un horodatage UNIX du premier et du dernier changement apporté au fichier JSON, afin que les fichiers delta puissent être importés (après extraction) avec mongoimport
par ordre alphabétique.
Veuillez noter qu'en raison de la nature de mongoexport
, les fichiers delta ne peuvent pas vous renseigner sur les produits supprimés. Veuillez noter qu'en raison de la nature de mongoexport
, les fichiers delta ne peuvent pas vous renseigner sur les produits supprimés.
Des exports delta journaliers sont fournis pour les 14 jours précédents. La liste des fichiers delta actuellement disponibles est trouvable sur
+Chaque ligne représente un fichier disponible à l'adresse{filename}
Le nom du fichier contient le timestamp UNIX du premier et du dernier changement inclus dans le fichier JSON, afin que les fichiers delta puissent être importés (après extraction) avec mongoimport
dans un ordre alphabétique.
Veuillez noter qu'en raison de la nature de mongoexport
, les fichiers delta ne peuvent pas vous renseigner sur les produits supprimés. Pour supprimer les produits supprimés de votre base de données, vous devrez importer l'intégralité du dump MongoDB.
L'intégralité de notre base de données est aussi disponible au format JSONL (parfois appelé LDJSON ou NDJSON) où chaque ligne est un objet JSON. Ce sont exactement les mêmes données que l'export MongoDB. Ce ficher est compressé avec gzip.
-Les données de tous les produits, ou seulement certains, peuvent être téléchargées au format CSV (utilisables dans OpenOffice, Excel et de nombreux logiciels) via le formulaire de recherche avancée.
-Le fichier utilise l'encodage Unicode UTF-8. Le caractère de séparation des champs est <tab> (tabulation).
+Un moyen approprié d'exploiter la base de données est d'utiliser DuckDB, un outil analytique intégré conçu pour traiter de grandes quantités de données en une fraction de seconde. You can read our blog post where we walk you through exploring and processing the Open Beauty Facts database with DuckDB
+Les données de tous les produits, ou seulement certains, peuvent être téléchargées au format CSV (utilisables dans OpenOffice, Excel et de nombreux logiciels) via le formulaire de recherche avancée.
+ +Le fichier utilise l'encodage Unicode UTF-8. Le caractère de séparation des champs est <tab> (tabulation).
Les données sont également disponibles au format RDF. annonce en français.
+Les données sont également disponibles au format RDF. Vous pouvez lire l'annonce en français.
Les images et les résultats OCR peuvent être récupérés soit à partir de notre serveur, soit via AWS (grâce au programme AWS Open Data). Consultez notre documentation pour en savoir plus sur le téléchargement d'images.
-L'API se comporte à 99% comme celle d'Open Food Facts, donc la majorité des SDKs devraient fonctionner en remplaçant l'adresse de destination par Le code n'a pas été mis à jour depuis plus d'un an, ainsi de nombreuses APIs plus récentes telles que les Knowledge Panels (panneaux d'informations) ne sont pas encore disponibles. -Une API JSON est également disponible pour accéder aux données d'un produit. Cette API est notamment utilisée au sein des applications Open Beauty Facts Android et iPhone.
-Nous améliorons les API avec le temps, mais nous veillons à préserver la compatibilité avec les versions antérieures. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous souhaitez certaines améliorations pour faciliter vos usages.
+L'URL pour lire les données d'un produit :[code barre].json
+Une API JSON est également disponible pour accéder aux données d'un produit. Cette API est notamment utilisée au sein des applications Open Beauty Facts Android et iPhone.
+Nous améliorons l'API au fil du temps mais nous veillons à conserver une rétrocompatibilité. Please get in touch if you use it, so that we can tell you about potential changes.
+L'URL pour lire les données d'un produit :[code barre].json
Exemple :
+Notez que si les résultats sont trop nombreux, vous pouvez les filtrer, comme décrit dans la documentation de l'API.
+Vous avez parfaitement le droit d'utiliser l'API pour des programmes en production, tant qu'1 appel API = 1 scan par un utilisateur réel. Toute tentative de "scraper" la base de données en utilisant l'API sera très probablement bloquée, car des exports journaliers complets sont disponibles sur cette page.
En outre, l'envoi d'un en-tête HTTP avec votre appel d'API est un moyen efficace pour que l'on puisse vous contacter, en cas de problème.
-Si vous avez un quelconque doute, ou avez une question (il n'y a pas de question bête !), sentez-vous libre de nous demander sur Slack :-)
+Si vous n'êtes pas sûr de quelque chose, ou si vous avez une question (il n'y a pas de question bête), n'hésitez pas à la poser sur le canal #api de Slack :-)
-Vous pouvez également obtenir le résultat en XML en utilisant .xml
+Cette API n'est pas activement maintenue et n'est pas officiellement documentée. -Le code de l'application mobile Open Beauty Facts est disponible sur GitHub (Android et iOS). Nous avons besoin d'aide pour adapter le nouveau code natif iOS aux cosmétiques L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code barre d'un produit, consulter ses informations et de prendre et envoyer des photos et données pour les produits manquants.
-L'application Android est développée en Kotlin.
-La nouvelle application mobile multiplateforme est développée en Flutter/Dart.
-Vous êtes invités à réutiliser le code (il est open source) et à nous aider à l'améliorer, pour tous, sur toute la planète. - -
Nous avons probablement un wrapper pour votre langage de programmation préféré. Si c'est le cas, vous pouvez l'utiliser et l'améliorer, ainsi que probablement ajouter la compatibilité à Open Beauty Facts. Sinon, vous pouvez aider à le créer. Sinon, vous pouvez aider à le créer.
+Nous avons probablement un wrapper pour votre langage de programmation préféré. Si nous l'avons, vous pouvez l'utiliser et l'améliorer. Sinon, vous pouvez aider à le créer.
Ils vous permettront de consommer des données et permettront à vos utilisateurs de créer de nouvelles données.
+ +Vous pouvez ouvrir un fil de discussion sur notre dépôt de documentation API - +
La nouvelle application mobile multiplateforme est développée en Flutter/Dart. -
L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code-barres des produits, d'afficher des informations sur les produits, de prendre et d'envoyer des photos et des données sur les produits manquants.
+L'application permet aux utilisateurs de scanner le code-barres des produits, d'afficher des informations sur les produits, de prendre et d'envoyer des photos et des données sur les produits manquants.
-Pour toute question sur les données, vous pouvez nous contacter à l'adresse email +
Vous êtes invités à réutiliser le code (il est open source) et à nous aider à l'améliorer, pour tous, sur toute la planète.
+ +Vous pouvez consulter les FAQ concernant l'API et les exportations de données ainsi que les questions courantes sur Open Food Facts
+You can join the Open Beauty Facts Slack chatroom which is the preferred way to ask questions and discuss the API. Veuillez poser vos questions dans le canal #api
+Vous pouvez ouvrir un fil de discussion sur notre dépôt de documentation API +
Pour toute question concernant les données, vous pouvez nous contacter à From 1468b65de39dfc45212ed16564168b165cba1ba5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Open Food Facts Bot <> Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 23:57:10 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 012/151] New translations world-en.yml (French) --- knowledge_panels/additives/world-fr.yml | 150 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 150 insertions(+) create mode 100644 knowledge_panels/additives/world-fr.yml diff --git a/knowledge_panels/additives/world-fr.yml b/knowledge_panels/additives/world-fr.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..7b28e772f6c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/knowledge_panels/additives/world-fr.yml @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +"en:e202": + content: |- + Le sorbate de potassium (E202) est un conservateur alimentaire synthétique couramment utilisé + pour prolonger la durée de conservation de divers produits alimentaires. + + Il agit en inhibant la croissance des moisissures, des levures et de certaines bactéries, + empêchant la détérioration. Lorsqu’il est ajouté aux aliments, il aide à maintenir leur + fraîcheur et qualité. + + Certaines études ont montré que, lorsqu'il est associé aux nitrites, le + sorbate de potassium présente une activité génotoxique in vitro. Cependant, le sorbate de potassium est + généralement reconnu comme sûr par les agences sanitaires. +"en:e322": + content: |- + Les lécithines sont des composés naturels couramment utilisés dans l'industrie alimentaire comme + émulsifiants et stabilisants. + + Extraites de sources telles que le soja et les œufs, les lécithines sont constituées de + phospholipides qui permettent un meilleur mélange entre huile et eau, assurant des textures plus onctueuses + dans divers produits comme les chocolats, les vinaigrettes et les produits de boulangerie. + + **Ils ne présentent aucun risque connu pour la santé**. +"en:e322i": + content: |- + Les lécithines sont des composés naturels couramment utilisés dans l'industrie alimentaire comme + émulsifiants et stabilisants. + + Extraites de sources telles que le soja et les œufs, les lécithines sont constituées de + phospholipides qui permettent un meilleur mélange entre huile et eau, assurant des textures plus onctueuses + dans divers produits comme les chocolats, les vinaigrettes et les produits de boulangerie. + + **Ils ne présentent aucun risque connu pour la santé**. +"en:e330": + content: |- + L'acide citrique est un acide organique naturel présent dans les agrumes tels que + les citrons, les oranges et les citrons verts. + + Il est très utilisé dans l'industrie alimentaire comme exhausteur de goût, + acidifiant et conservateur en raison de son goût acidulé et rafraîchissant. + + L'acide citrique peut être consommé sans danger lorsqu'il est utilisé avec modération et est + considéré comme un additif alimentaire généralement reconnu comme sûr par + les agences sanitaires du monde entier. +"en:e407": + content: |- + La carraghénane (E407), dérivée d'algues rouges, est largement utilisée dans l'industrie alimentaire + comme agent gélifiant, épaississant et stabilisant, notamment dans les produits laitiers et carnés + . + + Il peut exister sous diverses formes, chacune conférant des + propriétés texturales distinctes aux aliments. + + Cependant, sa forme dégradée, souvent appelée poligeenan, **a soulevé + des problèmes de santé** en raison de ses effets inflammatoires potentiels et de sa + classification comme **possible humain cancérogène (Groupe 2B)** par le + Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (CIRC). + + Néanmoins, le carraghénane de qualité alimentaire a été jugé sûr par divers + organismes de réglementation lorsqu'il est consommé en quantités généralement présentes dans les aliments. +"en:e412": + content: |- + La gomme guar (E412) est un additif alimentaire naturel dérivé des graines de guar. + + Cette poudre blanche et inodore est appréciée pour ses remarquables propriétés épaississantes et + stabilisantes, ce qui en fait un ingrédient courant dans divers + produits alimentaires, notamment les sauces, les vinaigrettes et les glaces. + + Lorsqu'elle est utilisée avec modération, la gomme guar est considérée comme sans danger pour la consommation, + sans effets néfastes connus sur la santé. +"en:e415": + content: |- + La gomme xanthane (E415) est un polysaccharide naturel dérivé de sucres + fermentés, souvent utilisé dans l'industrie agroalimentaire comme agent épaississant et stabilisant + . + + Cet additif alimentaire polyvalent améliore la texture et empêche la séparation des ingrédients + dans une large gamme de produits, notamment les vinaigrettes, les + les sauces et les produits de boulangerie sans gluten. + + Il est considéré comme sans danger pour la consommation, même à des quantités élevées. +"en:e440": + content: |- + Les pectines (E440) sont des glucides naturels, présents principalement dans les fruits, + qui agissent comme agents gélifiants dans l'industrie alimentaire, créant la texture souhaitable + semblable à une gelée dans les confitures, gelées et marmelades. + + Les pectines stabilisent et épaississent divers produits alimentaires, tels que les desserts, les + confiseries et les boissons, garantissant une consistance uniforme et une + qualité. + + Reconnues comme sûres par diverses autorités sanitaires, les pectines ont été + largement utilisées sans effets indésirables notables lorsqu'elles sont consommées en quantités alimentaires typiques + . +"en:e450": + content: |- + Les diphosphates (E450) sont des additifs alimentaires souvent utilisés pour modifier la texture + des produits, agissant comme agents levants en pâtisserie et empêchant + la coagulation des aliments en conserve. + + Ces sels peuvent stabiliser la crème fouettée et se retrouvent également dans les produits + en poudre pour conserver leurs propriétés d'écoulement. Ils sont couramment présents dans + les produits de boulangerie, les viandes transformées et les boissons gazeuses. + + Dérivés de l'acide phosphorique, **ils font partie de notre apport quotidien en phosphate + , qui dépasse souvent les niveaux recommandés** en raison de la prévalence + des phosphates dans les aliments et boissons transformés. . + + La consommation excessive de phosphate est liée à des problèmes de santé, tels que + **une insuffisance rénale** et une **santé osseuse affaiblie**. Bien que les diphosphates + soient généralement considérés comme sûrs lorsqu'ils sont consommés dans les limites des apports quotidiens acceptables établis + , il est impératif de surveiller la consommation globale de phosphate + pour maintenir une santé optimale. +"en:e471": + content: |- + Les mono- et diglycérides d'acides gras (E471), sont des additifs alimentaires + couramment utilisés comme émulsifiants dans divers aliments transformés. + + Ces composés sont constitués de molécules de glycérol liées à une ou deux chaînes d'acides gras + , qui aident à stabiliser et à mélanger les ingrédients + à base d'eau et d'huile. Le E471 améliore la texture et la durée de conservation des produits + comme la margarine, les produits de boulangerie et la crème glacée, garantissant une texture lisse et + homogène. + + Il est généralement considéré comme sûr pour la consommation dans les + limites réglementaires établies. +"en:e500": + content: |- + Les carbonates de sodium (E500) sont des composés couramment utilisés dans la préparation des aliments + comme agents levants, aidant les produits de boulangerie à lever en libérant du dioxyde de carbone + lorsqu'ils interagissent avec les acides. + + Souvent présents dans le bicarbonate de soude, ils régulent le pH des aliments, les empêchant + de devenir trop acides ou trop alcalins. Dans le monde culinaire, les carbonates de sodium + peuvent également améliorer la texture et la structure des aliments, comme + les nouilles, en modifiant le réseau du gluten. + + Généralement reconnus comme sûrs, les carbonates de sodium ne sont pas toxiques lorsqu'ils sont + consommés en quantités typiques trouvées dans les aliments. +"en:e500ii": + content: |- + Le carbonate acide de sodium, également connu sous le nom de E500ii, est un additif alimentaire + couramment utilisé comme agent levant. + + Lorsqu'il est ajouté aux recettes, il libère du dioxyde de carbone lors de l'exposition à + de chaleur ou à des acides, provoquant la levée de la pâte et donnant une texture légère et moelleuse + aux produits de boulangerie. + + Il est généralement reconnu comme sûr (GRAS) par les autorités réglementaires lorsqu'il est + utilisé en quantités appropriées et ne présente aucun risque significatif pour la santé lorsqu'il est + consommé dans des applications alimentaires typiques. From 0c49915092fc1a314573ea48af49464214b5e5cf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Open Food Facts Bot <> Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 23:57:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 013/151] New translations world-en.yml (French) --- knowledge_panels/ingredients/world-fr.yml | 20 ++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/knowledge_panels/ingredients/world-fr.yml b/knowledge_panels/ingredients/world-fr.yml index f5dbaa540473..9b3f31c1d62c 100644 --- a/knowledge_panels/ingredients/world-fr.yml +++ b/knowledge_panels/ingredients/world-fr.yml @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ -en:corn-syrup: +"en:corn-syrup": content: |- - ***Qu'est-ce que c'est :*** Un sirop à base de fécule de maïs, souvent utilisé pour sucrer et épaissir les aliments transformés. - ***Types :*** Clair (clair et légèrement sucré) et foncé (au goût de caramel et moins sucré). - ***Problématiques :*** - - Teneur élevée en fructose, notamment sous forme de sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose (SHF). - - Lié à des problèmes de santé potentiels comme la prise de poids, les troubles métaboliques et les problèmes hépatiques. - - Peut contribuer à des « calories vides » ayant peu de valeur nutritionnelle. - - Le maïs est très gourmand en eau, ce qui soulève des inquiétudes quant au stress hydrique - - Sources : [OMS](, [WWF]( - -en:glucose-syrup: + - Teneur élevée en fructose, notamment sous forme de sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose (SHF). + - Lié à des problèmes de santé potentiels comme la prise de poids, les troubles métaboliques et les problèmes hépatiques. + - Peut contribuer à des « calories vides » ayant peu de valeur nutritionnelle. + - Le maïs est très gourmand en eau, ce qui soulève des inquiétudes quant au stress hydrique + - Sources : [OMS](, [WWF]( +"en:glucose-syrup": content: |- - ***Qu'est-ce que c'est :*** Un liquide épais et sucré, souvent à base de fécule de maïs ou de blé. - ***Pourquoi on l'utilise :*** Empêche la cristallisation du sucre dans les bonbons, garde les produits de boulangerie moelleux et ajoute de la douceur. - ***Problèmes de santé :*** Hautement transformé, pauvre en nutriments et peut contribuer à la prise de poids et à d'autres problèmes de santé. - ***Synonymes :*** « sirop de glucose », « sirop de maïs » ou « glucose de confiserie » dans les listes d'ingrédients. - ***Problématiques :*** - - Le sirop de glucose a généralement une teneur élevée en fructose, liée à des problèmes de santé potentiels comme la prise de poids, les troubles métaboliques et les problèmes hépatiques. - - Peut contribuer aux « calories vides » ayant peu de valeur nutritionnelle. - - Sources : [OMS]( + - Le sirop de glucose a généralement une teneur élevée en fructose, liée à des problèmes de santé potentiels comme la prise de poids, les troubles métaboliques et les problèmes hépatiques. + - Peut contribuer aux « calories vides » ayant peu de valeur nutritionnelle. + - Sources : [OMS]( From 370dbb4b4b1b3922cce6f8375667c70ca3d69266 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Open Food Facts Bot <> Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 23:57:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 014/151] New translations new-nutriscore.html (French) --- lang/fr/texts/new-nutriscore.html | 38 +++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/lang/fr/texts/new-nutriscore.html b/lang/fr/texts/new-nutriscore.html index f58d216d325a..10d3c612b29b 100644 --- a/lang/fr/texts/new-nutriscore.html +++ b/lang/fr/texts/new-nutriscore.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Nutri-Score est un logo qui a pour but de vous informer sur la qualité nutritionnelle des aliments. Le code couleur va du vert foncé (A) pour les produits les plus sains au rouge foncé (E) pour les moins sains.
Lisez notre page explicative sur le Nutri-Score @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@La formule du Nutri-Score évolue pour fournir de meilleures recommandations :
L'équipe scientifique d'EREN* a complètement revu l'algorithme utilisé pour calculer le Nutri-Score, ce qui a donné lieu à davantage de scores reflétant mieux la qualité nutritionnelle des produits, avec beaucoup d'entre eux perdant une note.
✅ Bannière distinctive pour nouveau calcul
La Nutri-Score v2 aura une bannière distinctive indiquant qu'il a été calculé à l'aide de la nouvelle formule. Bien que la bannière ne soit pas obligatoire sur les emballages, elle garantit que le Nutri-Score a été correctement calculé.
- +Nous pensons que Nutri-Score v2 est un outil précieux pour les consommateurs, les fabricants de produits alimentaires et les détaillants.
@@ -80,47 +80,47 @@Temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do Nutri-Score v2 no Open Food Facts, a primeira grande atualização do sistema de rotulagem nutricional.
Esta informação está hoje disponível na nossa aplicação móvel Open Food Facts para Android e iPhone, bem como no nosso sítio web, em linha com uma longa tradição de pioneirismo.
O Nutri-Score é um logótipo que tem como objetivo informá-lo sobre a qualidade nutricional dos alimentos. O código de cores varia entre o verde escuro (A) para os produtos mais saudáveis e o vermelho escuro (E) para os menos saudáveis.
Leia a nossa página de explicação sobre o Nutri-Score -A fórmula do Nutri-Score está a evoluir para fornecer melhores recomendações:
A partir de agora, o logótipo pode apresentar uma menção do "Novo cálculo" para esclarecer que se trata efetivamente do novo cálculo.
-O Nutri-Score está a ser utilizado em vários países: Alemanha, Bélgica, Espanha, França, Luxemburgo, Países Baixos e Suíça.
Os fabricantes têm até 2026, o mais tardar, para substituir o cálculo antigo pelo novo.
Sem esperar, já pode encontrar o novo cálculo na aplicação Open Food Facts, mesmo que os fabricantes não tenham atualizado a pontuação.
-O Nutri-Score é uma pontuação concebida para medir a qualidade nutricional. É complementar ao grupo NOVA sobre alimentos ultra-processados (também presente na aplicação).
Para os fabricantes, a indicação do Nutri-Score continua a ser opcional.
-"Este novo algoritmo aumentará a eficácia do Nutri-score na classificação de alimentos e bebidas, em conformidade com as principais recomendações dietéticas dos países europeus, e orientará os consumidores para escolhas informadas que são boas para a sua saúde" explica a Direção-Geral da Saúde francesa.
✅ Critério reforçado
A EREN (Equipa de Investigação em Epidemiologia Nutricional) reviu completamente o algoritmo utilizado para calcular o Nutri-Score, o que resultou em mais pontuações que reflectem melhor a qualidade nutricional dos produtos, tendo muitos deles perdido um nível na classificação.
✅ Faixa distintiva para novo cálculo
O Nutri-Score v2 terá uma faixa distintiva que indica que foi calculado utilizando a nova fórmula. Embora a faixa não seja obrigatória nas embalagens, garante que o Nutri-Score foi corretamente calculado.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is Acreditamos que o Nutri-Score v2 éuma ferramenta valiosa para os consumidores, fabricantes de alimentos e retalhistas.
✔ um resumo claro e conciso da qualidade nutricional de produtos,
✔ ajudar os consumidores a fazer escolhas informadas
✔ incentivar os fabricantes de géneros alimentares a melhorar o perfil nutricional dos seus produtos.
-Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer le lancement du Nutri-Score v2 sur Open Food Facts, la première mise à jour majeure du système d'étiquetage nutritionnel.
-Ceci est disponible dès aujourd'hui sur notre application mobile Open Food Facts pour Android et iPhone, ainsi que sur notre site Web, conformément à notre longue tradition de premières novatrices.
+Il est disponible dès aujourd'hui sur notre application mobile Open Food Facts pour Android et iPhone, ainsi que sur notre site Web, conformément à notre longue tradition de premières novatrices.
La formule du Nutri-Score évolue pour fournir de meilleures recommandations :
+La formule du Nutri-Score évolue pour fournir de meilleures recommandations basées sur de nouvelles connaissances scientifiques:
"Ce nouvel algorithme permettra d'améliorer l'efficacité du Nutri-score dans la classification des aliments et des boissons, en ligne avec les principales recommandations alimentaires des pays européens, et d'orienter les consommateurs vers des choix éclairés et bons pour leur santé" >explique la Direction générale de la santé (France).
✅Critères renforcés
-L'équipe scientifique d'EREN* a complètement revu l'algorithme utilisé pour calculer le Nutri-Score, ce qui a donné lieu à davantage de scores reflétant mieux la qualité nutritionnelle des produits, avec beaucoup d'entre eux perdant une note.
+L'équipe scientifique EREN a complètement revu l'algorithme utilisé pour calculer le Nutri-Score, ce qui a donné lieu à davantage de scores reflétant mieux la qualité nutritionnelle des produits, avec beaucoup d'entre eux perdant une note.
✅ Bannière distinctive pour nouveau calcul
La Nutri-Score v2 aura une bannière distinctive indiquant qu'il a été calculé à l'aide de la nouvelle formule. Bien que la bannière ne soit pas obligatoire sur les emballages, elle garantit que le Nutri-Score a été correctement calculé.
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@אנו נרגשים להכריז על השקת גרסה 2 של Nutri-Score ב־Open Food Facts, השדרוג המשמעותי הראשון של מערכת הסימון התזונתי.
היא זמינה כבר היום דרך היישומון של Open Food Facts לניידים ב־Android וב־iPhone, כמו גם באתר שלנו, כדי לשמר את המסורת החלוציות שלנו.
Nutri-Score הוא לוגו שמטרתו ליידע אותך על האיכות התזונתית של המזון. קוד הצבעים נע בין ירוק כהה (A) עבור המוצרים הבריאים ביותר לאדום כהה (E) עבור הפחות בריאים.
מזמינים אותך לקרוא את עמוד ההסבר שלנו על Nutri-Score -נוסחת Nutri-Score מתפתחת כדי לספק המלצות טובות יותר:
מעתה, הלוגו יציג אזכור „נוסחה חדשה” (New calculation) כדי להבהיר שאכן זו הנוסחה החדשה.
-Nutri-Score נמצא בשימוש במספר מדינות: גרמניה, בלגיה, ספרד, צרפת, לוקסמבורג, הולנד, ושווייץ.
ליצרנים יש עד 2026 לכל המאוחר להחליף את החישוב הישן בחדש.
מבלי להמתין, אפשר כבר למצוא את החישוב החדש ביישומון של Open Food Facts, אפילו אם היצרנים עדיין לא עדכנו את הדירוג.
-Nutri-Score הוא ציון שנועד למדוד איכות תזונתית. הוא משלים לקבוצת NOVA על מזון אולטרה מעובד (קיים גם הוא ביישומון).
ליצרנים, התצוגה של Nutri-Score נותרת בגדר רשות.
-„האלגוריתם החדש הזה ישפר את היעילות של Nutri-score בסיווג מאכלים ומשקאות, כדי לעמוד בשורה אחת עם ההמלצות התזונתיות העיקריות של המדינות האירופיות ומנחה את הצרכנים לבצע בחירות פיכחות יותר שמסייעות לבריאות שלהם”כך מסביר מנכ״ל משרד הבריאות הצרפתי.
✅ התנאים הוקשחו
הצוות המדעי EREN* סקר מא׳ ועד ת׳ את האלגוריתם שמשמש לחישוב Nutri-Score, ובכך יותר דירוגים משקפים בצורה נאמנה יותר את האיכות התזונתית של מוצרים, והרבה מהם זכו לדירוג פחות מחמיא.
✅ כרזה מובחנת לנוסחה החדשה
-לגרסה 2 שלNutri-Score תהיה כרזה מובחנת שמציינת שהחישוב בוצע על סמך הנוסחה החדשה. למרות שהדפסת הכרזה על אריזות אינה מחייבת, היא מספקת ערובה לכך ש־Nutri-Score חושב כראוי.
- -לגרסה 2 שלNutri-Score יהיה סימון מובחן שמציין שהחישוב בוצע על סמך הנוסחה החדשה. למרות שהדפסת הכרזה על אריזות אינה מחייבת, היא מספקת ערובה לכך ש־Nutri-Score חושב כראוי.
+ +אנו מאמינים שגרסה 2 של Nutri-Score היא כלי רב־ערך לצרכנים, יצרני מזון וספקים כאחד.
הוא מספק:
-✔ תקציר ברור ותמציתי של האיכות התזונתית של מוצרים,
-✔ סיוע לצרכנים להחליט בצורה יותר מפוכחת
-✔ עידוד יצרני המזון לשפר את הפרופיל התזונתי של המוצרים שלהם.
-✔ תקציר ברור ותמציתי של האיכות התזונתית של מוצרים,
+✔סיוע לצרכנים להחליט בצורה יותר מפוקחת
+✔עידוד יצרני המזון לשפר את הפרופיל התזונתי של המוצרים שלהם.
+We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Nutri-Score est un logo qui a pour but de vous informer sur la qualité nutritionnelle des aliments. Le code couleur va du vert foncé (A) pour les produits les plus sains au rouge foncé (E) pour les moins sains.
Lisez notre page explicative sur le Nutri-Score @@ -19,7 +17,7 @@La formule du Nutri-Score évolue pour fournir de meilleures recommandations basées sur de nouvelles connaissances scientifiques:
Désormais, le logo peut afficher une "Nouveau calcul" mention pour préciser que c'est bien le nouveau calcul.
Le Nutri-Score est utilisé dans plusieurs pays : Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, France, Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas, et la Suisse.
-Les fabricants ont jusqu'en **2026** au plus tard **pour remplacer** l'ancien calcul par le nouveau.
+Le nouveau Nutri-Score est déjà utilisé dans plusieurs pays : Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas, et la Suisse.
+Les fabricants ont au maximum 2 ans après la signature de l'arrêté **pour remplacer** l'ancien calcul par le nouveau.
Sans attendre, vous pouvez déjà retrouver le nouveau calcul dans l'application Open Food Facts, même si les fabricants n'ont pas mis à jour le score.
Le Nutri-Score est un score conçu pour mesurer la qualité nutritionnelle. Il est complémentaire du groupe NOVA sur les aliments ultra-transformés (également présent dans l'application).
+En France, le nouveau calcul du Nutri-Score entrera en vigueur une fois l'arrêté signé. Le nouveau calcul arrivera ensuite progressivement sur les emballages des produits.
Pour les fabricants, l’affichage du Nutri-Score reste facultatif.
Nos complace anunciar el lanzamiento de Nutri-Score v2 en Open Food Facts, la primera actualización importante del sistema de etiquetado nutricional.
Está disponible hoy en nuestra aplicación móvil Open Food Facts para Android e iPhone, así como en nuestro sitio web con una larga tradición de ideas innovadoras.
Nutri-Score es un logotipo que tiene como objetivo informarle sobre la calidad nutricional de los alimentos. El código de color va desde el verde oscuro (A) para los productos más saludables hasta el rojo oscuro (E) para los menos saludables.
Lea nuestra página de explicación sobre Nutri-Score -La fórmula Nutri-Score está evolucionando para proporcionar mejores recomendaciones:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score se utiliza en varios países, Alemania, Bélgica, España, Francia, Luxemburgo, Los Países Bajos y Suiza.
-Los fabricantes tienen hasta 2026 a más tardar para sustituir el antiguo cálculo por el nuevo.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Sin esperar, ya puedes encontrar el nuevo cálculo en la aplicación 'Open Food Facts' incluso si los fabricantes no han actualizado la valoración.
-Nutri-Score es una puntuación diseñada para medir la calidad nutricional. Es complementario al grupo NOVA sobre alimentos ultraprocesados (también presente en la aplicación).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Para los fabricantes, la visualización de Nutri-Score sigue siendo opcional.
-"Este nuevo algoritmo mejorará la efectividad del Nutri-Score en la clasificación de alimentos y bebidas, de acuerdo con las principales recomendaciones dietéticas de los países europeos, y guiará a los consumidores hacia elecciones conscientes que son buenas para la salud" explica la Dirección General de Salud de Francia.
✅ Criterio fortalecido
El equipo científico EREN ha revisado completamente el algoritmo usado para calcular el Nutri-Score, lo que resulta en más calificaciones que reflejan mejor la calidad nutricional de productos, con mucho de ellos perdiendo un grado.
✅ Banner distintivo para un nuevo cálculo
Nutri-Score v2 tendrá un banner distintivo indicando que ha sido calculado usando la nueva fórmula. Si bien el banner no es obligatorio en los envases, garantiza que el Nutri-Score sea calculado correctamente.
- -Creemos que Nutri-Score v2 es una herramienta valiosa para los consumidores, fabricantes de alimentos y comercios minoristas por igual.
+It provides:
✔ un resumen claro y conciso de la calidad nutricional de los productos,
✔ ayudando a los consumidores a tomar decisiones informadas
✔ alentar a los fabricantes de alimentos a mejorar el perfil nutricional de sus productos.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
-Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Jsme nadšeni, že můžeme oznámit spuštění Nutri-Score v2 na Open Food Facts, první větší upgrade systému nutričního označování.
Již dnes je k dispozici v naší mobilní aplikaci Open Food Facts pro Android a iPhone a také na našem webu, v souladu s dlouhou tradicí průkopnických prvenství.
Nutri-Score je logo, jehož cílem je informovat vás o nutriční kvalitě potravin. Barevný kód se pohybuje od tmavě zelené (A) pro nejzdravější produkty po tmavě červenou (E) pro ty nejméně zdravé.
-Přečtěte si naši stránku vysvětlující Nutri-Score -Vzorec pro Nutri-Score se vyvíjí k poskytování lepších doporučení:
Od této chvíle může logo zobrazovat spojení "Nový výpočet", aby bylo jasné, že se skutečně jedná o nový výpočet.
-Nutri-Score se používá v několika zemích: Německo, Belgie, Španělsko, Francie, Lucembursko, Nizozemsko a Švýcarsko.
-Výrobci mají nejpozději do roku 2026 čas nahradit starý výpočet novým.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Bez čekání, již nyní můžete najít nový výpočet v aplikaci Open Food Facts, i když výrobci skóre neaktualizovali.
-Nutri-Score je skóre navržené k měření nutriční kvality. Je doplňkem skupiny NOVA pro ultra zpracované potraviny (taktéž přítomných v aplikaci).
+ +Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Pro výrobce zůstává zobrazení Nutri-Score nepovinné.
-"Tento nový algoritmus zvýší účinnost Nutri-Score při klasifikaci potravin a nápojů, v souladu s hlavními stravovacími doporučeními evropských zemí, a povede spotřebitele k informovaným možnostem, které jsou dobré pro jejich zdraví" vysvětluje francouzské generální ředitelství pro zdraví.
✅ Posílené kritérium
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Rozlišující banner pro nový výpočet
-Nutri-Score v2 bude mít rozlišovací banner označující, že byl vypočítán pomocí nového vzorce. I když banner není na balíčcích povinný, poskytuje záruku, že Nutri-Score bylo správně vypočítáno.
- -Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
+ +We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
+It provides:
+✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
+✔ helping consumers make informed choices
+✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
+Věříme, že Nutri-Score v2 je cenným nástrojem pro spotřebitele, výrobce potravin i maloobchodníky.
-✔ jasné a stručné shrnutí nutriční kvality produktů,
-✔ pomoc spotřebitelům činit informovaná rozhodnutí
-✔ podporu výrobců potravin ke zlepšení nutričního profilu svých produktů.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Wir freuen uns, die Einführung von Nutri-Score v2 auf Open Food Facts anzukündigen, die erste große Aktualisierung des Nährwertkennzeichnungssystems.
Diese Informationen sind ab heute auf unserer mobilen Open Food Facts-App für Android und iPhone sowie auf unserer Website verfügbar und stehen damit in einer langen Tradition von wegweisenden Neuerungen.
Nutri-Score ist ein Logo, das Sie über die Nährwertqualität von Lebensmitteln informieren soll. Der Farbcode reicht von dunkelgrün (A) für die gesündesten Produkte bis dunkelrot (E) für die ungesündesten.
Lesen Sie unsere Erläuterungen zum Nutri-Score -Die Nutri-Score-Formel wird weiterentwickelt, um bessere Empfehlungen geben zu können:
Von nun an kann das Logo den Hinweis „Neue Berechnung” enthalten, um zu verdeutlichen, dass es sich tatsächlich um die neue Berechnung handelt.
-Nutri-Score wird in mehreren Ländern verwendet: Deutschland, Belgien, Spanien, Frankreich, Luxemburg, den Niederlanden, und der Schweiz.
-Die Hersteller haben bis spätestens 2026 Zeit, die alte Berechnung durch die neue zu ersetzen.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Ohne zu warten, können Sie die neue Berechnung bereits in der Anwendung Open Food Facts finden, auch wenn die Hersteller den Wert nicht aktualisiert haben.
-Nutri-Score ist ein Punktesystem zur Messung der Nährwertqualität. Er ergänzt die NOVA-Gruppe für ultrahochverarbeitete Lebensmittel (ebenfalls in der App enthalten).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Für die Hersteller bleibt die Angabe des Nutri-Score eine freiwillige Angabe.
-„Dieser neue Algorithmus wird die Wirksamkeit des Nutri-Score bei der Klassifizierung von Lebensmitteln und Getränken in Übereinstimmung mit den wichtigsten Ernährungsempfehlungen der europäischen Länder erhöhen und den Verbrauchern eine fundierte und gesundheitsfördernde Wahl ermöglichen“, erklärt die französische Generaldirektion für Gesundheit.
✅ Verschärfte Kriterien
Das EREN*-Wissenschaftlerteam hat den Algorithmus zur Berechnung des Nutri-Score vollständig überarbeitet. Das Ergebnis sind mehr Punkte, die die ernährungsphysiologische Qualität der Produkte besser widerspiegeln, wobei viele von ihnen eine Abstufung erfahren.
✅ Unverwechselbarer Banner für neue Berechnung
Nutri-Score v2 wird mit einem auffälligen Banner versehen sein, das darauf hinweist, dass er mit der neuen Formel berechnet wurde. Das Banner ist auf den Packungen zwar nicht verpflichtend, gibt aber die Sicherheit, dass der Nutri-Score korrekt berechnet wurde.
- -Wir glauben, dass Nutri-Score v2 ein wertvolles Instrument für Verbraucher, Lebensmittelhersteller und Einzelhändler gleichermaßen ist.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ eine klare und übersichtliche Zusammenfassung der Nährwertqualität der Produkte,
✔ Verbrauchern helfen, informierte Entscheidungen zu treffen
✔ Lebensmittelhersteller zu ermutigen, das Nährwertprofil ihrer Produkte zu verbessern.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Olemme innoissamme voidessamme ilmoittaa Nutri-Score v2:n julkaisusta Open Food Factsissa, joka on ensimmäinen suuri päivitys ravintoarvomerkintäjärjestelmään.
Tämä on saatavilla tänään Open Food Facts -mobiilisovelluksessamme Androidille ja iPhonelle sekä verkkosivustollamme pitkän uraauurtavan perinteen mukaisesti.
Nutri-Score on logo, jonka tarkoituksena on kertoa sinulle elintarvikkeiden ravintoarvosta. Värikoodi vaihtelee tummanvihreästä (A) terveellisimmille tuotteille tummanpunaiseen (E) vähiten terveellisimmille tuotteille.
-Lue selityssivumme Nutri-Scoresta -Nutri-Score-kaava kehittyy tarjoamaan parempia suosituksia:
Tästä eteenpäin logossa voi näkyä "Uusi laskukaava" maininta selventääkseen, että kyseessä on todellakin uusi laskelma.
-Nutri-Score on käytössä useissa maissa: Saksassa, Belgiassa, Espanjassa, Ranskassa, Luxemburgissa, Alankomaat, ja Sveitsi.
-Valmistajilla on viimeistään vuoteen 2026 asti aikaa korvata vanha laskelma uudella.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Odotamatta löydät jo uuden laskelman Open Food Facts -sovelluksesta, , vaikka valmistajat eivät olisikaan päivittäneet pistemäärää.
-Nutri-Score on pistemäärä, joka on suunniteltu mittaamaan ravitsemuksellista laatua. Se täydentää ultraprosessoitujen elintarvikkeiden NOVA-ryhmää (myös sovelluksessa).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Valmistajille Nutri-Score-näyttö pysyy valinnaisena.
-"Tämä uusi algoritmi parantaa Nutri-scoren tehokkuutta elintarvikkeiden ja juomien luokittelussa Euroopan maiden pääruokasuositusten mukaisesti, ja ohjaa kuluttajia tekemään terveydelleen hyödyllisiä valintoja" selittää Ranskan terveysministeriön pääjohtaja.
✅ Vahvistettu kriteeri
ERENin (Ravitsemusepidemiologian tutkimusryhmä) tieteellinen tiimi on täysin arvioinut algoritmin, jota käytetään Nutri-Scoren laskemiseen, mikä johti parempiin pisteisiin, jotka heijastavat paremmin tuotteiden ravitsemuksellista laatua, monien niistä menettäessä tason.
✅ Erottuva banneri uutta laskelmaa varten
-Nutri-Score v2:ssa on erottuva banneri joka osoittaa, että se on laskettu käyttämällä uutta kaavaa. Vaikka banneri ei ole pakollinen pakkauksissa, se takaa, että Nutri-Score on laskettu oikein.
- -Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
+ +We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
+It provides:
+✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
+✔ helping consumers make informed choices
+✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
+Uskomme, että Nutri-Score v2 on arvokas työkalu kuluttajille, elintarvikevalmistajille ja jälleenmyyjille.
-Se tarjoaa:
-✔ selkeän ja ytimekkään yhteenvedon tuotteiden ravintoarvosta ,
-✔ avun kuluttajille tietoisten valintojen tekemiseen
-✔ rohkaisua elintarvikevalmistajille parantamaan tuotteidensa ravintoarvoa.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Nutri-Score הוא לוגו שמטרתו ליידע אותך על האיכות התזונתית של המזון. קוד הצבעים נע בין ירוק כהה (A) עבור המוצרים הבריאים ביותר לאדום כהה (E) עבור הפחות בריאים.
מזמינים אותך לקרוא את עמוד ההסבר שלנו על Nutri-Score @@ -19,8 +17,8 @@נוסחת Nutri-Score מתפתחת כדי לספק המלצות טובות יותר:
מעתה, הלוגו יציג אזכור „נוסחה חדשה” (New calculation) כדי להבהיר שאכן זו הנוסחה החדשה.
Nutri-Score נמצא בשימוש במספר מדינות: גרמניה, בלגיה, ספרד, צרפת, לוקסמבורג, הולנד, ושווייץ.
-ליצרנים יש עד 2026 לכל המאוחר להחליף את החישוב הישן בחדש.
+Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
מבלי להמתין, אפשר כבר למצוא את החישוב החדש ביישומון של Open Food Facts, אפילו אם היצרנים עדיין לא עדכנו את הדירוג.
Nutri-Score הוא ציון שנועד למדוד איכות תזונתית. הוא משלים לקבוצת NOVA על מזון אולטרה מעובד (קיים גם הוא ביישומון).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
ליצרנים, התצוגה של Nutri-Score נותרת בגדר רשות.
הצוות המדעי EREN* סקר מא׳ ועד ת׳ את האלגוריתם שמשמש לחישוב Nutri-Score, ובכך יותר דירוגים משקפים בצורה נאמנה יותר את האיכות התזונתית של מוצרים, והרבה מהם זכו לדירוג פחות מחמיא.
✅ כרזה מובחנת לנוסחה החדשה
לגרסה 2 שלNutri-Score יהיה סימון מובחן שמציין שהחישוב בוצע על סמך הנוסחה החדשה. למרות שהדפסת הכרזה על אריזות אינה מחייבת, היא מספקת ערובה לכך ש־Nutri-Score חושב כראוי.
- +אנו מאמינים שגרסה 2 של Nutri-Score היא כלי רב־ערך לצרכנים, יצרני מזון וספקים כאחד.
@@ -85,46 +84,46 @@We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Siamo entusiasti di annunciare il lancio di Nutri-Score v2 su Open Food Facts, il primo importante aggiornamento del sistema di etichettatura nutrizionale.
Ciò è disponibile oggi sulla nostra applicazione mobile Open Food Facts per Android e iPhone, nonché sul nostro sito web, in linea con una lunga tradizione di primati pionieristici.
Il Nutri-Score è un logo che mira a informarti sulla qualità nutrizionale del cibo. Il codice colore varia dal verde scuro (A) per i prodotti più sani al rosso scuro (E) per i meno salutari.
Leggi la nostra pagina di spiegazione sul Nutri-Score -La formula del Nutri-Score si sta evolvendo per fornire raccomandazioni migliori:
D'ora in poi, il logo può mostrare la menzione "Nuovo calcolo" per chiarire che si tratti effettivamente del nuovo calcolo.
-Il Nutri-Score è in uso in diversi paesi: Germania, Belgio, Spagna, Francia, Lussemburgo, Paesi Bassi e Svizzera.
-I produttori hanno tempo al massimo fino al 2026 per sostituire il vecchio calcolo con quello nuovo.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Senza dover aspettare, potete già trovare il nuovo calcolo nell'applicazione di Open Food Facts, anche se i produttori non hanno aggiornato il punteggio.
-Il Nutri-Score è un punteggio progettato per misurare la qualità nutrizionale. È complementare al gruppo NOVA sugli alimenti ultra-trasformati (anch'esso presente nell'applicazione).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Per i produttori, l'esposizione del Nutri-Score rimane facoltativa.
-"Questo nuovo algoritmo rafforzerà l'efficacia del Nutri-score nel classificare cibi e bevande, in linea con le principali raccomandazioni alimentari dei Paesi europei e guiderà i consumatori verso scelte informate che siano buone per la loro salute" spiega la Direzione Generale della Salute francese.
✅ Criterio rafforzato
Il gruppo scientifico EREN (Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team) ha completamente revisionato l'algoritmo usato per calcolare il Nutri-Score, dando come risultato più punteggi che riflettono meglio la qualità nutrizionale dei prodotti, con molti dei punteggi ridotti di un livello.
✅ Una striscia distintiva per il nuovo calcolo
Il Nutri-Score v2 avrà una striscia distintiva la quale indica che è stato calcolato usando la nuova formula. Sebbene la striscia non sia obbligatoria sulle confezioni, assicura che il Nutri-Score sia stato calcolato correttamente.
- -Crediamo che il Nutri-Score v2 sia uno strumento prezioso allo stesso modo per i consumatori, per i produttori di alimenti e per i rivenditori.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ un riepilogo chiaro e conciso della qualità nutrizionale dei prodotti,
✔ un aiuto ai consumatori nel fare scelte informate
✔ un incoraggiamento ai produttori alimentari a migliorare il profilo nutrizionale dei loro prodotti.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
- -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Nutri-Score is een logo dat tot doel heeft u te informeren over de voedingskwaliteit van voedsel. Het kleurcode varieert van donkergroen (A) voor de gezondste producten tot donkerrood (E) voor de minst gezonde.
Lees onze uitlegpagina over de Nutri-Score @@ -19,8 +17,8 @@De Nutri-Score-formule evolueert om betere aanbevelingen te doen:
Vanaf nu kan het logo een "nieuwe berekening" aanhalen om te verduidelijken dat het inderdaad om de nieuwe berekening gaat.
Nutri-Score wordt in verschillende landen gebruikt: Duitsland, België, Spanje, Frankrijk, Luxemburg, Nederland, en Zwitserland.
-Fabrikanten hebben tot uiterlijk 2026 de tijd om de oude berekening door de nieuwe te vervangen.
+Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Zonder te wachten kun je de nieuwe berekening al vinden in de Open Food Facts-applicatie, , zelfs als de fabrikanten de score niet hebben bijgewerkt.
Nutri-Score is een score die is ontworpen om de voedingskwaliteit te meten. Het is complementair aan de NOVA-groep op ultrabewerkte voedingsmiddelen (ook aanwezig in de applicatie).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Voor fabrikanten blijft de weergave van Nutri-Score optioneel.
Het wetenschappelijke team EREN (Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team) heeft het algoritme dat wordt gebruikt om de Nutri-Score te berekenen grondig doorgelicht, met als resultaat dat er meer scores zijn die de voedselkwaliteit van producten beter weerspiegelen, waarbij veel producten minder goed scoren.
✅ Opvallende banner voor nieuwe berekening
Nutri-Score v2 heeft een opvallende banner die aangeeft dat deze is berekend met de nieuwe formule. Hoewel de banner niet verplicht is op verpakkingen, biedt deze wel de zekerheid dat de Nutri-Score correct is berekend.
- +We geloven dat Nutri-Score v2 een waardevol instrument is voor zowel consumenten, voedselproducenten en retailers.
@@ -85,46 +84,46 @@We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
- -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-O Nutri-Score é um logótipo que tem como objetivo informá-lo sobre a qualidade nutricional dos alimentos. O código de cores varia entre o verde escuro (A) para os produtos mais saudáveis e o vermelho escuro (E) para os menos saudáveis.
Leia a nossa página de explicação sobre o Nutri-Score @@ -19,8 +17,8 @@A fórmula do Nutri-Score está a evoluir para fornecer melhores recomendações:
A partir de agora, o logótipo pode apresentar uma menção do "Novo cálculo" para esclarecer que se trata efetivamente do novo cálculo.
O Nutri-Score está a ser utilizado em vários países: Alemanha, Bélgica, Espanha, França, Luxemburgo, Países Baixos e Suíça.
-Os fabricantes têm até 2026, o mais tardar, para substituir o cálculo antigo pelo novo.
+Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Sem esperar, já pode encontrar o novo cálculo na aplicação Open Food Facts, mesmo que os fabricantes não tenham atualizado a pontuação.
O Nutri-Score é uma pontuação concebida para medir a qualidade nutricional. É complementar ao grupo NOVA sobre alimentos ultra-processados (também presente na aplicação).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Para os fabricantes, a indicação do Nutri-Score continua a ser opcional.
A EREN (Equipa de Investigação em Epidemiologia Nutricional) reviu completamente o algoritmo utilizado para calcular o Nutri-Score, o que resultou em mais pontuações que reflectem melhor a qualidade nutricional dos produtos, tendo muitos deles perdido um nível na classificação.
✅ Faixa distintiva para novo cálculo
O Nutri-Score v2 terá uma faixa distintiva que indica que foi calculado utilizando a nova fórmula. Embora a faixa não seja obrigatória nas embalagens, garante que o Nutri-Score foi corretamente calculado.
- +We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is Acreditamos que o Nutri-Score v2 éuma ferramenta valiosa para os consumidores, fabricantes de alimentos e retalhistas.
@@ -85,46 +84,46 @@We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
-Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
-Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Ми раді оголосити запуск Nutri-Score v2 на Open Food Facts, перше значне оновлення системи маркування поживних речовин.
Це доступно сьогодні в нашому мобільному додатку Open Food Facts для Android та iPhone, а також на нашому вебсайті відповідно до давньої традиції першопрохідців.
Nutri-Score - це логотип, який має на меті інформувати вас про поживну якість їжі. Колірний код коливається від темно-зеленого (A) для найздоровіших продуктів до темно-червоного (E) для найменш здорових.
-Прочитайте нашу сторінку з поясненнями щодо Nutri-Score -Nutri-Score - це логотип, який має на меті інформувати вас про поживну якість їжі. Колірний код коливається від темно-зеленого (A) для найздоровіших продуктів до темно-червоного (E) для найменш здорових.
Відтепер логотип може показувати згадку «**Новий розрахунок**», щоб уточнити, що це справді новий розрахунок.
-Формула Nutri-Score **еволюціонує**, щоб надавати кращі рекомендації:
-Постачальники мають до **2026 року** останній термін **на заміну** старого розрахунку на новий.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Відтепер логотип може показувати згадку «**Новий розрахунок**», щоб уточнити, що це справді новий розрахунок.
-Nutri-Score – це оцінка, розроблена для **вимірювання якості харчування**. Він **доповнює групу NOVA** щодо **ультраоброблених продуктів** (також присутня в додатку).
+ +Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Nutri-Score використовується в кількох країнах: Німеччина, Бельгія, Іспанія, Франція, Люксембург, Нідерланди, та Швейцарія.
-Постачальники мають до **2026 року** останній термін **на заміну** старого розрахунку на новий.
-Не чекаючи, , ви вже можете знайти новий розрахунок у додатку Open Food Facts, , навіть якщо виробники не оновили оцінку.
+Не чекаючи, , ви вже можете знайти новий розрахунок у додатку Open Food Facts, , навіть якщо виробники не оновили оцінку.
Наукова група EREN* повністю переглянула алгоритм , який використовувався для розрахунку Nutri-Score, у результаті чого було отримано більше балів, які краще показують поживну якість продуктів, з багато з них втратили оцінки.
✅ Відмінний банер для нового розрахунку
-Nutri-Score v2 матиме відмінний банер, який вказує на те, що його було розраховано за новою формулою. Хоча банер не є обов’язковим на пакуванні, він гарантує, що Nutri-Score було правильно розраховано.
- -Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
+ +We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
+It provides:
+✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
+✔ helping consumers make informed choices
+✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
+Ми вважаємо, що Nutri-Score v2 є цінним інструментом для споживачів, виробників харчових продуктів та роздрібних торговців.
-Це забезпечує:
-✔ чіткий і стислий опис поживної якості продуктів,
-✔ допомагати споживачам робити усвідомлений вибір
-✔ заохочення виробників харчових продуктів покращувати харчовий профіль своїх продуктів.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
-Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
+ +We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
-Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
+ +We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-ScoreThe Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- +We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -85,46 +84,46 @@We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-Temos o prazer de anunciar o lançamento do Nutri-Score v2 no Open Food Facts, a primeira grande atualização do sistema de rotulagem nutricional.
Isso está disponível hoje em nosso aplicativo móvel Open Food Facts para Android e iPhone, bem como em nosso site, em linha com uma longa tradição de pioneirismo.
Nutri-Score é um logotipo que visa informar sobre a qualidade nutricional dos alimentos. O código de cores varia de verde escuro (A) para os produtos mais saudáveis a vermelho escuro (E) para os menos saudáveis.
Leia nossa página explicativa sobre o Nutri-Score -A fórmula do Nutri-Score está evoluindo para fornecer melhores recomendações:
A partir de agora, o logotipo pode exibir uma menção "Novo cálculo" para esclarecer que é de fato o novo cálculo.
-O Nutri-Score é usado em vários países: Alemanha, Bélgica, Espanha, França, Luxemburgo, Holanda, e Suíça.
-Os fabricantes têm até 2026, no máximo, para substituir o cálculo antigo pelo novo.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Sem esperar, você já pode encontrar o novo cálculo no aplicativo Open Food Facts, mesmo que os fabricantes não tenham atualizado a pontuação.
-O Nutri-Score é uma pontuação criada para medir a qualidade nutricional. É complementar ao grupo NOVA sobre alimentos ultraprocessados (também presente no aplicativo).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Para os fabricantes, a exibição do Nutri-Score continua sendo opcional.
-"Este novo algoritmo aumentará a eficácia do Nutri-score na classificação de alimentos e bebidas, em linha com as principais recomendações alimentares dos países europeus, e orientará os consumidores para escolhas ponderadas que sejam boas para sua saúde" explica a Direção-Geral da Saúde francesa.
✅ Critério reforçado
A equipe científica da EREN* revisou completamente o algoritmo usado para calcular o Nutri-Score, resultando em mais pontuações que refletem melhor a qualidade nutricional dos produtos, com muitos deles perdendo uma nota.
✅ Banner distinto para novo cálculo
O Nutri-Score v2 terá um banner distinto indicando que foi calculado usando a nova fórmula. Embora o banner não seja obrigatório nas embalagens, ele garante que o Nutri-Score foi calculado corretamente.
- -Acreditamos que o Nutri-Score v2 é uma ferramenta valiosa para consumidores, fabricantes de alimentos e varejistas.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ um resumo claro e conciso da qualidade nutricional dos produtos,
✔ ajuda para os consumidores fazerem escolhas informadas
✔ incentivo aos fabricantes de alimentos a melhorar o perfil nutricional de seus produtos.
-Kami dengan bangga mengumumkan peluncuran Nutri-Score v2 di Open Food Facts, peningkatan besar pertama dari sistem pelabelan nutrisi.
Ini tersedia hari ini di aplikasi seluler Open Food Facts untuk Android dan iPhone, serta di situs web kami, sejalan dengan tradisi panjang kami dalam merintis sesuatu yang pertama.
Nutri-Score merupakan logo yang dimaksudkan untuk memberikan informasi kualitas gizi makanan kepada Anda. Kode warna bervariasi mulai dari hijau tua (A) untuk produk paling sehat hingga merah tua (E) untuk produk paling tidak sehat.
Baca halaman penjelasan kami tentang Nutri-Score -Formula Nutri-Score berkembang agar bisa memberikan rekomendasi yang lebih baik:
Mulai sekarang, logo dapat menampilkan keterangan "Perhitungan baru" untuk memperjelas bahwa ini adalah perhitungan baru.
-Nutri-Score digunakan di beberapa negara: Jerman, Belgia, Spanyol, Prancis, Luksemburg, Belanda, dan Swiss.
-Produsen memiliki waktu paling lambat hingga tahun 2026 untuk mengganti perhitungan lama dengan yang baru.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Tanpa menunggu, Anda sudah bisa menemukan perhitungan baru di aplikasi Open Food Facts, meskipun produsen belum memperbarui skornya.
-Nutri-Score adalah skor yang dirancang untuk mengukur kualitas nutrisi,. Ini merupakan pelengkap dari kelompok NOVA untuk makanan ultra-proses (juga ada dalam aplikasi).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Bagi produsen, tampilan Nutri-Score tetap opsional.
-“Algoritme baru ini akan meningkatkan efektivitas Nutri-score dalam mengklasifikasikan makanan dan minuman, sejalan dengan rekomendasi diet utama negara-negara Eropa, dan memandu konsumen ke arah pilihan-pilihan berdasarkan informasi yang baik untuk kesehatan mereka,” demikian penjelasan Direktorat Jenderal Kesehatan Prancis.
✅ Kriteria yang diperkuat
Tim ilmiah EREN* telah sepenuhnya meninjau ulang algoritme yang digunakan untuk menghitung Nutri-Score, sehingga menghasilkan lebih banyak skor yang lebih mencerminkan kualitas nutrisi produk, dan banyak di antaranya yang mengalami penurunan nilai.
✅ Spanduk khusus untuk perhitungan baru
Nutri-Score v2 akan memiliki spanduk berbeda yang menunjukkan bahwa Nutri-Score telah dihitung menggunakan rumus yang baru. Meskipun spanduk ini tidak wajib dicantumkan pada kemasan, namun spanduk ini memberikan jaminan bahwa Nutri-Score telah dihitung dengan benar.
- -Kami percaya bahwa Nutri-Score v2 adalah alat yang sangat berharga bagi konsumen, produsen makanan, dan peritel.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ ringkasan yang jelas dan ringkas tentang kualitas nutrisi produk,
✔ membantu konsumen membuat pilihan berdasarkan informasi
✔ mendorong produsen makanan untuk meningkatkan profil nutrisi produk mereka.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-, ஊட்டச்சத்து லேபிளிங் அமைப்பின் முதல் பெரிய மேம்படுத்தலான ஓபன் ஃபுட் ஃபேக்ட்ஸ்இல் நியூட்ரி-ஸ்கோர் v2 அறிமுகத்தை அறிவிப்பதில் நாங்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியடைகிறோம்.
இது இன்று எங்கள் ஆண்ட்ராய்ட் மற்றும் ஐபோனுக்கான ஓப்பன் ஃபுட் ஃபேக்ட்ஸ் மொபைல் ஆப்'களிலும் ஸிலும், அதே போல் எங்கள் இணையதளத்திலும், முன்னோடியான முதல்வரின் நீண்ட பாரம்பரியத்திற்கு ஏற்பக் கிடைக்கிறது.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN (Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team) scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-เรารู้สึกตื่นเต้นที่จะประกาศ การเปิดตัว Nutri-Score v2 ซึ่งเป็นการอัปเกรดครั้งใหญ่ครั้งแรกของระบบแสดงคุณภาพโภชนาการบน Open Food Facts
พร้อมให้บริการแล้ววันนี้บนแอปมือถือ Open Food Facts สำหรับ Android และ iPhone รวมถึงบนเว็บไซต์ของเรา
Nutri-Score เป็นโลโก้ที่ให้ข้อมูลแก่คุณเกี่ยวกับคุณภาพโภชนาการของผลิตภัณฑ์อาหาร โดยแบ่งเป็นรหัสสีเริ่มต้นจากเขียวเข้ม (A) สำหรับผลิตภัณฑ์ที่มีคุณภาพที่ดีที่สุด ไปจนถึงแดงเข้ม (E) สำหรับผลิตภัณฑ์ที่แย่ที่สุด
อ่านหน้าคำอธิบายของเราเกี่ยวกับ Nutri-Score -มีการปรับวิธีคำนวณ Nutri-Score เพื่อให้คำแนะนำที่ดียิ่งขึ้น:
โลโก้ Nutri-Score แบบใหม่จะมีข้อความข้างใต้ระบุว่า "New calculation" เพื่อให้ผู้ใช้งานแยกได้อย่างง่ายดาย
-ปัจจุบันประเทศ: เยอรมนี, เบลเยียม, สเปน, ฝรั่งเศส, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, เนเธอร์แลนด์ และสวิตเซอร์แลนด์ มีการนำ Nutri-Score แบบใหม่ไปใช้งานแล้ว
-ผู้ผลิตมีเวลาจนถึงปี 2026 ในการแทนที่การคำนวณแบบเก่าด้วยการคำนวณใหม่
+ +From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score คือดัชนีที่ใช้วัดคุณภาพทางโภชนาการ เป็นส่วนเสริมของกลุ่ม NOVA ในด้านอาหารแปรรูปพิเศษ
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
สำหรับผู้ผลิต การแสดง Nutri-Score ยังคงเป็นทางเลือก
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
-Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
+ +We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We zijn verheugd om de lancering van Nutri-Score v2 op Open Food Facts aan te kondigen, de eerste grote upgrade van het voedingswaardelabelsysteem.
Deze is vandaag beschikbaar op onze Open Food Facts mobiele app voor Android en iPhone, evenals op onze website, in lijn met een lange traditie van baanbrekende primeurs.
Nutri-Score is een logo dat tot doel heeft u te informeren over de voedingskwaliteit van voedsel. Het kleurcode varieert van donkergroen (A) voor de gezondste producten tot donkerrood (E) voor de minst gezonde.
+Nutri-Score is een logo dat tot doel heeft u te informeren over de voedingskwaliteit van voedsel. Het kleurcode varieert van donkergroen (A) voor de gezondste producten tot donkerrood (E) voor de minst gezonde.
Lees onze uitlegpagina over de Nutri-Score -De Nutri-Score-formule evolueert om betere aanbevelingen te doen:
Vanaf nu kan het logo een vermelding van "Nieuwe berekening" tonen om te verduidelijken dat het inderdaad de nieuwe berekening is.
-Nutri-Score wordt in verschillende landen gebruikt: Duitsland, België, Spanje, Frankrijk, Luxemburg, Nederland, en Zwitserland.
-Fabrikanten hebben tot uiterlijk 2026 de tijd om de oude berekening door de nieuwe te vervangen.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Zonder te wachten kun je de nieuwe berekening al vinden in de Open Food Facts-applicatie, , zelfs als de fabrikanten de score niet hebben bijgewerkt.
-Nutri-Score is een score die is ontworpen om de voedingskwaliteit te meten. Het is complementair aan de NOVA-groep op ultrabewerkte voedingsmiddelen (ook aanwezig in de applicatie).
+ +Nutri-Score is een score die is ontworpen om de voedingskwaliteit te meten. Het is complementair aan de NOVA-groep op ultrabewerkte voedingsmiddelen (ook aanwezig in de applicatie).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
Voor fabrikanten blijft de weergave van Nutri-Score optioneel.
-"Dit nieuwe algoritme zal de effectiviteit van de Nutri-score bij het indelen van levensmiddelen en dranken verbeteren, in lijn met de belangrijkste voedingsaanbevelingen van Europese landen, en zal consumenten leiden naar bewuste keuzes die goed zijn voor de gezondheid" legt het Franse directoraat-generaal Gezondheid uit.
✅ Verscherpt criterium
Het wetenschappelijke team EREN (Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team) heeft het algoritme dat wordt gebruikt om de Nutri-Score te berekenen grondig doorgelicht, met als resultaat dat er meer scores zijn die de voedselkwaliteit van producten beter weerspiegelen, waarbij veel producten minder goed scoren.
✅ Opvallende banner voor nieuwe berekening
Nutri-Score v2 heeft een opvallende banner die aangeeft dat deze is berekend met de nieuwe formule. Hoewel de banner niet verplicht is op verpakkingen, biedt deze wel de zekerheid dat de Nutri-Score correct is berekend.
- -We geloven dat Nutri-Score v2 een waardevol instrument is voor zowel consumenten, voedselproducenten en retailers.
+We geloven dat Nutri-Score v2 een waardevol instrument is voor zowel consumenten, voedselproducenten en retailers.
Het biedt:
✔ een duidelijke en beknopte samenvatting van de voedingskwaliteit van producten,
✔ consumenten helpen geïnformeerde keuzes te maken
✔ voedselproducenten aanmoedigen om het voedingsprofiel van hun producten te verbeteren.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.
-We are excited to announce the launch of Nutri-Score v2 on Open Food Facts, the first major upgrade of the nutritional labelling system.
This is available today on our Open Food Facts mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as on our website, in line with a long tradition of pioneering firsts.
Nutri-Score is a logo that aims to inform you about the nutritional quality of food. The color code ranges from dark green (A) for the healthiest products to dark red (E) for the least healthy.
Read our explanation page about the Nutri-Score -The Nutri-Score formula is evolving to provide better recommendations:
From now on, the logo can display a "New calculation" mention to clarify that it is indeed the new calculation.
-Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
-Manufacturers have until 2026 at the latest to replace the old calculation with the new one.
+ +Nutri-Score is in use in several countries: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Switzerland.
+Manufacturers have at most 2 years at the latest after the decree is signed to replace the old calculation with the new one.
Without waiting, you can already find the new calculation in the Open Food Facts application, even if the manufacturers have not updated the score.
-Nutri-Score is a score designed to measure nutritional quality. It is complementary to the NOVA group on ultra-processed foods (also present in the application).
+In France, the new computation of the Nutri-Score will get legally in force once the "Arrêté" is signed. The new computation will then progressively arrive on the product packagings.
For manufacturers, the display of Nutri-Score remains optional.
-"This new algorithm will enhance the effectiveness of the Nutri-score in classifying foods and drinks, in line with the main dietary recommendations of European countries, and guide consumers towards informed choices that are good for their health" explains the French Directorate-General for Health.
✅ Strengthened criterion
The EREN* scientific team has completely reviewed the algorithm used to calculate the Nutri-Score, resulting in more scores that better reflect the nutritional quality of products, with many of them losing a grade.
✅ Distinctive banner for new calculation
Nutri-Score v2 will have a distinctive banner indicating that it has been calculated using the new formula. While the banner is not mandatory on packs, it provides assurance that the Nutri-Score has been correctly calculated.
- -We believe that Nutri-Score v2 is a valuable tool for consumers, food manufacturers, and retailers alike.
@@ -56,8 +76,54 @@✔ a clear and concise summary of the nutritional quality of products,
✔ helping consumers make informed choices
✔ encouraging food manufacturers to improve the nutritional profile of their products.