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Elections Data Spec Version 2

Derek Willis edited this page Aug 5, 2013 · 31 revisions


The following spec describes the elections in a state during a particular year. Inside a particular year's directory within a state there is a file called "elections" listing the elections that occurred in that year and information about the status and scope of results data.

JSON example

CSV example


Field Type Description
id string OpenElections identifier (example: md-2012-11-06-general)
year integer year of the election
start_date date beginning date of the election (yyyy-mm-dd)
end_date date ending date of the election (usually the same as start_date)
division string political jurisdiction using Open Civic Data Division Identifiers
result_type string the type of result available (certified, unofficial or null)
election_type string one of primary, general, primary runoff, general runoff, primary recall or general recall
special boolean indicates whether the election is a special election
offices array represents the titles of offices contested (not specific districts)
reporting_levels array of hashes each reporting level has a boolean indicating if results available
absentee_and_provisional boolean indicates whether early voting, absentee and provisional tallies are available
notes string notes about the election
source_url string url of data source
updated_at datetime a timestamp indicating when the given election was last updated


Join us on the Google Group to discuss these specs, or you can file an issue on this Github repository, too.

  1. How should the reporting_levels and vote_types be represented in CSV?
  2. Should reporting_levels be an array rather than an array of hashes?
  3. Should vote_types be an array rather than an array of hashes?
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