Releases: openedx/edx-proctoring
Releases · openedx/edx-proctoring
Catch all worker errors
Add SimpleHistory to the proctoring_proctoredexam table
Add SimpleHistory history table to record historical records and changes to the proctoring_proctoredexam table. This way, we know how exams has been modified by course teams.
4.7.1: Add interstitial for timed exam
Merge pull request #1002 from edx/alangsto/add_interstitial_for_timed…
3.25.0: Add interstitial for timed exams
fix: release version for timed exam interstitial
Convert onboarding profile API waffle flag to Django setting
Remove references to ready_to_resume and resumed statuses
Remove Use of Verified Name Enabled Flag
4.4.1: Transition resume states from statuses to boolean fields
Merge pull request #994 from edx/alangsto/fix_package_number fix: package number should be updated so changes can be released
Drop ProctoredExamSoftwareSecureReview.video_url column
The last step of the column removal on ProctoredExamSoftwareSecureReview.video_url. Drop the column!
Remove ProctoredExamSoftwareSecureReview.video_url field from code
Move the reference of ProctoredExamSoftwareSecureReview.video_url in preparation to drop it from database.