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OpenActive - Using data to help people get active |
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We are supporting innovation to help people get active.
[Our Vision]( {{ site.baseurl }}{% link our-vision.md %}){: .button-primary--alt} Watch Video
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Our goal is to make data on what, where and when physical activity sessions happen openly available.
Stewarded by the Open Data Institute (ODI), we're a growing community of sport and physical activity organisations and individuals. We're working collaboratively as a sector to open up data about physical activity opportunities. From leisure operators to national governing bodies, local sports clubs to event providers, walking groups to fitness instructors, the ODI is helping organisations use opportunity data to build interesting products, tools and experiences for consumers.
[How it works]( {{ site.baseurl }}{% link how-it-works.md %}){: .button-primary} [Get Started]( {{ site.baseurl }}{% link getting-started.md %}){: .button-primary--ghost}
- ![Graph trending upwards icon]({{ site.baseurl }}/resources/images/icons/attendance.svg) Participation and attendance data
- ![Eye crossed out icon]({{ site.baseurl }}/resources/images/icons/sensitive.svg) Commercially sensitive data
- ![Customer card icon]({{ site.baseurl }}/resources/images/icons/customer.svg) Customer data {:.icons}
Open data is data that anyone can access, use or share. Simple as that. When big companies or governments release non-personal data, it enables small businesses, citizens and researchers to develop useful resources, which make crucial improvements to their communities and markets.
Our open-invitation community is dynamic and self-supporting, and we welcome you to join us.