Turo presets for Renovate
Extend your renovate config with this preset:
"extends": ["github>open-turo/renovate-config"]
The default preset using extends some of the renovate built-in presets and also tries to split CI and language non major updates into their own groups.
We maintain floating tags that point to the latest release for each major version. This will guarantee that your config gets updated with non breaking changes:
"extends": ["github>open-turo/renovate-config#v1"]
Apart from the default preset, we also have other presets targeting specific dependency managers / configurations. To use a preset, just reference it in your renovate config file:
"extends": [
These are the available presets:
Preset | Description |
jvm | Preset for JVM based projects (Java, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, ...) |
npm | [deprecated favor of the npm-app or npm-lib] Preset for NPM based repositories |
npm-app | Preset for NPM based applications (all dependencies will be pinned) |
npm-lib | Preset for NPM based libraries (browser or node + browser libs) (only devDependencies will be pinned) |
terraform | Preset for Terraform repositories (all provider versions will be pinned) |
Install pre-commit and the commit hooks:
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
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