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Kubernetes Deployment in cluster

We assume each node in the cluster has a statically assigned IP and runs Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The following k8s components will be deployed in the designated nodes and run in host network:

  • kubelet
  • apiserver
  • controller-manager
  • etcd
  • scheduler
  • dashboard
  • kube-proxy

Each k8s component runs in a Docker container. If Docker is missing in the OS, the script will install the latest Docker version.

Prepare your cluster configuration

Configure the cluster configuration. And the configuration file in this path illustrate such an example, where some detailed explanation is included. When deploying services to your cluster, please replace the specified fields with your own configuration.

Note: Don't change the file name!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kubernetes high-availability

solution 1

Because cloud providers such as azure always have the load balance service. So when deploy pai to the cloud platform, you could choose the load-balance service to implement the high-availability.

Before bootstrap your kubernetes cluster, you should configure your load-balance. please set the backend with your master. And set the following property with the ip of the load-balance in the kubernetes-configuration.yaml.

load-balance-ip: load-balance IP

solution 2

If your environment don't have a load-balance service. You could add proxy node to the kuebrnetes cluster. So you will have to add a node with the k8s-role as proxy. Now we only support single node proxy. If you want to deploy a proxy with ha, you could implement it by yourself.

The proxy component definition

The conponent templatefile path

You should configuration you node role as following. (None-ha proxy)

   - hostname: hostname (echo `hostname`)
      hostip: IP
      machine-type: D8SV3
      etcdid: etcdid1
      k8s-role: master
      dashboard: "true"

    - hostname: hostname
      hostip: IP
      machine-type: D8SV3
      etcdid: etcdid2
      k8s-role: master

    - hostname: hostname
      hostip: IP
      machine-type: D8SV3
      etcdid: etcdid3
      k8s-role: master

    - hostname: hostname
      hostip: IP
      machine-type: NC24R
      k8s-role: proxy

Set the following property with the ip of the load-balance in the kubernetes-configuration.yaml.

load-balance-ip: load-balance vip

solution 3

Not enable kubernete-ha. And only set one node's k8s-role as master.

For example.

    - hostname: hostname (echo `hostname`)
      hostip: IP
      machine-type: D8SV3
      etcdid: etcdid1
      k8s-role: master
      dashboard: "true"

    - hostname: hostname
      hostip: IP
      machine-type: D8SV3
      k8s-role: worker

    - hostname: hostname
      hostip: IP
      machine-type: D8SV3
      k8s-role: worker

Set the following property with the ip of the load-balance in the kubernetes-configuration.yaml.

load-balance-ip: master ip

Prepare your dev-box environment

Host Environment

Make sure your dev box has full network access to the cluster.

Python(2.x) and lib install:

sudo apt-get install python python-paramiko python-yaml python-jinja2
sudo pip install python-etcd kubernetes

Note: kubectl will be installed on this dev-box. So it can access to your kubernetes cluster.

In a docker container

  • Make sure your dev box has full network access to the cluster.
  • Make sure your dev box has been installed docker.
sudo docker build -t kubernetes-deployment .
sudo docker run -itd \
        -v /path/to/configuration/directory:/cluster-configuration  \
        -v /var/lib/docker:/varl/lib/docker \
        -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
        -v /hadoop/binary/path:/hadoop/binary/path \
        --pid=host \
        --privileged=true \
        --net=host \
        --name=deployment \
sudo docker exec -it deployment /bin/bash
cd /openi/openi-management


sudo ./ -p /path/to/configuration/directory -a deploy

Destroy your cluster

sudo ./ -p /path/to/configuration/directory -a clean

Only install kubectl into your dev-box

sudo ./ -p /path/to/configuration/directory -a install_kubectl

Add new nodes to your cluster

sudo ./ -p /path/to/configuration/directory -f yournodelist.yaml -a add

Remove nodes from your cluster

sudo ./ -p /path/to/configuration/directory -f yournodelist.yaml -a remove

Repair the worker node with the unhealthy states

sudo ./ -p /path/to/configuration/directory -f yournodelist.yaml -a repair

Repair the crashed etcd node (kubernetes failed to restart it)

sudo ./ -p /path/to/configuration/directory -f yournodelist.yaml -a etcdfix

Deploying Services On Kubernetes

This document explains how to use Kubernetes to deploy system services, including framework launcher, hadoop, rest server, and web portal.


Python and Docker are required in the dev box.

Python(2.x) and the lib to install:

sudo apt-get install python python-pip python-yaml python-jinja2 
sudo pip install kubernetes

Docker install

The deployment process further relies on a Docker registry service (e.g., Docker hub) to store the docker images for the services to be deployed.

Prepare hadoop configuration (patching)

sudo ./

According to your environment, you can customize the hadoop configuration in this step.

Cluster configuration and script generation

Configure the cluster configuration. And the configuration file in this path illustrate such an example, where some detailed explanation is included. When deploying services to your cluster, please replace the specified fields with your own configuration.

Note: Don't change the file name!!!!!!!!!!!!

Build docker image

sudo ./ -p /path/to/configuration/directory

Deploying services on k8s

Run the following command:

sudo ./ -d -p /path/to/configuration/directory

Cleanup your previous deployment

sudo ./ -p /path/to/configuration/directory
sudo ./

For advanced user: Customize or re-config hadoop service

Before reconfiguration, please use k8s to stop hadoop service and remove the hadoop configmap. User can customize hadoop configuration in ./bootstrap/hadoop-service/hadoop-configuration/ (configuration files are generated by ./ After making the necessary changes to the configuration, please run


For developer: how to add or remove service to the cluster?

Create a folder with the name of the new service, put all your files of the docker image in the folder, put it in the path ./src/, and add the detail of the service in the servicelist section in service.yaml.

The folder structure

|       |
|       +------ folder with service name    (the name in the service.yaml)
|       |
|       +------folder with customized image name    (the name in the service.yaml)
|   (The script to bootstrap service in the cluster)
| (The script to build all the customized docker image and push them to the docker registry)
+------clusterconfig-example.yaml  (the config of the cluster)
+------service.yaml ( the list and information of the  service in the cluster. The list of customized docker image)


After you finish adding information of your service to service.yaml and put your files in the corresponding path, run and your service will start up.

If you want to remove some default services, just comment them in service.yaml before running


All templates will be instantiated by jinja2. And all the information is retrieved from clusterconfig (as in clusterconfig-example.yaml). If your service need more information, please add your property to cluster config. The new property should be placed in clusterinfo, machineinfo or machinelist.

Deploy/Test a single service

  • sudo ./

Prepare hadoop configuration. If you are not sure whether your service depends on it or not. Please don't skip this step.

  • sudo ./docker_build -p /path/to/configuration/directory -n your_image_name

To ensure your docker image could be built successfully.

  • sudo ./deploy -p /path/to/configuration/directory -d -s your_service_name

To ensure your service could be start up correctly.

  • sudo ./bootstrap/service/

To ensure your service could be stopped correctly with stop script. This script is the stop script in the service.yaml where you configured.