diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/handlers.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/handlers.py
index 6f3f4ed9a71..ca6625bdc54 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/handlers.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/handlers.py
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@
 from xmodule.modulestore.django import SignalHandler, modulestore  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
 from xmodule.util.misc import is_xblock_an_assignment  # lint-amnesty, pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
+from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_date_signals.waffle import DISABLE_SPACED_OUT_SECTIONS
 from .models import SelfPacedRelativeDatesConfig
 from .utils import spaced_out_sections
@@ -118,6 +120,63 @@ def _get_custom_pacing_children(subsection, num_weeks):
     return section_date_items
+def extract_dates_from_course_spaced_out_sections(course):
+    """
+    Extract all dates from the supplied course. Apply PLS to subsections that
+    don't have custom relative_weeks_due set, by spacing them out evenly based
+    on the estimated course duration.
+    """
+    date_items = []
+    # Apply the same relative due date to all content inside a section,
+    # unless that item already has a relative date set
+    for _, section, weeks_to_complete in spaced_out_sections(course):
+        section_date_items = []
+        # section_due_date will end up being the max of all due dates of its subsections
+        section_due_date = timedelta(weeks=1)
+        for subsection in section.get_children():
+            # If custom pacing is set on a subsection, apply the set relative
+            # date to all the content inside the subsection. Otherwise
+            # apply the default Personalized Learner Schedules (PLS)
+            # logic for self paced courses.
+            relative_weeks_due = subsection.fields['relative_weeks_due'].read_from(subsection)
+            if (CUSTOM_RELATIVE_DATES.is_enabled(course.id) and relative_weeks_due):
+                section_due_date = max(section_due_date, timedelta(weeks=relative_weeks_due))
+                section_date_items.extend(_get_custom_pacing_children(subsection, relative_weeks_due))
+            else:
+                section_due_date = max(section_due_date, weeks_to_complete)
+                section_date_items.extend(_gather_graded_items(subsection, weeks_to_complete))
+        if section_date_items and (section.graded or CUSTOM_RELATIVE_DATES.is_enabled(course.id)):
+            date_items.append((section.location, {'due': section_due_date}))
+        date_items.extend(section_date_items)
+    return date_items
+def extract_dates_from_course_custom_dates_only(course):
+    """
+    Extract all dates from the supplied course. Only considers subsections that
+    have relative_weeks_due set, either custom or through Advanced Settings.
+    """
+    date_items = []
+    # Apply relative due date only to content inside a section,
+    # that already has a relative date set. Also inherits relative
+    # due date set in the advanced settings.
+    for section in course.get_children():
+        if section.visible_to_staff_only:
+            continue
+        section_date_items = []
+        for subsection in section.get_children():
+            # If custom pacing is set on a subsection, apply the set relative
+            # date to all the content inside the subsection.
+            relative_weeks_due = subsection.fields['relative_weeks_due'].read_from(subsection)
+            if relative_weeks_due:
+                section_due_date = timedelta(weeks=relative_weeks_due)
+                section_date_items.extend(_get_custom_pacing_children(subsection, relative_weeks_due))
+        if section_date_items:
+            date_items.append((section.location, {'due': section_due_date}))
+        date_items.extend(section_date_items)
+    return date_items
 def extract_dates_from_course(course):
     Extract all dates from the supplied course.
@@ -129,28 +188,16 @@ def extract_dates_from_course(course):
         metadata.pop('due', None)
         date_items = [(course.location, metadata)]
-        if SelfPacedRelativeDatesConfig.current(course_key=course.id).enabled:
-            # Apply the same relative due date to all content inside a section,
-            # unless that item already has a relative date set
-            for _, section, weeks_to_complete in spaced_out_sections(course):
-                section_date_items = []
-                # section_due_date will end up being the max of all due dates of its subsections
-                section_due_date = timedelta(weeks=1)
-                for subsection in section.get_children():
-                    # If custom pacing is set on a subsection, apply the set relative
-                    # date to all the content inside the subsection. Otherwise
-                    # apply the default Personalized Learner Schedules (PLS)
-                    # logic for self paced courses.
-                    relative_weeks_due = subsection.fields['relative_weeks_due'].read_from(subsection)
-                    if (CUSTOM_RELATIVE_DATES.is_enabled(course.id) and relative_weeks_due):
-                        section_due_date = max(section_due_date, timedelta(weeks=relative_weeks_due))
-                        section_date_items.extend(_get_custom_pacing_children(subsection, relative_weeks_due))
-                    else:
-                        section_due_date = max(section_due_date, weeks_to_complete)
-                        section_date_items.extend(_gather_graded_items(subsection, weeks_to_complete))
-                if section_date_items and (section.graded or CUSTOM_RELATIVE_DATES.is_enabled(course.id)):
-                    date_items.append((section.location, {'due': section_due_date}))
-                date_items.extend(section_date_items)
+        self_paced_relative_dates_config = SelfPacedRelativeDatesConfig.current(course_key=course.id)
+        if self_paced_relative_dates_config.enabled:
+            if not DISABLE_SPACED_OUT_SECTIONS.is_enabled(course.id):
+                date_items.extend(
+                    extract_dates_from_course_spaced_out_sections(course)
+                )
+            elif CUSTOM_RELATIVE_DATES.is_enabled(course.id):
+                date_items.extend(
+                    extract_dates_from_course_custom_dates_only(course)
+                )
         date_items = []
         store = modulestore()
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/tests.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/tests.py
index ee1e95b7b5a..ebfbced76dd 100644
--- a/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/tests.py
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/tests.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_date_signals.models import SelfPacedRelativeDatesConfig
+from openedx.core.djangoapps.course_date_signals.waffle import DISABLE_SPACED_OUT_SECTIONS
 from . import utils
@@ -370,3 +371,59 @@ def test_extract_dates_from_course_no_subsections(self):
             expected_dates = [(self.course.location, {})]
         course = self.store.get_item(self.course.location)
         self.assertCountEqual(extract_dates_from_course(course), expected_dates)
+    @override_waffle_flag(CUSTOM_RELATIVE_DATES, active=True)
+    @override_waffle_flag(DISABLE_SPACED_OUT_SECTIONS, active=True)
+    def test_extract_dates_from_course_spaced_out_sections_disabled(self):
+        """
+        A section with a subsection that has relative_weeks_due and
+        a subsection without relative_weeks_due that has graded content.
+        With DISABLE_SPACED_OUT_SECTIONS active, PLS should not apply for the
+        subsections without relative_weeks_due, even if it's graded. In other
+        words, when DISABLE_SPACED_OUT_SECTIONS is active, only custom set
+        relative_weeks_due are applied.
+        """
+        with self.store.bulk_operations(self.course.id):
+            sequential1 = BlockFactory.create(category='sequential', parent=self.chapter, relative_weeks_due=2)
+            vertical1 = BlockFactory.create(category='vertical', parent=sequential1)
+            problem1 = BlockFactory.create(category='problem', parent=vertical1)
+            chapter2 = BlockFactory.create(category='chapter', parent=self.course)
+            sequential2 = BlockFactory.create(category='sequential', parent=chapter2, graded=True)
+            vertical2 = BlockFactory.create(category='vertical', parent=sequential2)
+            problem2 = BlockFactory.create(category='problem', parent=vertical2)
+            expected_dates = [
+                (self.course.location, {}),
+                (self.chapter.location, {'due': timedelta(days=14)}),
+                (sequential1.location, {'due': timedelta(days=14)}),
+                (vertical1.location, {'due': timedelta(days=14)}),
+                (problem1.location, {'due': timedelta(days=14)}),
+            ]
+        course = self.store.get_item(self.course.location)
+        self.assertCountEqual(extract_dates_from_course(course), expected_dates)
+    @override_waffle_flag(CUSTOM_RELATIVE_DATES, active=False)
+    @override_waffle_flag(DISABLE_SPACED_OUT_SECTIONS, active=True)
+    def test_extract_dates_from_course_spaced_out_sections_and_custom_dates_disabled(self):
+        """
+        A section with a subsection that has relative_weeks_due and
+        a subsection without relative_weeks_due that has graded content.
+        disabled, PLS should not apply for the subsections with relative_weeks_due.
+        """
+        with self.store.bulk_operations(self.course.id):
+            sequential1 = BlockFactory.create(category='sequential', parent=self.chapter, relative_weeks_due=2)
+            vertical1 = BlockFactory.create(category='vertical', parent=sequential1)
+            problem1 = BlockFactory.create(category='problem', parent=vertical1)
+            chapter2 = BlockFactory.create(category='chapter', parent=self.course)
+            sequential2 = BlockFactory.create(category='sequential', parent=chapter2, graded=True)
+            vertical2 = BlockFactory.create(category='vertical', parent=sequential2)
+            problem2 = BlockFactory.create(category='problem', parent=vertical2)
+            expected_dates = [
+                (self.course.location, {}),
+            ]
+        course = self.store.get_item(self.course.location)
+        self.assertCountEqual(extract_dates_from_course(course), expected_dates)
diff --git a/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/waffle.py b/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/waffle.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f9b1a650025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openedx/core/djangoapps/course_date_signals/waffle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+This module contains various configuration settings via waffle switches for
+course date signals.
+from openedx.core.djangoapps.waffle_utils import CourseWaffleFlag
+WAFFLE_FLAG_NAMESPACE = "course_date_signals"
+# .. toggle_name: course_date_signals.relative_dates_disable_suggested_schedule
+# .. toggle_implementation: CourseWaffleFlag
+# .. toggle_default: False
+# .. toggle_description: Waffle flag to disable suggested schedule for self paced courses.
+#   When suggested schedule is enabled, graded content in self paced courses
+#   will be assigned a suggested relative due date. Suggested relative due dates
+#   are calculated by getting an average time needed per section, by getting an
+#   estimated duration of a course and dividing it by a number of sections,
+#   and then multiplying it by an index of a section that is currently being
+#   assigned a due date. E.g. if a course is estimated to be 4 weeks, has 4
+#   sections, and each one is marked as graded, the first section's relative due
+#   date is going to be one week from the date of the enrollment, the second -
+#   two weeks, etc.
+#   The estimated course duration is fetched from the Course Discovery service,
+#   and is clamped between 4 and 18 weeks. If Course Discovery is not available
+#   or value is not set for a course that is being requested, the estimated time
+#   would be set to 4 weeks.
+# .. toggle_use_cases: open_edx
+# .. toggle_creation_date: 2024-09-02
+# .. toggle_target_removal_date: None
+    f"{WAFFLE_FLAG_NAMESPACE}.relative_dates_disable_suggested_schedule", __name__