This directory contains the various parts of the open API specification for exchanging data and operational control in indoor agricultural environments.
The specification is divided into the following sub-sections to make it easier to follow...
- General - contains all of the essential rules that need to be followed, including common concepts, common data structures, timestamp formats, error handling, and so on.
- Plan - specifies the API for interacting with the basic concepts of a well-planned facility (compartments, zones, crop varieties, and so on)
- Lights - specifies the API for interacting with lighting systems
- Air - specifies the API for interacting with air control systems (heating, cooling, ventilation, humidity, and so on)
- Soil - specifies the API for interacting with soil monitoring systems
- Roots - specifies the API for interacting with root monitoring systems
- Reservoirs - specifies the API for interacting with reservoir control systems
- Nutrients - specifies the API for monitoring nutrients