Tweak is a library that helps you to create strongly typed settings read from different sources e.g. appsettings, json etc.
Some key features of Tweak are,
- Read settings from a settings source. Currently supported sources are AppSettings (AppSettingsReader) and Json (JsonSettingsReader).
- Write settings to a settings source.
- Create custom setting readers and writers.
- Can easily register settings using any Ioc of your choice
Installing Tweak - nuget
PM> Install-Package Tweak
Release notes can be found here
Create your settings class, inherit from SettingsBase and specify the AppSettingsReader
public interface IApiSettings
string ApiKey { get; set; }
string Endpoint { get; set; }
public class ApiSettings : SettingsBase<AppSettingsReader>, IApiSettings
public string ApiKey { get; set; }
public string Endpoint { get; set; }
Define settings in appSettings section of config. Your setting key could be a PropertyName or ClassName.PropertyName or Namespace.ClassName.PropertyName
<add key="Tweak.Examples.ApiSettings.ApiKey" value="45017dc5-bd7c-47fd-9495-06953e329db0" />
<add key="Tweak.Examples.ApiSettings.Endpoint" value="http://api.appsettingsexample.test" />
Read settings from config. By default settings are automatically read upon instantiation of a settings class.
var apiSettings = new ApiSettings();
var apiKey = apiSettings.ApiKey;
Prevent settings from being automatically read upon instantiation of settings class.
public class ApiSettings : SettingsBase<AppSettingsReader>, IApiSettings
const bool autoReadSettings = false;
public ApiSettings():base(autoReadSettings)
public string ApiKey { get; set; }
public string Endpoint { get; set; }
var apiSettings = new ApiSettings();
var apiKey = apiSettings.ApiKey;
Create your settings class, inherit from SettingsBase and specify the JsonSettingsReader
public interface IApiSettings
string ApiKey { get; set; }
string Endpoint { get; set; }
public class ApiSettings : SettingsBase<JsonSettingsReader>, IApiSettings
public string ApiKey { get; set; }
public string Endpoint { get; set; }
Define settings in json file. ApiSettings below represents the name of the class. You could also include the class Namespace
"ApiSettings": {
"ApiKey": "97e4406d-7bbc-44a9-9895-c68ef498a978",
"Endpoint": "http://api.jsonexample.test"
Add json file to filestore. Please note that ApiSettings.json is the file name in this case
Read settings from json file
var apiSettings = new ApiSettings();
var apiKey = apiSettings.ApiKey;
There is currently no built-in SettingsWriter, however implementing one is quite easy.
public class CustomSettingsWriter : ISettingsWriter
public void Write(IDictionary<string, string> settings)
//write to settings source here
Define writable settings (this assumes that you've already implemented a CustomSettingsReader)
public interface IApiSettings
string ApiKey { get; set; }
string Endpoint { get; set; }
public class ApiSettings : SettingsBase<CustomSettingsReader, CustomSettingsWriter>, IApiSettings
public string ApiKey { get; set; }
public string Endpoint { get; set; }
Write to settings source
var apiSettings = new ApiSettings();
apiSettings.ApiKey = "5611f7e8-d0cd-44c6-ad66-9929b397009f";
See examples in solution here
Tweak is released under the MIT license.