I've ran through a planet wide build, and in testing, everything works great up until zoom level 16. At which the whole map goes grey. I tried tweaking the
In looking through the code I noticed a hard coded limit to max zoom at 15, MAX_MAXZOOM. Is this a performance compromise? Or to limit build time or file size? I made the change locally and was able to build a small region, no problem. All the map libraries support up to a max zoom of 24. Why is Planetiler limiting the zoom to 16? I found by setting the MAX_MAX_ZOOM to 23, I didn't need to tweak the max zoom level for the layers, they properly scaled up. Why MAX_MAXZOOM = 15? |
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Hi Ty, You should enable overzooming in your map: the More generally, MAX_MAXZOOM=15 is a technical limitation of Planetiler's 32-bit internal tile addressing. However, zoom 15 is sufficient for detailed mapping of typical street-level datasets when combined with overzooming, anywhere from zoom 16-20 should look fine as the renderer is re-using the zoom 15 tile. |
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How difficult would it be to enable zoom 16 tile generation in planetiler? Is it just the case of changing a variable from |
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Hi Ty,
You should enable overzooming in your map: the
object in the map style should be set to 15, like here: https://github.com/protomaps/basemaps/blob/main/index.html#L45More generally, MAX_MAXZOOM=15 is a technical limitation of Planetiler's 32-bit internal tile addressing. However, zoom 15 is sufficient for detailed mapping of typical street-level datasets when combined with overzooming, anywhere from zoom 16-20 should look fine as the renderer is re-using the zoom 15 tile.