"A bidirectional payment channel only permits secure transfer of funds inside a channel. To be able to construct secure transfers using a network of channels across multiple hops to the final destination requires an additional construction, a Hashed Timelock Contract (HTLC)."
-- Poon & Dryja, The Bitcoin Lightning Network: Scalable Off-chain Instant Payments
The building block lightning defines is channel, chained by HTLCs:
[Alice --(10 USDT)--> Bob] ==(Bob has two channels)== [Bob --(10 USDT)--> Carol] ==(Carol has two channels)== [Carol --(10 USDT)--> David].
[A, USDT, B] stands for the channel built by A and B, funded by USDT.
Alice transfers 10 USDT to Bob inside the [Alice, USDT, Bob]
channel, then Bob transfers 10 USDT to Carol inside the [Bob, USDT, Carol]
channel, and finally, Carol sends 10 USDT to David in [Carol, USDT, David]
- Hashed TimeLock Contract
- OMNI HTLC transaction construction
- Messages
- Terminate HTLC off-chain
- Unit test vectors
- References
An HTLC implements this procedure:
If Bob can tell Alice R
, which is the pre-image of Hash(R)
that someone else (Carol) in the chain shared with Bob 3 days ago in an exchange of 15 USDT in the channel [Bob, USDT, Carol]
, then Bob will get the 15 USDT funds inside the channel [Alice, USDT, Bob]
, otherwise Alice gets her 15 USDT back.
Internal transactions in the above diagram are explained in chapter 1.
There are three outputs of a commitment transaction:
to_rsmc(to local)
: 0. Alice3 & Bob 45,
to remote
: 1. Bob 40,
: 2. Alice4 & Bob 15
has three branches to handle the situations of time out, breach remedy, and htlc success. We put the payload and outputs together to construct the HTLC transaction:
On sender side:
version: 2
locktime: 0
tx input:
* outpoint: the vout of funding transaction.
* <payee's signature> <payer's signature>: to spend the funding transaction.
tx output:
* op_return:{value:0, pkScript:opReturn_encode},
* to_rsmc/reference1:{value:dust, pkScript: RSMC redeem script},
* to_remote/reference2:{value:dust, pkScript: pubkey script},
* to_htlc_1/reference3:{value:dust, pkScript: offered htlc script},
* to_htlc_2/reference4:{value:dust, pkScript: offered htlc script},
* ...
* to_htlc_n/reference_n:{value:dust, pkScript: offered htlc script},
* change:{value:change satoshis, pkScript: the channel pubkey script }
: the encoded tx version( = 0 ), tx type( = 7 ), token id and array of receivers, prefixed by "omni".
payload in output 0:
size | Field | Sender Value |
2 bytes | Transaction version | 0 |
2 bytes | Transaction type | 7 (= Send-to-Many) |
4 bytes | Token identifier to send | 31 (e.g. USDT ) |
1 byte | Number of outputs | 3 |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 1 (= vout 1) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | to_rsmc (e.g. 45) |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 2 (= vout 2) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | to_remote (e.g. 40) |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 3 (= vout 3) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | offered_htlc_1 (e.g. 10) |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 4 (= vout 4) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | offered_htlc_2 (e.g. 5) |
... | ... | ... |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 8 (= vout 8) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | offered_htlc_6 (e.g. 5) |
has maximum 83 bytes space, so that concurrently the maximum outputs is 8, including to_rsmc
, to_remote
, and 6 offered_htlc_i
Concurrency means a channel can accept or send HTLCs at the same time. Because of the op-return
space limitation, if a node needs a bigger throughput, it has to build more channels with more counterparties. Channels are vertical scaling: they work in parallel and will not affect each other, and adding more channels improves the TPS linearly. This is a useful feature for liquidity providers who build thousands of channels to gain a high TPS and earn channel fees by providing liquidity to the network.
On receiver side:
version: 2
locktime: 0
tx input:
* outpoint: the vout of funding transaction.
* <payee's signature> <payer's signature>: to spend the funding transaction.
tx output:
* op_return:{value:0, pkScript:opReturn_encode},
* to_remote/reference1:{value:dust, pkScript: pubkey script},
* to_local/reference2:{value:dust, pkScript: RSMC redeem script},
* to_htlc_1/reference3:{value:dust, pkScript: received htlc script},
* to_htlc_2/reference4:{value:dust, pkScript: received htlc script},
* ...
* to_htlc_n/reference_n:{value:dust, pkScript: received htlc script},
* change:{value:change satoshis, pkScript: the channel pubkey script }
payload in output 0:
size | Field | Receiver Value |
2 bytes | Transaction version | 0 |
2 bytes | Transaction type | 7 (= Send-to-Many) |
4 bytes | Token identifier to send | 31 (e.g. USDT ) |
1 byte | Number of outputs | 3 |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 1 (= vout 1) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | to_remote (e.g. 45) |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 2 (= vout 2) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | to_rsmc (e.g. 40) |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 3 (= vout 3) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | received_htlc_1 (e.g. 10) |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 4 (= vout 4) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | received_htlc_2 (e.g. 5) |
... | ... | ... |
1 byte | Receiver output # | 8 (= vout 8) |
8 bytes | Amount to send | received_htlc_6 (e.g. 5) |
: change = satoshis in channel - dust - miner fee. By default, we set dust 546 satoshis.
The outputs are sorted into the order by omnicore spec: op_return
payload is in output 0 and the receivers are ordered as in the payload definition.
On both sides, to_rsmc
and to_remote
are locked by redeem script and pubkey script as in chapter 3 RSMC transaction sector. to_htlc
on the sender side is locked by the offered HTLC
and on the receiver side is locked by received HTLC
as in BOLT 3:
# To remote node with revocation key
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
<remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
# To local node via HTLC-timeout transaction (timelocked).
OP_DROP 2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
# To remote node with preimage.
OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
The remote node can redeem the HTLC with the witness:
<remotehtlcsig> <preimage R>
On receiver side, the received HTLC is the same to received HTLC
in BOLT 3:
# To remote node with revocation key
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
<remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
# To local node via HTLC-success transaction.
OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
# To remote node after timeout.
HED(n)(a/b) spends the to_htlc
output by receiver's signature and preimage R:
version: 2
locktime: 0
tx input:
* outpoint: tx id of parent commitment transaction and the `to_htlc` output is 3.
* witness stack: 0 <remotehtlcsig> <localhtlcsig> <payment_preimage>.
tx output:
* op_return:{value:0, pkScript:opReturn_encode},
* receiver/reference1:{value:dust, pkScript: receiver's pubkey script},
* change:{value:change satoshis, pkScript: the channel pubkey script }
If timed out, payer should construct HT1a to get this HTLC payment back.
version: 2
locktime: 0
tx input:
* outpoint: tx id of parent commitment transaction and the `to_htlc` output is 3.
* witness stack: 0 <remotehtlcsig> <localhtlcsig>.
tx output:
* op_return:{value:0, pkScript:opReturn_encode},
* receiver/reference1:{value:dust, pkScript: RSMC redeem script},
* change:{value:change satoshis, pkScript: the channel pubkey script }
Where in both HTLC success and timeout:
: the encoded tx version( = 0 ), tx type( = 0 ), token id and amount, prefixed by "omni".
The amount is the amount of vout3 in the op_return
payload of commitment transaction.
change satoshis = channel satoshis - dust.
RSMC redeem script is the same as in RSMC commitment transaction
The HTLC BR transaction can be constructed and broadcast without delay when the counter party broadcasts a revocked commitment.
version: 2
locktime: 0
tx input:
* outpoint: the `to_htlc` output is 3.
* witness stack: <revockation key> to spend the to_htlc output.
tx output:
* op_return:{value:0, pkScript:opReturn_encode},
* receiver/reference:{value:dust, pkScript: pubkey script},
* change:{value:change in satoshis, pkScript: the channel pubkey script }
: the encoded tx version( = 0 ), tx type( = 0 ), token id and amount, prefixed by "omni".
The receiver is Bob if Alice cheats.
The amount is the number in vout=3
( receiver to_htlc
) of the commitment transaction op_return
For liquidity providers, when relaying an HTLC, a channel fee could be charged in the token(not in satoshis). Generally, the fee rate is known to the network when a node announces itself and a lower fee rate will attract more HTLC traffic.
For a fee rate example of 50 basis points, an incoming HTLC is 15 USDT, then the outgoing HTLC is 15-15*0.5% = 14.925
+-------+ +-------+
| |--(1)------------- update_add_htlc (40) ---------------->| |
| | for asset 1 | |
| | | |
| |--(1)------------- update_add_htlc (40) ---------------->| |
| | for asset 2 | |
| | | |
| |<-(1)------------- update_add_htlc (40) -----------------| |
| A | for asset 3 | B |
| | | |
| |--(2)------------- commitment signed (41) --------------->| |
| | for asset 1 | |
| | | |
| |<-(3)----------- revock and acknowledge (42) --------------| |
| | for asset 1 | |
| | | |
| |<-(2)-------------- commitment signed (41) ----------------| |
| | for asset 3 | |
| | | |
| |--(2)------------- commitment signed (41) --------------->| |
| | for asset 2 | |
| | | |
| |<-(3)----------- revock and acknowledge (42) --------------| |
| | for asset 2 | |
| | | |
| |--(3)----------- revock and acknowledge (42) ------------->| |
| | for asset 3 | |
+-------+ +-------+
A node has multiple asset channels, it can simultaneously send out transactions, and wait for the counterparty to respond.
consists of two rounds of signing sub-transactions to forward an HTLC to the remote peer. Users should compare it to update_add_htlc
in lightning-rfc
Please note that the payment information is all encoded in transaction hex.
- type: -40 (AddHTLC)
- data:
- [
]: - [
4 bytes
:asset id
]: - [
]: bool type - [
]: - [
]: the hash(R) used to lock the payment. - [
]: memo to the payee. - [
]: expiry blocks. - [
- type: -41 (commitment signed)
- data:
- [
]: - [
4 bytes
:asset id
]: - [
]: sender's signature. - [
:num_htlcs]: number of HTLCs for thisasset id
. - [
:htlc_signature]: htlc signatures.
- type: -42 (revock and acknowledge)
- data:
- [
]: - [
4 bytes
:asset id
]: - [
:per_commitment_secret] - [
if asset_id = 0
, then OmniBOLT processes bitcoin lightning network, and is compatible to current bitcoin only lightning network.
TO DO(Neo Carmack, Ben Fei): Complete the asset related "MUST to-do" list.
A node MUST:
- If a node receives a commitment transaction for a certain asset, which is not the asset(ID) that the channel(ID) is built for, then the node has to close the asset(ID) channel with the remote party.
- Check if the asset id in the incoming HTLC is the same in the transaction
payload for every HTLC. If not, the node has to close the asset(ID) channel. - Validate the signature. If incorrect, then the node has to close the asset(ID) channel with the remote party.
After Bob tells Alice the R
, the balance of this channel shall be updated, and the current HTLC shall be terminated. OBD then creates a new commitment transactions C3a/C3b
for this purpose.
Terminating an HTLC: update_fulfill_htlc
, update_fail_htlc
To supply the preimage:
- type: -130 (update_fulfill_htlc)
- data:
- [
] - [
] - [
4 bytes
:asset id
]: - [
]: the private key of Alice 4, encrypted by Bob's public key when sending this message to Bob. - [
]: the private key of Alice 5, encrypted by Bob's public key when sending this message to Bob. - [
]: the R
and private_key_Alice_5
are used in breach remedy transactions created in C2. If Bob finds out Alice is cheating, Bob can broadcast these BR transactions to get the money in temporary multi-sig addresses as punishments to Alice. The procedure is the same as RSMC in chapter 2.
For a timed-out or route-failed HTLC:
- type: -131 (update_fail_htlc)
- data:
- [
] - [
] - [
] - [
the same to requirement of Removing an HTLC.
Omni HTLC transaction testing vectors will be added soon.
- BOLT 3 transactions, https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/03-transactions.md
- BOLT 2 peer protocol, https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc/blob/master/02-peer-protocol.md
- Omni specification for sendtomany, https://gist.github.com/dexX7/1138fd1ea084a9db56798e9bce50d0ef