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Add some smart constructors
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ollef committed May 21, 2024
1 parent 96e4562 commit f91c527
Showing 1 changed file with 39 additions and 17 deletions.
56 changes: 39 additions & 17 deletions src/Lower.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,10 +87,12 @@ data Function = Function [(Name, PassBy, Var)] !PassBy !Value
type Collect = StateT (Tsil Collectible) M

let_ :: PassBy -> Name -> Value -> Collect Operand
let_ repr name value = do
var <- lift freshVar
modify (Tsil.:> CollectibleLet repr name var value)
pure $ Var var
let_ repr name = \case
Operand operand -> pure operand
value -> do
var <- lift freshVar
modify (Tsil.:> CollectibleLet repr name var value)
pure $ Var var

letReference :: Name -> Value -> Collect Operand
letReference = let_ PassBy.Reference
Expand All @@ -104,9 +106,7 @@ seq_ value = modify (Tsil.:> CollectibleSeq value)
collect :: PassBy -> Name -> Collect Operand -> Collect Operand
collect repr name m = do
result <- lift $ runCollect m
case result of
Operand operand -> pure operand
_ -> let_ repr name result
let_ repr name result

collectReference :: Name -> Collect Operand -> Collect Operand
collectReference = collect PassBy.Reference
Expand All @@ -133,9 +133,31 @@ genRunCollect f g m = do
mkLet _repr _name var value (Operand (Var var')) | var == var' = value
mkLet repr name var value body = Let repr name var value body

mkCall :: Name.Lifted -> [Operand] -> Value
mkCall = \cases
(Name.Lifted Builtin.AddRepresentationName 0) [Representation x, Representation y] -> Operand $ Representation $ x <> y
(Name.Lifted Builtin.AddRepresentationName 0) [Representation x, y] | x == mempty -> Operand y
(Name.Lifted Builtin.AddRepresentationName 0) [x, Representation y] | y == mempty -> Operand x
(Name.Lifted Builtin.MaxRepresentationName 0) [Representation x, Representation y] -> Operand $ Representation $ Representation.leastUpperBound x y
(Name.Lifted Builtin.MaxRepresentationName 0) [Representation x, y] | x == mempty -> Operand y
(Name.Lifted Builtin.MaxRepresentationName 0) [x, Representation y] | y == mempty -> Operand x
name operands -> Call name operands

mkLoad :: Operand -> Representation -> Value
mkLoad = \cases
(Global (Name.Lifted Builtin.EmptyRepresentationName 0)) _ -> Operand $ Representation mempty
(Global (Name.Lifted Builtin.UnitName 0)) _ -> Operand $ Representation mempty
(Global (Name.Lifted Builtin.IntName 0)) _ -> Operand $ Representation
operand repr -> Load operand repr

addRepresentation :: Operand -> Operand -> Value
addRepresentation x y =
Call (Name.Lifted Builtin.AddRepresentationName 0) [x, y]
mkCall (Name.Lifted Builtin.AddRepresentationName 0) [x, y]

mkOffset :: Operand -> Operand -> Value
mkOffset base = \case
Representation x | x == mempty -> Operand base
offset -> Offset base offset

definition :: Name.Lifted -> CC.Syntax.Definition -> M (Maybe Low.Syntax.Definition)
definition name = \case
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -227,7 +249,7 @@ forceValue dstRepr (OperandStorage src srcOperandRepr) =
when (dstRepr /= srcRepr) $ panic "repr mismatch"
pure src
Reference _srcReprValue ->
letValue dstRepr "loaded" $ Load src dstRepr
letValue dstRepr "loaded" $ mkLoad src dstRepr

forceReference :: OperandStorage -> Collect Operand
forceReference (OperandStorage src srcOperandRepr) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,7 +286,7 @@ storeTerm context indices dst = \case
case boxity of
Unboxed -> do
let go argOffset arg = do
argDst <- letReference "constr_arg_dst" $ Offset dst argOffset
argDst <- letReference "constr_arg_dst" $ mkOffset dst argOffset
argSize <- storeTerm context indices argDst arg
letValue Representation.type_ "constr_arg_offset" $ addRepresentation argOffset argSize
foldM go dst tagArgs
Expand All @@ -274,7 +296,7 @@ storeTerm context indices dst = \case
pointer <- letValue Representation.pointer "boxed_constr" $ HeapAllocate con size
constrDst <- letReference "payload" $ HeapPayload pointer
let go argOffset arg = do
argDst <- letValue Representation.type_ "constr_arg_dst" $ Offset constrDst argOffset
argDst <- letValue Representation.type_ "constr_arg_dst" $ mkOffset constrDst argOffset
argSize <- storeTerm context indices argDst arg
letValue Representation.type_ "constr_arg_offset" $ addRepresentation argOffset argSize
foldM_ go dst args
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,8 +329,8 @@ storeTerm context indices dst = \case
case branches' of
CC.Representation.TaggedConstructorBranches Unboxed constrBranches -> do
scrutineeRef <- forceReference scrutinee'
tag <- letValue "tag" $ Load scrutineeRef
payload <- letReference "payload" $ Offset scrutineeRef $ Representation
tag <- letValue "tag" $ mkLoad scrutineeRef
payload <- letReference "payload" $ mkOffset scrutineeRef $ Representation
constrBranches' <- forM constrBranches \(constr, constrBranch) ->
map (ConstructorBranch constr) $
lift $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +428,7 @@ generateTerm context indices term typeValue = case term of
unboxedCon <- letReference "unboxed_constr" $ StackAllocate size

let go argOffset arg = do
argDst <- letReference "constr_arg_dst" $ Offset unboxedCon argOffset
argDst <- letReference "constr_arg_dst" $ mkOffset unboxedCon argOffset
argSize <- storeTerm context indices argDst arg
letValue Representation.type_ "constr_arg_offset" $ addRepresentation argOffset argSize
_ <- collectValue Representation.type_ "constr_fields" $ foldM go (Representation mempty) tagArgs
Expand All @@ -417,7 +439,7 @@ generateTerm context indices term typeValue = case term of
pointer <- letValue Representation.pointer "boxed_constr" $ HeapAllocate con size
constrDst <- letReference "deref_constr" $ HeapPayload pointer
let go argOffset arg = do
argDst <- letReference "constr_arg_dst" $ Offset constrDst argOffset
argDst <- letReference "constr_arg_dst" $ mkOffset constrDst argOffset
argSize <- storeTerm context indices argDst arg
letValue Representation.type_ "constr_arg_offset" $ addRepresentation argOffset argSize
_ <- collectValue Representation.type_ "constr_fields" $ foldM go (Representation mempty) args
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -445,7 +467,7 @@ generateTerm context indices term typeValue = case term of
forceValue repr operand
PassBy.Reference ->
forceReference operand
letValue returnRepr "call_result" $ Call function callArgs
letValue returnRepr "call_result" $ mkCall function callArgs
pure $ OperandStorage callResult $ Value returnRepr
Low.Syntax.FunctionSignature passArgsBy passReturnBy@PassBy.Reference -> do
type_ <- lift $ Readback.readback (CC.toEnvironment context) typeValue
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -508,7 +530,7 @@ storeBranch context indices dst payload = \case
typeValue <- lift $ CC.Domain.Lazy <$> lazy (Evaluation.evaluate (CC.toEnvironment context) type_)
(context', _) <- lift $ CC.extend context typeValue
let indices' = indices Seq.:|> OperandStorage payload (Reference size)
payload' <- letReference "offset_payload" $ Offset payload size
payload' <- letReference "offset_payload" $ mkOffset payload size
storeBranch context' indices' dst payload' tele

Expand Down

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