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ollef committed Jun 13, 2024
1 parent 607f768 commit 8d0301a
Showing 1 changed file with 37 additions and 29 deletions.
66 changes: 37 additions & 29 deletions src/ReferenceCounting.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,20 +20,18 @@ import qualified Name
import Protolude hiding (evaluate, repr)
import Var (Var)

type Occurrences = EnumSet Var

data WithOccurrences a = WithOccurrences
{ occurrences :: Occurrences
data WithKeepAlives a = WithKeepAlives
{ keepAlives :: EnumSet Var
, payload :: a
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance Applicative WithOccurrences where
pure = WithOccurrences mempty

WithOccurrences occs1 f <*> WithOccurrences occs2 x = WithOccurrences (occs1 <> occs2) (f x)
instance Applicative WithKeepAlives where
pure = WithKeepAlives mempty
WithKeepAlives kas1 f <*> WithKeepAlives kas2 x =
WithKeepAlives (kas1 <> kas2) (f x)

type Value = WithOccurrences InnerValue
type Value = WithKeepAlives InnerValue

data InnerValue
= Operand !Operand
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ evaluate :: Index.Map v Var -> EnumMap Var (EnumSet Var) -> Syntax.Term v -> M (
evaluate env parents = \case
Syntax.Operand operand -> do
let operand' = evaluateOperand env parents operand
pure (Operand <$> operand', operand'.occurrences)
pure (Operand <$> operand', operand'.keepAlives)
Syntax.Let passBy name term body -> do
var <- freshVar
(term', termParents) <- evaluate env parents term
Expand All @@ -82,61 +80,62 @@ evaluate env parents = \case
( WithOccurrences (term'.occurrences <> EnumSet.delete var body'.occurrences) $
( WithKeepAlives (term'.keepAlives <> EnumSet.delete var body'.keepAlives) $
Let passBy name var term' body'
, EnumSet.delete var bodyParents
Syntax.Seq lhs rhs -> do
(lhs', _) <- evaluate env parents lhs
(rhs', rhsParents) <- evaluate env parents rhs
pure (WithOccurrences (lhs'.occurrences <> rhs'.occurrences) $ Seq lhs' rhs', rhsParents)
pure (WithKeepAlives (lhs'.keepAlives <> rhs'.keepAlives) $ Seq lhs' rhs', rhsParents)
Syntax.Case scrutinee branches maybeDefaultBranch -> do
let scrutinee' = evaluateOperand env parents scrutinee
branches' <- mapM (evaluateBranch env parents) branches
maybeDefaultBranch' <- mapM (evaluate env parents) maybeDefaultBranch
( WithOccurrences
( scrutinee'.occurrences
<> foldMap ((.occurrences) . fst) branches'
<> foldMap ((.occurrences) . fst) maybeDefaultBranch'
( WithKeepAlives
( scrutinee'.keepAlives
<> foldMap ((.keepAlives) . fst) branches'
<> foldMap ((.keepAlives) . fst) maybeDefaultBranch'
$ Case scrutinee'.payload (map ((.payload) . fst) branches') (fst <$> maybeDefaultBranch')
, foldMap snd branches' <> foldMap snd maybeDefaultBranch'
Syntax.Call global args -> do
let args' = map (evaluateOperand env parents) args
pure (WithOccurrences (foldMap (.occurrences) args') $ Call global (map (.payload) args'), mempty)
pure (WithKeepAlives (foldMap (.keepAlives) args') $ Call global (map (.payload) args'), mempty)
Syntax.StackAllocate size ->
pure (StackAllocate <$> evaluateOperand env parents size, mempty)
Syntax.HeapAllocate constr size ->
pure (HeapAllocate constr <$> evaluateOperand env parents size, mempty)
Syntax.HeapPayload pointer -> do
let pointer' = evaluateOperand env parents pointer
pure (HeapPayload <$> pointer', pointer'.occurrences)
pure (HeapPayload <$> pointer', pointer'.keepAlives)
Syntax.PointerTag pointer ->
pure (PointerTag <$> evaluateOperand env parents pointer, mempty)
Syntax.Offset ref size -> do
let ref' = evaluateOperand env parents ref
pure (Offset <$> ref' <*> evaluateOperand env parents size, ref'.occurrences)
pure (Offset <$> ref' <*> evaluateOperand env parents size, ref'.keepAlives)
Syntax.Copy dst src size ->
pure (Copy <$> evaluateOperand env parents dst <*> evaluateOperand env parents src <*> evaluateOperand env parents size, mempty)
Syntax.Store dst src repr ->
pure (Store <$> evaluateOperand env parents dst <*> evaluateOperand env parents src <*> pure repr, mempty)
Syntax.Load ref repr ->
pure (Load <$> evaluateOperand env parents ref <*> pure repr, mempty)
Syntax.Load ref repr -> do
let ref' = evaluateOperand env parents ref
pure (Load <$> ref' <*> pure repr, ref'.keepAlives)

evaluateOperand :: Index.Map v Var -> EnumMap Var (EnumSet Var) -> Syntax.Operand v -> WithOccurrences Operand
evaluateOperand :: Index.Map v Var -> EnumMap Var (EnumSet Var) -> Syntax.Operand v -> WithKeepAlives Operand
evaluateOperand env parents = \case
Syntax.Var index -> do
let var = Index.Map.index env index
WithOccurrences (EnumMap.findWithDefault (EnumSet.singleton var) var parents) $ Var var
WithKeepAlives (EnumMap.findWithDefault (EnumSet.singleton var) var parents) $ Var var
Syntax.Global repr global -> pure $ Global repr global
Syntax.Literal lit -> pure $ Literal lit
Syntax.Representation repr -> pure $ Representation repr
Syntax.Tag constr -> pure $ Tag constr
Syntax.Undefined repr -> pure $ Undefined repr

evaluateBranch :: Index.Map v Var -> EnumMap Var (EnumSet Var) -> Syntax.Branch v -> M (WithOccurrences Branch, EnumSet Var)
evaluateBranch :: Index.Map v Var -> EnumMap Var (EnumSet Var) -> Syntax.Branch v -> M (WithKeepAlives Branch, EnumSet Var)
evaluateBranch env parents = \case
Syntax.LiteralBranch lit branch -> do
(branch', branchParents) <- evaluate env parents branch
Expand All @@ -160,7 +159,6 @@ type ReferenceCount = State ReferenceCountState
data Provenance
= Unmanaged
| Managed !Ownership !Representation
| DerivedFrom !Var

referenceCount :: Value -> ReferenceCount (Value, Provenance)
referenceCount value = case value.payload of
Expand All @@ -169,19 +167,29 @@ referenceCount value = case value.payload of
rc <- get
case (EnumMap.lookup var rc.owned, EnumMap.lookup var rc.borrowed) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> pure (value, Unmanaged)
(Just repr, _) -> pure (value, Managed Owned var)
(Nothing, _) -> pure (value, DerivedFrom var)
(Just repr, _) -> pure (value, Managed Owned repr)
(_, Just repr) -> pure (value, Managed Borrowed repr)
Global _ _ -> pure (value, Unmanaged)
Literal _ -> pure (value, Unmanaged)
Representation _ -> pure (value, Unmanaged)
Tag _ -> pure (value, Unmanaged)
Undefined _ -> pure (value, Unmanaged)
Let passBy name var val body -> do
rc <- get
let keepAlives = EnumMap.fromSet (const ()) body.keepAlives
let valBorrowed = EnumMap.intersection rc.owned keepAlives <> rc.borrowed
let valOwned = rc.owned EnumMap.\\ keepAlives
put rc {borrowed = valBorrowed, owned = valOwned}
(val', provenance) <- referenceCount val

case provenance of
Unmanaged -> _
Managed Borrowed repr -> _
Managed Owned repr -> _
Seq lhs rhs -> do
owned <- gets (.owned)
EnumMap.intersection rhs.occurrences
EnumMap.intersection rhs.keepAlives
Case scrutinee branches maybeDefaultBranch -> _
Call fun args -> _
StackAllocate size -> _
Expand Down

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