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ollef committed May 20, 2024
1 parent 12ef00e commit 0729c09
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Showing 4 changed files with 945 additions and 7 deletions.
342 changes: 342 additions & 0 deletions src/ClosureConverted/Representation2.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module ClosureConverted.Representation2 where

import Boxity
import qualified Builtin
import ClosureConverted.Context (Context)
import qualified ClosureConverted.Context as Context
import qualified ClosureConverted.Domain as Domain
import qualified ClosureConverted.Evaluation as Evaluation
import qualified ClosureConverted.Readback as Readback
import qualified ClosureConverted.Syntax as Syntax
import qualified ClosureConverted.TypeOf as TypeOf
import qualified Core.Syntax
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HashMap
import qualified Data.OrderedHashMap as OrderedHashMap
import Data.Tsil (Tsil)
import qualified Data.Tsil as Tsil
import qualified Environment
import Low.PassBy (PassBy)
import qualified Low.PassBy as PassBy
import qualified Low.Representation as Representation
import qualified Low.Syntax as Low
import Monad
import Name (Name)
import qualified Name
import Protolude hiding (empty, force, repr)
import Query (Query)
import qualified Query
import Rock
import Telescope (Telescope)
import qualified Telescope

signature :: Syntax.Definition -> M Low.Signature
signature def =
case def of
Syntax.TypeDeclaration (Syntax.Function tele) -> do
telescopeSignature context tele mempty \context' body passParametersBy -> do
let env' = Context.toEnvironment context'
body' <- Evaluation.evaluate env' body
passReturnBy <- passTypeBy env' body'
pure $ Low.FunctionSignature (functionOperand <$> passParametersBy) $ functionOperand passReturnBy
Syntax.TypeDeclaration type_ -> do
type' <- Evaluation.evaluate env type_
passBy <- passTypeBy env type'
case passBy of
PassBy.Value repr ->
pure $ Low.ConstantSignature repr
PassBy.Reference -> panic "couldn't determine representation of type declaration" -- TODO real error?
Syntax.ConstantDefinition term -> do
value <- Evaluation.evaluate env term
type_ <- TypeOf.typeOf context value
passBy <- passTypeBy env type_
case passBy of
PassBy.Value repr ->
pure $ Low.ConstantSignature repr
PassBy.Reference -> panic "couldn't determine representation of constant definition" -- TODO real error?
Syntax.FunctionDefinition tele ->
telescopeSignature context tele mempty \context' body passParametersBy -> do
let env' = Context.toEnvironment context'
body' <- Evaluation.evaluate env' body
type_ <- TypeOf.typeOf context' body'
passReturnBy <- passTypeBy env' type_
pure $ Low.FunctionSignature (functionOperand <$> passParametersBy) $ functionOperand passReturnBy
Syntax.DataDefinition {} ->
pure $ Low.ConstantSignature Representation.type_
Syntax.ParameterisedDataDefinition _boxity tele ->
telescopeSignature context tele mempty \_ _ passParametersBy -> do
pure $ Low.FunctionSignature (functionOperand <$> passParametersBy) $ functionOperand $ PassBy.Value Representation.type_
functionOperand passBy@(PassBy.Value repr)
| Representation.shouldPassByReference repr = PassBy.Reference
| otherwise = passBy
functionOperand PassBy.Reference = PassBy.Reference

context = Context.empty
env = Context.toEnvironment context

:: Context v
-> Telescope Name Syntax.Type body v
-> Tsil PassBy
-> (forall v'. Context v' -> body v' -> [PassBy] -> M result)
-> M result
telescopeSignature context tele passBys k =
case tele of
Telescope.Empty body ->
k context body $ toList passBys
Telescope.Extend _name type_ _plicity tele' -> do
let env = Context.toEnvironment context
type' <- Evaluation.evaluate env type_
passBy <- passTypeBy env type'
(context', _var) <- Context.extend context type'
telescopeSignature context' tele' (passBys Tsil.:> passBy) k

type Environment = Environment.Environment Domain.Type

passTypeBy :: Environment v -> Domain.Type -> M PassBy
passTypeBy env type_ =
case type_ of
Domain.Neutral (Domain.Var _) _ ->
pure PassBy.Reference
-- TODO: Handle these special cases in a nicer way
Domain.Neutral (Domain.Global (Name.Lifted Builtin.TypeName 0)) Tsil.Empty ->
pure $ PassBy.Value Representation.type_
Domain.Neutral (Domain.Global (Name.Lifted Builtin.IntName 0)) Tsil.Empty ->
pure $ PassBy.Value
Domain.Neutral (Domain.Global global) (Domain.groupSpine -> [Domain.GroupedApps args]) -> do
globalCase global args
Domain.Neutral (Domain.Global global) (Domain.groupSpine -> []) -> do
globalCase global []
Domain.Neutral {} ->
pure PassBy.Reference
Domain.Con {} ->
pure PassBy.Reference
Domain.Lit {} ->
pure PassBy.Reference
Domain.Glued _ _ type' ->
passTypeBy env type'
Domain.Lazy lazyType -> do
type' <- force lazyType
passTypeBy env type'
Domain.Pi {} ->
pure $ PassBy.Value Representation.pointer
Domain.Function {} ->
pure $ PassBy.Value Representation.rawFunctionPointer
globalCase global@(Name.Lifted qualifiedName liftedNameNumber) args = do
-- TODO caching
definition <- fetch $ Query.ClosureConverted global
case definition of
Syntax.TypeDeclaration _ ->
pure PassBy.Reference
Syntax.ConstantDefinition term -> do
value <- Evaluation.evaluate Environment.empty term
type' <- Evaluation.apply env value args
passTypeBy env type'
Syntax.FunctionDefinition tele -> do
maybeType' <- Evaluation.applyFunction env (Telescope.fromVoid tele) args
case maybeType' of
Nothing ->
pure $ PassBy.Value Representation.pointer -- a closure
Just type' ->
passTypeBy env type'
Syntax.DataDefinition Boxed _ ->
pure $ PassBy.Value Representation.pointer
Syntax.DataDefinition Unboxed constructors -> do
unless (liftedNameNumber == 0) $ panic "ClosureConverted.Representation. Data with name number /= 0"
passUnboxedDataBy qualifiedName Environment.empty constructors
Syntax.ParameterisedDataDefinition Boxed _ ->
pure $ PassBy.Value Representation.pointer
Syntax.ParameterisedDataDefinition Unboxed tele -> do
unless (liftedNameNumber == 0) $ panic "ClosureConverted.Representation. Data with name number /= 0"
maybeResult <- Evaluation.applyTelescope env (Telescope.fromVoid tele) args $ passUnboxedDataBy qualifiedName
pure $ fromMaybe PassBy.Reference maybeResult

maxM :: (Monad m) => [m PassBy] -> m PassBy
maxM = go mempty
go repr [] = pure $ PassBy.Value repr
go repr (m : ms) = do
passBy <- m
case passBy of
PassBy.Reference -> pure passBy
PassBy.Value repr' -> go (Representation.leastUpperBound repr repr') ms

passProductBy :: PassBy -> PassBy -> PassBy
passProductBy (PassBy.Value repr1) (PassBy.Value repr2) = PassBy.Value $ repr1 <> repr2
passProductBy PassBy.Reference _ = PassBy.Reference
passProductBy _ PassBy.Reference = PassBy.Reference

passUnboxedDataBy :: Name.Qualified -> Environment v -> Syntax.ConstructorDefinitions v -> M PassBy
passUnboxedDataBy dataTypeName env (Syntax.ConstructorDefinitions constructors) = do
(_boxity, maybeTags) <- fetch $ Query.ConstructorRepresentations dataTypeName
passFieldsBy <-
[ do
type' <- Evaluation.evaluate env type_
passConstructorFieldsBy env type' $ PassBy.Value mempty
| (_, type_) <- OrderedHashMap.toList constructors
pure case maybeTags of
Nothing -> passFieldsBy
Just _ -> passProductBy passConstructorTagBy passFieldsBy
passConstructorTagBy =

passConstructorFieldsBy :: Environment v -> Domain.Type -> PassBy -> M PassBy
passConstructorFieldsBy env type_ accumulatedPassBy = do
type' <- Evaluation.forceHead type_
case type' of
Domain.Pi _ fieldType closure -> do
passFieldBy <- passTypeBy env fieldType
case passProductBy accumulatedPassBy passFieldBy of
PassBy.Reference ->
pure PassBy.Reference
accumulatedPassBy' -> do
(context', var) <- Environment.extend env
type'' <- Evaluation.evaluateClosure closure $ Domain.var var
passConstructorFieldsBy context' type'' accumulatedPassBy'
Domain.Neutral {} ->
pure accumulatedPassBy
Domain.Con {} ->
pure accumulatedPassBy
Domain.Lit {} ->
pure accumulatedPassBy
Domain.Glued {} ->
pure accumulatedPassBy
Domain.Lazy {} ->
pure accumulatedPassBy
Domain.Function {} ->
pure accumulatedPassBy

compileData :: Environment v -> Name.Qualified -> Syntax.ConstructorDefinitions v -> M (Syntax.Term v)
compileData env dataTypeName (Syntax.ConstructorDefinitions constructors) = do
(boxity, maybeTags) <- fetch $ Query.ConstructorRepresentations dataTypeName
case boxity of
Boxed ->
pure $ Syntax.Global (Name.Lifted Builtin.WordRepresentationName 0)
Unboxed -> do
compiledConstructorFields <- forM (OrderedHashMap.toList constructors) \(_, type_) -> do
type' <- Evaluation.evaluate env type_
compileUnboxedConstructorFields env type'
let maxFieldSize =
(\a b -> Syntax.Apply (Name.Lifted Builtin.MaxRepresentationName 0) [a, b])
(Syntax.Global $ Name.Lifted Builtin.EmptyRepresentationName 0)
pure case maybeTags of
Nothing -> maxFieldSize
Just _ ->
(Name.Lifted Builtin.AddRepresentationName 0)
[ Syntax.Global (Name.Lifted Builtin.WordRepresentationName 0)
, maxFieldSize

:: Environment v
-> Name.Qualified
-> Telescope Name Syntax.Type Syntax.ConstructorDefinitions v
-> M (Telescope Name Syntax.Type Syntax.Term v)
compileParameterisedData env dataTypeName tele =
case tele of
Telescope.Empty constructors ->
Telescope.Empty <$> compileData env dataTypeName constructors
Telescope.Extend name type_ plicity tele' -> do
(env', _) <- Environment.extend env
Telescope.Extend name type_ plicity <$> compileParameterisedData env' dataTypeName tele'

compileUnboxedConstructorFields :: Environment v -> Domain.Type -> M (Syntax.Term v)
compileUnboxedConstructorFields env type_ = do
type' <- Evaluation.forceHead type_
case type' of
Domain.Pi _name fieldType closure -> do
fieldType' <- Readback.readback env fieldType
value <- Domain.Lazy <$> lazy (panic "unboxed data representation depends on field") -- TODO real error
rest <- Evaluation.evaluateClosure closure value
rest' <- compileUnboxedConstructorFields env rest
pure $ Syntax.Apply (Name.Lifted Builtin.AddRepresentationName 0) [fieldType', rest']
Domain.Neutral {} ->
Domain.Con {} ->
Domain.Lit {} ->
Domain.Glued {} ->
Domain.Lazy {} ->
Domain.Function {} ->
empty =
pure $ Syntax.Global (Name.Lifted Builtin.EmptyRepresentationName 0)

compileBoxedConstructorFields :: Environment v -> Domain.Type -> [Domain.Value] -> M (Syntax.Term v)
compileBoxedConstructorFields env type_ args = do
type' <- Evaluation.forceHead type_
case (type', args) of
(Domain.Pi _name fieldType closure, arg : args') -> do
fieldType' <- Readback.readback env fieldType
rest <- Evaluation.evaluateClosure closure arg
rest' <- compileBoxedConstructorFields env rest args'
pure $ Syntax.Apply (Name.Lifted Builtin.AddRepresentationName 0) [fieldType', rest']
(Domain.Pi {}, []) ->
panic "compileBoxedConstructorFields: constructor type field mismatch"
(Domain.Neutral {}, []) -> empty
(Domain.Con {}, []) -> empty
(Domain.Lit {}, []) -> empty
(Domain.Glued {}, []) -> empty
(Domain.Lazy {}, []) -> empty
(Domain.Function {}, []) -> empty
(_, _ : _) ->
panic "compileBoxedConstructorFields: constructor type field mismatch"
empty = pure $ Syntax.Global (Name.Lifted Builtin.EmptyRepresentationName 0)

data Branches v
= LiteralBranches (Syntax.LiteralBranches v)
| UntaggedConstructorBranch !Boxity (Telescope Name Syntax.Type Syntax.Term v)
| TaggedConstructorBranches !Boxity [(Name.QualifiedConstructor, Telescope Name Syntax.Type Syntax.Term v)]
deriving (Eq, Show)

compileBranches :: (MonadFetch Query m) => Syntax.Branches v -> m (Branches v)
compileBranches branches =
case branches of
Syntax.LiteralBranches literalBranches -> pure $ LiteralBranches literalBranches
Syntax.ConstructorBranches typeName constructorBranches -> do
(boxity, maybeTags) <- fetch $ Query.ConstructorRepresentations typeName
pure case (maybeTags, OrderedHashMap.toList constructorBranches) of
(Nothing, [(_, constructorBranch)]) -> UntaggedConstructorBranch boxity constructorBranch
(Nothing, _) -> panic "ClosureConverted.Representation.compileBranches: Untagged constructor branch length mismatch"
(Just _tags, constructorBranchesList) ->
[(Name.QualifiedConstructor typeName constructor, branch) | (constructor, branch) <- constructorBranchesList]

constructorRepresentations :: Name.Qualified -> Task Query (Boxity, Maybe (HashMap Name.Constructor Int))
constructorRepresentations name = do
(definition, _) <- fetch $ Query.ElaboratedDefinition name
pure case definition of
Core.Syntax.DataDefinition boxity tele ->
( boxity
, Telescope.under tele \(Core.Syntax.ConstructorDefinitions constructors) ->
case OrderedHashMap.toList constructors of
[] -> Nothing
[_] -> Nothing
constructorList ->
Just $
HashMap.fromList [(constructor, tag) | (tag, (constructor, _)) <- zip [0 ..] constructorList]
_ ->
panic "ClosureConverted.Representation.compileConstructors: No data definition"

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