A Dungeon crawler with procedurally generated levels, monsters of increasing difficulty, and turn based movement
The hero’s hometown is suffering from a plague of monsters. Welling up from the deep, they seem unstoppable. Legend tells of the Amulet of Yala that can be used to stem the tide. After a long night at the tavern, the hero promises to save the day - and sets forth into the dungeon.
- Enter the dungeon level.
- Explore, revealing the map.
- Encounter enemies whom the player fights or flees from.
- Find powerups and use them to strengthen the player.
- Locate the exit - go to 1.
skinparam linetype ortho
state AwaitingInput
AwaitingInput:Poll Input
AwaitingInput:Redraw Screen
state PlayerTurn
PlayerTurn: Apply Movement
PlayerTurn: Collsions
PlayerTurn: Redraw Screen
state MonsterTurn
MonsterTurn:Random Movement
MonsterTurn:Apply Movement
MonsterTurn:Redraw Screen
MonsterTurn:End Turn
AwaitingInput -> PlayerTurn
PlayerTurn -> MonsterTurn
MonsterTurn -> AwaitingInput