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Collaborative Live Brain Art Through Music & MUSE EEG Brain Visualization

Aki Nikolaidis edited this page Apr 3, 2018 · 8 revisions

Starting from a small Twitter thread on using music & EEG together, a Brainhack project was born!

We've got a very generous offer from Muse to loan us equipment for the OHBM Brainhack this year.

One idea we've had was to use the Muse headset while OHBM folks are listening to live music. We can take in the live stream of signal from the Muse headsets and use them as part of some kind of projected interactive visualization.

I'm imagining something like many people listening to the same live music, and then, on the fly, using a windowed clustering approach to look for common microstates between people. We could transform these microstates into visualizations by representing the spectrograms or other characteristics of these microstates by the color, shape, opacity etc of the visualization. The number of people exhibiting a particular microstate could correspond to the size of the projected microstate-making the visualization somehow a representation of the vibe of the dance party.

What do you think? Sounds fun? Let's brainstorm some more ideas!
