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OraDBA SQL Tools and Reporting

General Information

A number of SQL scripts as well as SQL Developer Reports for various DBA activities are available in this directory. The scripts focus on setup, configuration and analysis of database security topics such as Oracle Unified Audit, Oracle Centrally Managed Users, Advanced Security, Authentication, Authorisation, Encryption and more.. An updated version of the scripts is available via GitHub on oehrli/oradba.

Naming Concept Summary

Script Naming Convention

The script names follow the format: <script_qualifier><privileges_qualifier><topic_qualifier>_<use_case>.sql

Script Qualifier

The script qualifier is used to determine whether a script is used to read information or to configure, e.g. create, modify, activate, etc.

Qualifier Stands For Comment
s Show Output only on screen
d Delete Delete any objects, configuration etc
i Initialize Initializes or enable a configuration
c Create Create any objects, configuration etc.
u Update Update any object
g Grant Grants some objects or system privileges

Privileges Qualifier

The privilege qualifier is used to determine what privileges are required by a script.

Qualifier Stands For Comment
s SYS SYS, SYSDBA, SYSKM, SYSDG, SYSBACKUP or Internal. Depending on use case
d DBA SYSTEM or any other user with DBA role
o Owner Object owner
p Create Needs some special privileges according to the scripts inline comments
a Audit Audit roles like AUDIT_ADMIN or AUDIT_VIEWER

Topic Qualifier

Topic Qualifier is used to assign the different scripts to a certain topic and thus to be able to sort them better.

Qualifier Stands For Comment
ua Unified Audit Everything related to Oracle Unified Audit
ta Traditional Audit Everything related to Oracle traditional Audit
sec Security Oracle security related stuff
enc Encryption Oracle Transparent DataEncryption
a Admin Database Administration

Generic DBA Activities

The following SQL scripts are available.

Script Alias Purpose
ssa_hip.sql hip.sql Show all (hidden and regular) init parameter

Oracle Unified Audit

SQL Script Use Cases and Filenames

The following SQL scripts are available.

Script Purpose
saua_info.sql Show information about the audit trails
daua_pol.sql Disable all audit policies and drop all non-Oracle maintained policies
cdua_init.sql Initialize Audit environment (create tablespace, reorganize tables, create jobs)
caua_pol.sql Create custom local audit policies policies
iaua_pol.sql Enable custom local audit policies policies
saua_pol.sql Show local audit policies policies. A join of the views AUDIT_UNIFIED_POLICIES and AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
saua_teact.sql Show top unified audit events by action for current DBID
saua_tecli.sql Show top unified audit events by client_program_name for current DBID
saua_tedbid.sql Show top unified audit events by DBID
saua_teusr.sql Show top unified audit events by dbusername for current DBID
saua_teobj.sql Show top unified audit events by object_name for current DBID
saua_teobjusr.sql Show top unified audit events by Object Name without Oracle maintained schemas for current DBID
saua_teown.sql Show top unified audit events by object_schema for current DBID
saua_teosusr.sql Show top unified audit events by os_username for current DBID
saua_tepol.sql Show top unified audit events by unified_audit_policies for current DBID
saua_tepoldet.sql Show top unified audit events by unified_audit_policies, dbusername, action for current DBID
saua_tehost.sql Show top unified audit events by userhost for current DBID
saua_asdbv.sql Show audit sessions for audit type Database Vault
saua_asdp.sql Show audit sessions for audit type Datapump
saua_asfga.sql Show audit sessions for audit type Fine Grained Audit
saua_asbck.sql Show audit sessions for audit type RMAN
saua_asstd.sql Show audit sessions for audit type Standard
saua_as.sql Show audit sessions for audit any type
saua_asdet.sql Show entries of a particular audit session with unified_audit_policies
saua_asdetsql.sql Show entries of a particular audit session with SQL_TEXT
sdua_usage.sql Show Unified Audit trail storage usage
saua_tabsize.sql Show Unified Audit trail table and partition size
sdua_enpolstm.sql Generate statements to enable all audit policies as currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
sdua_crpolstm.sql Generate statements to create all audit policies as currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
sdua_drpolstm.sql Generate statements to drop all audit policies as currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
sdua_dipolstm.sql Generate statements to disable all audit policies as currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES
sdua_prgstm.sql Generate Unified Audit trail storage purge statements
sdua_stostm.sql Generate Unified Audit trail storage usage modification statements
cdsec_credbarestrole.sql Script to create a restricted DBA role including re-grant to existing users.

SQL Developer Reports

Predefined reports for Unified Audit Assessment available via unified_audit_reports.xml

The scripts are divided into the following categories for easier organisation.

  • Generic Audit
  • Audit Configuration
  • Audit Sessions
  • Generate Statements
  • Top Audit Events
Folder Report Purpose
Generic Audit Events by Day Chart with number of Audit events by days with a couple of subqueries for history, by hour or DB Info
Generic Audit Events by User Chart with number of Audit events by user with a couple of subqueries for history, by hour or DB Info
Generic Audit Events by User Show of Audit Events by Users with a couple of subqueries for audit policies, actions, clients and Policy
Audit Configuration Audit Storage Usage Information about the Audit storage usage and configuration.
Audit Configuration Clean Up Events Displays the audit cleanup event history
Audit Configuration Clean Up Jobs Displays the currently configured audit trail purge jobs
Audit Configuration Configuration Show current audit configuration parameter
Audit Configuration Last Archive Timestamp Displays the last archive timestamps set for the audit trails
Audit Configuration Unified Audit Policies Display overview about unified audit policies based on the views AUDIT_UNIFIED_POLICIES and AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES.
Audit Sessions Proxy Sessions Show information about proxy sessions for audit type Standard based on UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
Audit Sessions Session by Audit Type Standard Show information about sessions for audit type Standard based on UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
Audit Sessions Session Details Show details of a particular session
Audit Sessions Session Overview Overview of standard audit session
Audit Sessions Sessions by any Audit Type Show information about sessions any audit type based on UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
Audit Sessions Sessions by Audit Type Database Vault Show information about sessions for audit type Database Vault based on UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
Audit Sessions Sessions by Audit Type Datapump Show information about sessions for audit type Datapump based on UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
Audit Sessions Sessions by Audit Type Direct path API Show information about sessions for audit type Direct path API based on UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
Audit Sessions Sessions by Audit Type Fine Grained Audit Show information about sessions for audit type Fine Grained Audit based on UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
Audit Sessions Sessions by Audit Type Protocol Show information about sessions for audit type Protocol based on UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
Audit Sessions Sessions by Audit Type RMAN_AUDIT Show information about sessions for audit type RMAN_AUDIT based on UNIFIED_AUDIT_TRAIL
Generate Statements Create all Audit Policy Generate statements to create all audit policies as they are currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES. Requires DBA privileges.
Generate Statements Disable all Audit Policy Generate statements to disable all audit policies as they are currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES.
Generate Statements Drop all Audit Policy Generate statements to drop all audit policies as they are currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES.
Generate Statements Enable all Audit Policy Generate statements to enable all audit policies as they are currently set in AUDIT_UNIFIED_ENABLED_POLICIES.
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by Action Show top unified audit events by Action Name
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by Application Context Show top unified audit events by Application Context
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by Audit Type Show top unified audit events by Audit Type
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by Client Show top unified audit events by Client
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by Client Program name Show top unified audit events by Client Program
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by DBID Show top unified audit events by Database ID
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by External User ID Show top unified audit events by External User ID
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by Global User ID Show top unified audit events by Global User ID
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by Object Name Show top unified audit events by Object Name
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by none Oracle Object Name Show top unified audit events by Object Name without Oracle maintained schemas
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by Object Schema Show top unified audit events by Object Schema
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by OS User Show top unified audit events by OS User
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by Unified Policy Show top unified audit events by Unified Audit Policy
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by SQL Text Show top unified audit events by SQL Text
Top Audit Events Top Audit Events by User Show top unified audit events by User

Oracle Advanced Security and Encryption

SQL Script Use Cases and Filenames

The following SQL scripts are available.

Script Purpose
csenc_master.sql Create master encryption key for TDE configured keystore must be set before hand. Works for CDB as well PDB.
csenc_swkeystore.sql Create TDE software keystore and master encryption key in CDB$ROOT in the WALLET_ROOT directory.
ddenc_wroot.sql Reset init.ora parameter WALLET_ROOT for TDE. This script should run in CDB$ROOT. A manual restart of the database is mandatory to activate WALLET_ROOT
idenc_lostkey.sql Set hidden parameter _db_discard_lost_masterkey to force discard of lost master keys
idenc_tde_pdbiso.sql Initialize TDE in a PDB in isolation mode i.e., with a dedicated wallet in WALLET_ROOT for this pdb. The CDB must be configured for TDE beforehand. This scripts does use several other scripts to enable TDE and it also includes restart of the pdb.
idenc_tde_pdbuni.sql Initialize TDE in a PDB in united mode i.e., with a common wallet of the CDB in WALLET_ROOT. The CDB must be configured for TDE beforehand. This scripts does use several other scripts to enable TDE and it also includes restart of the pdb.
idenc_tde.sql Initialize TDE for a single tenant or container database. This scripts does use several other scripts to enable TDE and it also includes restart of the database.
idenc_wroot.sql Initialize init.ora parameter WALLET_ROOT for TDE with software keystore. This script should run in CDB$ROOT. A manual restart of the database is mandatory to activate WALLET_ROOT
ssenc_info.sql Show information about the TDE Configuration