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Database structure

DREVET Olivier edited this page Aug 10, 2022 · 6 revisions

This file describe the structure and explain the design choices of the databases.

For more information onto the databases structure you may open sql files in edict_database/data/init or open a .db with sqlite3 and use the .schema command.


ER Diagram

![ERDiagram]( kanji.png)

kanji table primary key

the primary key of the kanji table is the kanji character.

For example, to get fields for the kanji "考", the SQL command will be :

SELECT * FROM kanji WHERE id="";

This may seems to be an odd choice but after all a kanji character :

  • Is uniq.
  • Is a unicode point, which is an integer.

Radical view

radical is a view of the kanji table.

However, there are 6 kanji which are not present in the kanjidic2 dictionary (ノハマユヨ|).

Those 6 kanji are added in the kanji table just after it's creation, by the data/init/kanji.sql file

Kanji Radical : N-N relation

A radical may be found in several kanji and a kanji may have several radicals, the table kanji_radical contains the correspondences between the kanjis and radicals.


ER Diagram

ER Diagram

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