- Event Data
Hit Tree is a default output format of ComptonSoft. This TTree object contains information on hits detected in a detector system. The name of the object is hittree. There are 46 branches:
Event ID to which the hit belongs.
Index of the hits in this event.
Number of hits in this event.
Time Indicator: this is a measured time by a detector readout system clock.
Instument ID.
Detector ID.
Section index of detector-based channel ID.
Readout module ID.
Section index of readout-based channel ID.
Channel index (common regardless of detetor-base of readout-base).
Pixel (voxel) index in the x-axis.
Pixel (voxel) index in the y-axis.
Pixel (voxel) index in the z-axis.
Measured PHA value (raw ADC value).
PHA (pulse height amplitude) value. This branch is used for a corrected value (e.g. pedestal, common-mode noise corrections are applied).
Energy value obtained from the PHA value after gain correction. (EPI stands for Energy pulse height invariant).
Error of EPI.
Flag data assigned by the detector readout system.
Flags used in Compton Soft.
Track ID in Geant4 simulation.
Particle ID (PDG particle code) in Geant4 simulation.
Raw simulation output of time.
Time of the trigger.
Time group ID. This ID distinguishs different readout groups at temporally separate readout (different trigger) but belong to the same event ID. This can happen if a radioactive primary makes decays distributed in a period longer than a detector readout timescale.
Raw simulation output of position x.
Raw simulation output of position y.
Raw simulation output of position z.
Raw simulation output of energy deposit. If a quenching factor is not unity, this factor is multiplied.
Energy deposit multiplied by charge collection efficiency.
Process flags.
Reconstructed energy.
Error of reconstructed energy.
Reconstructed position x.
Reconstructed position y.
Reconstructed position z.
Error of reconstructed position x.
Error of reconstructed position y.
Error of reconstructed position z.
Reconstructed position x in detector-local coordicates.
Reconstructed position y in detector-local coordicates.
Reconstructed position z in detector-local coordicates.
Error of reconstructed position x in detector-local coordicates.
Error of reconstructed position y in detector-local coordicates.
Error of reconstructed position z in detector-local coordicates.
Reconstructed time.
Error of reconstructed time.
Grade of this event.
Energy of the primary particle of this event.
Direction x of the primary particle of this event.
Direction y of the primary particle of this event.
Direction z of the primary particle of this event.
Time of the primary particle of this event.
Position x of the primary particle of this event.
Position y of the primary particle of this event.
Position z of the primary particle of this event.
Polarization vector x of the primary particle of this event.
Polarization vector y of the primary particle of this event.
Polarization vector z of the primary particle of this event.
Statistical weight of this event.
Event Tree has almost the same information as the Hit Tree. But this tree has different format with a variable-length array. The object name is eventtree.
The object name is cetree.
- Database for Simulations and Analysis
All database formats are written in XML and support XSLT stylesheet. You can view the contents of the database by your web browser. You can see concrete samples in examples/simulations directory.
This database file describes detector configuration which includes detector ID, name, type, geometry, pixel segmentation, position of the detectors. This file is mandatory for simulations. This database also desribes readout orders in serialized data readout if this information is needed. The database can also define detector groups and hit patterns.
This database file describes relation between geometrical pixels and electrical readout channels. This database is optional, and is not necessary if you do not want to simulate readout configuration of your real detector.
This database file contains information on detector parameters. This file is mandatory for simulations. Important required information is mapping of physical volumes in Monte-Carlo simulation to real detectors. This database can also describe detector parameters used for simulations and analysis such as noise levels, diffusion properties, and threshold values.
This database file contains information on properties associated with readout channels. You can specify detailed characteristics of each channel. This file is optional.