Hello, welcome to the software engineering CBUK programming challenge!
This task involves using test-driven development to write some code of your own.
There's no time limit for completing this task. We would expect it to take a few hours, but we understand that everyone works at their own pace, so there's no strict deadline. We don't want to be unreasonable and want to be respectful of your time - so you are not expected to stay up all night coding away! As with a real project, you may want to take breaks and your git commits will reflect this. Don't worry, you won't be marked down for taking breaks.
As you work on your solution, you should make commits to the repository along the way, just as you would on a real project. This is so we can see the progression and identify how you came to the solutions you did.
This folder already contains an empty git repository. Your submission will be assessed independently of the covering letter / CV you have already sent.
Have fun, and feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear.
In the input_mis_data.json
file is some json output from a hypothetical school
managment information API. The scenario is that we have performed a request for
students and the data need to be manipulated in a flexible way.
Unfortunately the real mis APIs are nowhere near this simple, but this example provides more than enough complexity for the challenge!
Your task is to write a program which will parse the input_mis_data.json
file and output
the data, modelled in the same format as output_mis_data.json
Once you have the output data model, we would like to see you use that data in a web application to solve the following use cases:
- As a school staff user, I need to search for a student record, so i can check their details that include contact and demographic information
- As a school staff user, I need to be able to filter students by year group, so I can perform bulk actions
As an extension that will require further work with the input data model:
- As a school staff user, I need to be able to review linked contacts for a student, so I can contact parents in an emergency
- As a school staff user, I need to be able to award "stars/points" to students with special educational needs (SEN / SEN Provisions)
Provide an interface powered by the supplied data (you may want to duplicate the record for more than one student!) that provides the UI components that facilitate the above use cases. Be creative! The key things here are displaying data from a source, filtering, accessing and expanding record detail in some way, relating data to linked records and storing data against a record
Below is a scoring rubric that outlines the five areas for which you will be marked. If you run out of time that's fine, but we urge you to concentrate your time on these areas and don't get caught up handling edge-cases and performance optimisations.
You can assume that program will only ever need to handle the json input provided and you don't need to implement error handling.
The formatting of the output of the program is important.
However, whilst we don't expect you to implement this, you might want to consider how open the program is to handling additional input formats and different output formats for attributes.
You are expected to write tests to guide your development, and make regular commits to the repository so that we can see the progression of how it developed. We don't expect the tests to provide 100% code coverage.
You may use whichever language and tools you are comfortable with.
Here are some things to think about:
- Appropriate modelling of the domain using objects
- Separation of concerns: parsing, domain modelling and output formatting
- Avoid over-engineering
D | C | B | A | |
Ease of use | No useage instructions or instructions don't work | Usage instructions are partially complete. | Useage instructions are complete. | Dependency management is automated – installing and running the program is very simple. |
Tests | No tests or tests don't work | Tests run but some fail or some major parts of the logic are untested | Tests all pass but they're overly complicated and/or testing the wrong thing. | All key logic is adequately tested. No redundant tests. Not necessarily 100% coverage. |
Accuracy of output | There is no output | Output is incorrect or large parts are missing | Output is all correct but some parts are missing or minor mistakes | Output is all present and correct |
Object oriented design | Extremely poor or no separation of concerns | Concerns are separated at least to some extent | Good separation of concerns but there is some overlap. Some classes may have too much responsibility. | Clean separation of concerns with no overlap. The code would be relatively easy to extend or modify if requirements changed. |
Coding style | Code is difficult to read or follow | Style is inconsistent or not idiomatic Ruby | Style is idiomatic but some refactoring would make it easier to follow. May have overly complicated methods, unclear or ambiguous naming conventions. | Code is easy to follow and not overly complicated. Naming conventions are very clear. |