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ObjectBox Swift Sources

This folder contains the Swift sources for ObjectBox. This is the API you primarily touch when working with ObjectBox.

These Swift classes internally use ObjectBox's C API, implemented by the libObjectBoxCore library.

Repository Contents

  • ios-framework/: The ObjectBox Swift framework. Uses a special static ObjectBox C library for macOS/iOS, see fetch_dependencies.command below.
    • docs/swift_output/: The generated framework documentation.
  • external/: git submodule and/or pre-built binary container. This contains the ObjectBoxCore static libraries and the ObjectBox Swift code generator.

Scripts and how they depend on each other (subject to future simplifications):

  • fetch_dependencies.command: populates external/objectbox-static with libObjectBoxCore. libObjectBoxCore is a crucial requirement build the Swift framework.
  • ios-framework/Makefile: combines fetch_dependencies.command and a Carthage build to create the Swift framework.
  • builds the multi-platform archive containing binaries for multiple platforms and architectures.


ObjectBox comes with a couple of tests of different categories:

  • Unit tests: ios-framework/CommonTests, based on XCTestCase
  • Generator tests (see README): ios-framework/CodeGenTests are run by building the CodenGenTests target with Xcode/xcodebuild (which runs a script that must be launched by Xcode/xcodebuild); uses a separate Xcode project and an ObjectBox generator executable to generate actual binding classes and assert the generator and database operations.
  • (Outdated) Integration tests "IntegrationTests": ios-framework/IntegrationTests, currently not maintained, run via script; somewhat similar to CodeGen; subject to a general clean up; see README
  • External integration test project: runs "real projects" with "full ObjectBox round-trip" on internal CI and CircleCI

Xcode Project Organization

You look at and build the framework itself via ios-framework/ObjectBox.xcodeproj.

  • ObjectBox.xcproject targets
    • ObjectBox-macOS, ObjectBox-iOS and ObjectBox-iOS Simulator build the ObjectBox.framework for each platform
    • ObjectBoxTests-macOS, ObjectBoxTests-iOS and ObjectBoxTests-iOS Simulator build unit tests for each platforms framework
    • iOS-Fat-Framework builds a universal binary of the iOS framework needed for distribution, with code both for device and simulator
    • CodeGenTests runs a script that runs generator tests, see notes for tests above
  • ObjectBox.xcproject main groups and directories
    • CommonSource contains all code to be shared by the framework of the macOS and iOS platforms.
      • ObjectBox.h is the framework umbrella header where all public C and ObjC header files are listed. These are either intended for use by app developers, or required to be visible for the Swift extensions.
      • objectbox-c.h and objectbox-c-sync.h are modified copies of the C API's header files created by the fetch_dependencies.command script so they can be imported into Swift and do not collide with ObjectBox.h on case-insensitive file systems.
      • The directory itself contains general purpose types like Store and Box. The important sub-groups are Entities, Relation, and Query.
    • CommonTests contains all code to be shared by tests for the macOS and iOS platforms, see notes on tests above
    • ObjectBox-macOS, ObjectBox-iOS and ObjectBox-iOS Simulator contain platform-specific files, including the framework's Info.plist


  • Ensure the latest Xcode is installed (Swift 5.3+, command line tools should be included).
  • Ensure homebrew is installed, e.g. uses it.
  • Ensure rbenv and ruby is installed, see section below.
  • Run ./ or see and only run what is needed.
    • Runs brew bundle to install or update basic build tools including Carthage (see Brewfile).
    • Runs bundle install to install or update cocoapods and jazzy (see Gemfile).

Open the Xcode project in ios-framework/ObjectBox.xcodeproj.

From the command line:

# Enter the framework directory
cd ios-framework/

# Build the generator
make build_generator
# Build the framework
make build_framework

# Execute all tests
make test
# Execute specific tests
make unit_tests
make generator_tests

To execute a specific test change the last argument to specify your test. You can also execute a group/class by removing the last one/two parts of the filter. Note: xcpretty cleans up the output so you won't see all the compiler calls but it also hides failed tests output. So once you see a failure, run without xcpretty to read the error.

xcodebuild -derivedDataPath ./DerivedData test -project ObjectBox.xcodeproj -scheme ObjectBox-macOS -destination 'platform=OS X,arch=x86_64' -only-testing ObjectBoxTests-macOS/StoreTests/test32vs64BitForOs | xcpretty
xcodebuild -derivedDataPath ./DerivedData test -project ObjectBox.xcodeproj -scheme ObjectBox-iOS -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 11' -only-testing ObjectBoxTests-iOS/StoreTests/test32vs64BitForOs | xcpretty

To run tests with an in-memory database set the following environment variable before running an xcodebuild command:

export OBX_IN_MEMORY=true
make u_tests

In Xcode, set this by editing the scheme: under Test look for Arguments.

Generate the Documentation

Inside ios-framework/ jazzy is configured inside Makefile:

cd ios-framework/
make generate_docs

Jazzy uses the as a front page.

The result is stored inside ios-framework/docs/swift_output/.

Ruby version

The Ruby version on macOS is outdated, e.g. Cocoapods may have a problem. Use rbenv to install the required version:

# Print current version
ruby -v
# Install rbenv and build plugin to install ruby versions
brew update && brew install rbenv ruby-build
# Print the version configured in .ruby-version
rbenv local
# Install that version, e.g.
rbenv install 3.0.5
# Ensure it is the expected version
ruby -v

To change the required ruby version, see and set it with e.g. rbenv local 3.0.5. This will update the .ruby-version file. Then install it with rbenv like above.

Updating gems: CocoaPods, Jazzy

If needed, change the allowed version in Gemfile.

Run bundle update and commit the changed lock file.

Build notes

  • SwiftLint: target ObjectBox-macOS has a build phase that runs swiftlint lint --config .swiftlint.yml
    • Edit .swiftlint.yml file to customize


To make to-one relations and their backlinks work, the Entity protocol was extended to require (1) an EntityType typealias, and (2) an _id property. The former was needed to disambiguate which concrete entity we're talking about when all we have is the protocol type, and this in turn is needed to specify the generic type requirement of Id<T>. Since the Entity protocol itself is intended to be no more than a convenient code annotation (which Sourcery can filter on), it's advised to get rid of this as soon as possible and find a different way to get the data needed for associations in Swift, for example using an IdGetter<T> like we do in Java and injecting it into EntityInfo from generated code.