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Module 07 - Malware

File metadata and controls

223 lines (187 loc) · 10.8 KB

Module 07: Malware Threats

Common Techniques Attackers Use to Distribute Malware on the Web

  • Black hat Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Ranking malware pages highly in search results
  • Social Engineered Click-jacking: Tricking users into clicking on innocent-looking webpages
  • Spear-phishing Sites: Mimicking legitimate institutions in an attemp to steal login credentials
  • Malvertising: Embedding malware in ad-networks that display across hundreds of legitimate, high-traffic sites
  • Compromised Legitimate Websites: Hosting embedded malware that spreads to unsuspecting vistors
  • Drive-by Downloads: Exploiting flaws in browser software to install malware just by visiting a web page.
  • Spam Emails: Attaching the malware to emails and tricking victims to click the attchment.

Components of Malware

  • Crypter
  • Downloader
  • Dropper: A type of Trojan that covertly install other malware files on to the system
  • Injector: A program that injects its code into other vulnerable running processes and…
  • Exploit
  • Obfuscator: A program that conceals its code and intended purpose via various tevchniques
  • Packer: A program that allows all files to bundle together into a single executable file via compression to bypass security software detection
  • Payload
  • Malicious Code: It can take the forms of Java Applets, ActiveX Controls, Browser Plug-ins, Pushed Content

APT (Advanced Persistent Threats)

  • Defined as a type of network attack , when an attacker gains unauthorized access to a target network and remains undetected for a long period of time
  • Obtain sensitive info rather than sobotaging the org and its network
  • Lifecycle: Preparation->Initial Intrusion->Expansion->Persistence->Search and Exfiltration->Cleanup


  • Get activated when a user perform certain predefined actions
  • Create a covert communication channel between..

Infect Systems Using a Trojan

  • Create a new Trojan packet:
    • Trojan Horse construction kits help attacker…
    • Tools in these kits can be dangerous and can backfire if not properly executed
    • DarkHorse Trojan Virus Maker creates user-specified Trojans
  • Employ a dropper or downloader to install the malicious code on the target system
    • Droppers: Used to camouflage the malware payloads. Consist of one or more types of malware features. Emotet dropper and Dridex dropper are some of the famous droppers
    • Downloads: A program that can download and install harmful program. Do not carry malware of itself, so it could pass through the AV scanner. Godzilla Downloader and Trojan.Downloader are some of the famous downlaoders.
  • Employ a wrapper to bind the Trojan to a legitimate file
    • Bind a Trojan executable with genuine looking .EXE applications.
    • When the user runs the wrapped .EXE, it first installs the Trojan in the background and then runs the wrapping application
    • Tools: IExpress Wizard, Elite Wrap
  • Employ a crypter to encrypt the Trojan
    • A software used to hide virus, keyloggers or tools. Not easily get detected by AV
    • BitCrypter can be used to encrypt and compress 32bit executable and .NET apps
    • Tools: SwayzCryptor, AegisCrypter
  • Propagate the Trojan by various methods
    • Use covert channels to deploy and hide malicious trojans in an undetected protocol
    • Covert channels operate on a tunneling method to evade firewalls
    • Attackers can create covert channels using Tools such as Ghost Tunnel, ELECTRICFISH -A North Korean tunneling tool
    • Evade AV:
      • Break the trojan file into multiple pieces and zip them.
      • Write own Trojan and embed it into an app.
      • Change the syntax. Change the content of the trojan using hex editor and change the checksum and encrypt the file.
      • Never use downloaded trojan
  • Deploy the Trojan on the victim's machine by executing dropper or downloader on the target machine
    • Deploy a trojan through emails, covert channels, proxy servers, USB/flash Drives
    • Covert Channels are method used to deploy and hide malicious trojans in an undetectable protocol, they rely on tunneling.
  • Execute the damage routine

Exploit Kits

  • An exploit kit or crimeware toolkit is a platform to deliver explolits and payloads such as trojans, spyware…
  • Come with pre-written exploit codes and can be easily used by an attacker
  • RIG Explit Kit: RIG EK was used by attackers for distributing…

Stage of Virus Lifecycle

  • Design
  • Replication
  • Launch
  • Detection
  • Incorporation
  • Execution of the damage routine

Type of virus

    1. System or Boot Sector Virus
    1. File Virus
    1. Multipartite Virus
    1. Macro Virus
    1. Cluster Virus
    1. Stealth/Tunneling Virus
    1. Encryption Virus
    1. Sparse Infector Virus
    1. Polymorphic Virus
  1. Metamorphic Virus
    1. Overwriting File or Cavity Virus
    1. Companion Virus/Camouflage Virus
    1. Shell Virus
    1. File Extension Virus
    1. FAT Virus
    1. Logic Bomb Virus
    1. Web Scripting Virus
    1. Email Virus
    1. Armored Virus
    1. Add-on Virus
    1. Intrusive Virus
    1. Direct Action or Transient Virus
    1. Terminate and Stay Resident Virus (TSR) System


  • Dharma
  • eCh0raix
  • SamSam

Infect Systems Using a Virus

  • Creating a Virus
  • Propagating and Deploying a Virus
    • Virus Hoaxes
    • Fake Antivirus

Computer Worms

  • Mailicous programs that independently replicate, execute, and spread across the network connections, comsuming available computing resources without human interaction.
  • Differences from a virus:
  • Worm Makers: Internet Worm Maker Thing

Fileless Malware

  • Also known as non-malware, infects legitimate software, applications , and other protocols
  • Leverage vulnerabilities to infect the system
  • Reside in the system's RAM, injecting malicious code into the running processes.
  • Reason for using it:
    • Stealthy in nature
    • Living-off-the-land: Exploit default system tools
    • Trustworthy: Uses tools that are frequently used and trusted
  • Taxonomy:
    • Type1: No file activity performed
    • Type2: No files written on disk, but some files used indirectly
    • Type3: File required to achieve fileless persistence
  • How does Fileless malware work
    • Point of Entry:
      • Memory Exploits
      • Malicious Document
    • Code Execution:
      • Code injection
      • Script-Based
    • Persistence: Registry, WMI, Scheduled Task
    • Achieving Objectives: Recon, Credential Harvesting, Data Exfiltration, Cyber Espionage
  • Launching Fileless Malware
    • Memory Exploits: Inject a malicious payload into the RAM, exploit different Win APIs.
    • Malicious Document: Trick users into downloading a file consisting of malicious macro code.
    • Script-Based: Allow attackers to communicate and infect the applications or OS without being traced
    • Exploiting System Admin Tools: Exploit system admin tools such as Certutil, WMIC, and Regsvr32 to launch fileless infections. Exploit cmd tools such as Regsvr32 , and runddl32 to run malicious DLLs.
    • Through Phishing: Use social engineering techniques. Fileless malware exploits vulnerabilities in system tools to load and run malicious payloads to compromise the sensitive info stored in the process memory.
  • Main Persistence with Fileless Techniques
    • Do not use disk files to spread its infection or main persistence
    • Adopt unique methods such as developing load points to restart infecteted payload
    • Save the malicious payload inside the registry t hat hold data for configuration, application files, and settings, which executes itself with evetry restart
  • Fileless Malware: Divergent is a type of fileless malware that depends mostly on the registry for the….It also employs a key in the register to maintain persistence and exploits PowerShell to inject itself on to the other processes.
  • Obfuscation Techniques:
    • Insert characters
    • Insert Parentheses
    • Insert caret symbol
    • Insert double quotes
    • Using custom environment variables
    • Using pre-assigned environment variables

Sheep Dip Computer

  • Refer to the analysis of suspect files, incoming messages, etc…
  • Is installed with port monitors, files monitor…Connect to a network only under strictly controlled conditions

Antivirus Sensor Systems

  • A collection of computer software that detects and analyzes malicious code threats such as viruses, worms, and trojans.
  • They are used along with sheep dig computer.

Malware Analysis

  • A process of reverse engineering a specific piece of malware to determine the origin…
  • Static Malware Analysis: Also known as code analysis without executing it.
    • File fingerprinting: Hash
    • Local and online malware scanning: AV software, VirusTotal
    • Perform string search: Embedded strings of readble text, using BinText
    • Identify packing/obfuscation methods: PEid tool
    • Finding the PE info: Metadata of PE files, PE explorer
    • Identify file dependencies: Dependency Walker
    • Malware disassembly: IDA, OllyDbg
  • Dynamic Malware Analysis: Behabioral analysis involves executing the malware code
    • Require a safe environment such as virtual machines and sandboxes
    • System Baseline : Take a snapshot of the system, compare
    • Host Integrity Monitoring:
      • Port: netstat, TCPView
      • Process: Process Monitor
      • Registry: jv16 PowerTools
      • Service: Windows Service Monitoring Tools
      • Startup: Autoruns for Windows, C:\ ProgramData\Microsoft \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
      • Event Logs: Splunk is a SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) tools that…
      • Installation: Mirebusoft Install Monitor
      • File and Folders: PA File Sight
      • Drivers: DriverView, run->msinfo32->Software Environment->System Drivers
      • Network traffic: SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer
      • DNS/Resolution: DNSQuerySniffer
      • API Calls: API Monitor

Virus Detection Methods

  • Scanning
  • Integrity Checking
  • Interception: Monitor the OS requests written to the disk
  • Code Emulation: effective in dealing with encrypted and polymorphic virus
  • Heuristic Analysis: can be static or dynamic


  • A banking Trojan which can function both as a trojan by itself or as the downloader and dropper of other banking trojans
  • It is a polymorphic malware as it can change its own identifiable feartures to evade signature-based detection

Countermeasures against Fileless Malware

  • Disable PDF readers to automatically run JS
  • Disable macros and use only digitally signed trusted macros
  • Tools: AlienBault USM Anywhere, McAfee End Points Security