Module 04 : Enumeration
- Enumeration: An attacker creates avtive connections with a target system and perform directed queries to gain more info about the target
- Identify points for a system attack and perform password attacks to…
- Conducted in an intranet environment
- Enumerated information:
- Network resources
- Network shares
- Routing tables
- Audit and service settings
- SNMP and FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain) details
- Machine names
- Users and groups
- Applications and banners
- Techniques:
- Extract usernames using email IDS
- Extract info using default passwords
- Brute force AD
- Extract info using DNS Zone Transfer
- Replicate DNS datra across several DNS servers or back up DNS files
- using nslookup and dig commands
- Extract user groups from Windows
- Extract usernames using SNMP
Services and Ports to Enumerate
- TCP/UDP 53: DNS Zone Transfer
- TCP/UDP 135: MS RPC Endpoint Mapper
- UDP 137: NBNS (NetBIOS Name Service)
- TCP 139: NetBIOS Session Service (SMB over NetBIOS)
- TCP 445: SMB over TCP (Direct Host)
- UDP 161: SNMP
- TCP 2049: NFS (Network File System)
- TCP 25: SMTP
- TCP/UDP 162: SNMP Trap
- UDP 500: ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol) /IKE (Internet Key Exchange)
- TCP 22: SSH
- TCP 23: Telnet
- TCP 20/21: FTP
- TCP/UDP 5060,5061: SIP (Session Initation Protocol)
- TCP/UDP 3268: Global Catalog Service
- UDP 69: TFTP (Tricial File Transfer Protocol)
- TCP 179: BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
NetBIOS Enumeration
- A NetBIOS name is a unique 16 ASCII char string used to identify the network devices over TCP/IP
- Attackers use it to obtain the list of computers belongs to a domain , the list of shares on the individual hosts in the network , policies and passwords
- command: nbtstat -a <target> -> obtain the NetBIOS name table of a remote computer
- command: nbtstat -c -> obtain the contents of the NetBIOS name cache, table of NetBIOS names, and their resolved IP address
- Tools:
- NetBIOS Enumerator: Help to enumerate details such as NetBIOS names, usernames, domain names, Mac address…
- Nmap:** nbstat NSE script** allow attackers to retrieve target's NetBIOS names and MAC address
- NMAP : nmap -sV-v –script nbstat.nse <target>
Enumerating User Accounts
- Use PsTools suite helps to control and manage remote systems from the command line
Enumerating Shared Resources Using Net View
- It is used to obtain a list of all the shared resources of a remote host or workgroup
- command: net view \<computername>** net view /domain: <domain name>**
SNMP Enumeration
- The process of enumerating user accounts and devices on a target system using SNMP
- Agents are embedded on each network device, manager is on a separate computer
- SNMP holds two passwords. Read community string , it is public by default and allows for the veiwing of the device configuration. Read/Write community string : It is private by default and allows remote editing of configuration
- Attacker extract info about network resources (hosts, routers, devices, shares), network info (ARP tables, routing tables, traffic)
Management Info Base (MIB)
- A virtual database containing a formal description of all the network objects that can be managed using SNMP
- It is hierarchical, each managed object in a MIB is addressed through OIDs (Object Identifiers)
SNMP Enumeration Tools
- Snmpcheck: Allow one to enumerate the SNMP devices and place the output…
- SoftPerfectNetworkScanner: Discover shared folders and retrieve practically any info about the network device via WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), SNMP, HTTP, and PowerShell
LDAP Enumeration
- An internet protocol for accessing distributed directory services
- A client starts a LDAP session by connecting to a directory system agent (DSA) on TCP 389 and then sends an operation request to the DSA
- Transmitted info using BER (Basic Encoding Rules)
- Attacker query the LDAP service to gather info, such as valid usernames, addresses, and departmental details
- Tools: Softerra LDAP Administrator, LDAP Admin Tool…
NTP and NFS Enumeration
- NTP is designed to synchronize the clocks of networked computer, using UDP 123
- Attackers query the NTP server to obtain info such as list of connected hosts, clients IP address in a network, their system name, and OS
- Internal IPs can be obtained if the NTP server is in the DMZ
- NTP Enumeration Commands:
- ntptrace: Trace a chain of NTP server back to the primary source
- ntpdc: Monitors operation of the NTP daemon, ntpd
- ntpd: Monitor NTP daemon (ntpd) operations and determines performance
- ntpdate: Collect the number of time samples from several time sources
- NTP Enumeration Tools: PRTG Network Monitor, NMAP, Wireshark, NTP Server Scanner
- NFS enumeration enables attackers to identify the exported directories, list of clients and their IP address, and the shared data.
- command: showmount -e <Target Address> -> view the list of shared files and dirs
- command: rpcinfo -p <Target Address> -> scan the target address for an open NFS port and the NFS services running on it
- NFS Enumeration Tools: RPCScan, SuperEnum
SMTP Enumeration
- Provide 3 built-in-commands :
- VRFY : Validate users
- EXPN : Show the actual delivery addresses of ailiases and mailling lists
- RCPT TP : Define the recipients of a message
- Attackers can directly interact with SMTP via the telnet prompt and collect a list of valid users on the SMTP server
- Tools: NetScan Tools Pro, smtp-user-enum
DNS Enumeration Using Zone Transfer
- If the target DNS serverr allow zone transfer, attackers can use this technique to obtain DNS server names, hostnames, machine names, usernames, IP address, aliases, etc…
- Tools: nslookup, dig, and DNSRecon
- dig command: dig ns <target domain>
- nslookup command: nslookup set querytype=soa (Start of Authority) <target domain>
- DNSRecon command: dnsrecon -t axfr -d <target domain>
- DNS Cache Snooping: A DNS enumeration technique whereby an attacker queries the DNS server for a specific cached DNS record.
- Non-recursive Method and Recursive Method
- DNSSEC Zone Walking: A DNS enumeration technique where an attacker attempts to obtain internal records of the DNS server if the DNS zone is not properly configured.
- LDNS and DNSRecon, to exploiot this vulnerability and obtain the network info
IPSec Enumeration
- IPSec uses ESP (Encapsulation Security Payload), AH (Authentication Header), and IKE (Internet Key Exchange) to secure communication between VPN end points
- NMAP: nmap -sU -p 500 <target address> ->perform an Nmap scan for checking the status of ISAKMP over port 500
- ike-scan -M <target gateway address>
VoIP Enumeration
- VoIP uses SIP (Session Initation Protocol) to enable voice and..
- UDP/TCP ports 2000, 2001, 5000, 5061
- Provide sensitive info such as VoIP gateway/servers, IP-PBX system, client software, user extensions, IP…
- This info can be sued to launch VoIP attacks such as DoS, Session Hijacking, Caller ID spoofing, Evaesdropping, SPIT (Spamming over the Internet Telephone), and VoIP phishing (Vishing)
- Tool command: svmap <target network range>
RPC Enumeration
- Allow clients and servers to communicate in distributed client/server programs
- Enumerating RPC endpoints enables attackers to identify any vulnerable services on these service ports.
- NMAP: nmap -sR <Target address> / nmap -T4 -A <Target address>
Unix/Linux User Enumeration
- rusers: Display a list of users who are logged on to remote machines or local network machines
- rwho: Display a list of users who are logged on to hosts on the local network
- finger: Display info about system users, such as login name, real name, terminal name, idle time…
Telnet and SMB Enumeration
- Attackers can access shared info, including the hardware and software info of the target it the Telnet port is found open
- Enable attackers to exploit identifid vulnerabilities and perform brute-force attacks to gain unauthorized…
- Attacks use SMB enumeration tools, such as Nmap, SMBMap, enum4linux , and nullinux, to perform a directed scan on the SMB service running on port 445
- Help attacks to perform OS banner grabbing on the garget
FTP and TFTP Enumeration
- FTP transfers data in plain text
- Attacker use Nmap to scan and enumerate open port 21
- Attackers perform TFTP enumeration using PortQry and Nmap , to extract info such as running TFTP services and files stored on the remote server
BGP Enumeration
- Using Nmap and BGP Toolkit to discover the IPv4 prefixes announced by the AS (Autonomous System) number and routing path followed by the target
Enumeration Countermeasures
- Remove the SNMP agent or turn off the SNMP service
- Change the default community string names
- Upgrade to SNMP3, which encrypts passwords and meesages
- Disable the DNS zone transfer to the untrusted hosts
- Use premium DNS registration servies
- Use standard network admin contacts for DNS registrations
- Ensure the private hosts and their IP are not published in DNS zone files of public DNS servers
- Ignore email messages to unknown recipents
- Exclude sensitive mail server and local host info in mail responses
- Disable open relay feature
- Limit the number of accepted connections from a source to prevent brute-force attacks
- Use SSL or STARTTLS technology to encrypt the traffic
- Select a username different from your email address and enable account lockout
- Use NTLM or any basic authentication mechanism to limit access to legitimate users only
- Disable SMB procotol on Web and DNS servers
- Disable SMB protocol on Internet facing servers
- Disable ports TCP 139 and TCP 445
- Restrict anomymous access
- Implement proper permissions on exported files systems
- Implement firewall rules to block NFS port 2049
- Proper configuration of files
- Log requests to access system files on the NFS server
- Implement secure FTP (SFTP, which uses SSH) or FTP secure (FTPS, which use SSL)
- Strong password or a certification-based authentication policy
- Ensure that unrestricted uploading of files on the FTP server is not allowed
- Disabled anomyous FTP accounts
- Restrict access by IP or domain name to the FTP server