Module : Appendix
Operating System
- Windows OS family Tree
- The processors of the Windows system works in two different modes: User mode , Kernel Mode:
- Windows Command
- ipconfig
- netstat: Display all active network connections and ports
- nslookup: Display info that we can use to diagnose DNS infrastructure
- ping
- chdir: Show the current dir name or change the current folder
- dir
- echo
- format: Format the disk
- help
- label
- mkdir
- nbtstat: Display protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections
- systeminfo: Display comprehensive configuration info about a computer and its OS
- Three main components
- Kernel: Allocate time and memory to programs. Handle file store and communicates with system calls
- Shell
- Programs
- Command
- ls
- cd
- mkdir
- rmdir
- cp
- rm
- mv
- passwd
- grep
- diff
- head
- ispell
- pr
- pwd
- id
- Three main components
- Layers of MAC OS X
- Cocoa Application layer
- Media layer
- Core Services layer
- Core OS layer
- Kernel and Device Driver layer
- Layers of MAC OS X
File System
- Major file systems include FAT, NTFS, HFS, HFS+, APFS, Ext2, Ext3, Ext4 , among others
- Windows File System
- EFS: Encrypting File System
- Sparse Files
- Linux File System
- FHS: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
- EXT: Extended File System
- Mac OS X File System
- HFS: Hierarchical File System
- HFS Plus
- UFS: UNIX File System
Computer Network
- Types of Networks: LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN, CAN, GAN
- Wireless technologies
- Microwave Transmission
- Optical Wireless communication
- 2G
- 3G
- 4G
- Tetra
- Bluetooth:
- Cover distances of up to 10m
- Transfer data at less than 1Mbps
- Come under IEEE 802.15
- Use a radio technology called Frequency-hopping spread spectrum
- Network Topologies
- Bus topology
- Star topogoly
- Ring topology
- Mesh topology
- Tree topology
- Hybird topology: Star-bus or Star-ring are widely used
- TCP/IP Protocol Suite
- DNS Hierarchy: Root->Top-level domains->Second level domains->sub-domains
- DNSSEC: (Application layer)
- A suite of the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)
- Shield Internet users from artifical DNS data
- Secure certain types of info provided by DNS
- Work by digitally signing records for DNS lookup using public-key crypto
- Guarantee: Authenticity, Integrity, The non-existence of a domain name or type
- Do not guarantee: Confidentiality, Protect against DoS
- S-HTTP: The alternate for the HTTPS (SSL) protocol
- Against MITM
- Be vulnerable to DROWN (Decrypting RSA with Obsolete and Weakened eNcryption)
- Active mode
- Passive mode
- A secure version of FTP and an extension of SSH2 protocol
- A lockstep communication protocol
- Both direction
- Generally used only with LAN
- Vulnerable to DoS
- Vulnerable to Dir traversal vulnerability
- Use RSA for its digital signature and DES for message encryption
- An application layer protocol provides crypto privacy and authentication for…
- Encrypt and decrypt email communication and authenticates message with digital signatures and encrypts stored files
- Telnet
- Vulnerable to DoS, Packet sniffing
- Used on a LAN
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
- Equivalent to RPC
- Disad: Stateless, reliance on HTTP, Slower than CORBA
- Vulnerable to DDoS, Remote Code Execution
- Allow inter-process communication between two programs
- SMB (Server Message Block)
- Application layer network protocol
- Provide an authenticated inter-process communication mechanism
- The transport layer protocol that Microsoft SMB Protocol, is most often used with is NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NBT)
- SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)
- Client server model
- No integrity checking
- Vulnerable to replay a ttacks
- Accounting info is sent in plain text
- Weak encryption
- Distance Vector routing protocol , used for smaller networks
- TCP (Transport layer)
- Use RSA encryption
- Provide a secure authentication mechanism between two…
- Use a symmetric key for bulk encryption , an asymmetric key for authentication and key exchange , and MAC for message integrity
- Use RSA with 1024-and 2048-bit strengths
- IP (Internet layer)
- IPv6
- IPsec
- A stateless procotol
- IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol)
- Distance-Vector protocol
- EIGRP (Enchanced Interior Gateway Routing protocol)
- Hybrid routing protocol
- An interior gateway protocol
- Link-state routing protocol
- HSRP (Hot standby router protocol)
- VRRP (Virtual router redundancy protocol)
- FDDI (Link layer protocol)
- Token Ring
- CDP ( Cisco discovery protocol)
- VTP (VLAN Trunking protocol)
- STP (Spanning Tree protocol)
- Vulnerable to: MITM, DoS, DNS Spoofing, Session hijacking…
- PPP (Point to point)
IP Addressing and Port numbers
- IANA (Internet assigned number authority)
- Responsible for the global coordination of DNS Root, IP addressing, and …
- Well-known ports are assigned by IANA, 0-1023
- IPv6
Network Terminology
- Routing
- Static routing
- Dynamic routing
- Shared media network
- Switched Media Network
Network Troubleshooting
- Tools
- ping
- Tracert/traceroute
- ipconfig/ifconfig
- nslookup
- netstat: display both the incoming and outgoing TCP/IP traffic
- PuTTY/Tera Term
- Subnet and IP calculator
- Pathping/mtr
- Route
- Characteristics of virtualization
- partitioning
- isolcation
- encapsulation
- Virtual firewall
- Virtual OS
- Virtual Database
NFS (Network File System)
- A distributed file system protocol
- IP-based networks
- Methods of securing access controls in NFS
- Root squashing
- nosuid
- noexec
Web Markup and Programming Languages
- Java
- .Net
- C#
- Perl
- JS
- Bash scripting
- PowerShell: Object-orirented command line shell and scripting language
- C
- C++
- CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
- The standard way for a web server to connect to external applications
Application Development Frameworks and Their Vulnerabilities
- .NET
- Remote code execution
- DoS
- Feature Bypass
- Modifying the framework Core
- J2EE
- Execute arbitrary programs
- DoS
- Sensitive info disclosure
- Cold Fusion
- Dir traversal
- DoS
- Unvalidated browser input
- Ruby On Rails
- Remote code execution
- Authentication bypass
- DoS
- Dir Traversal
- SQL injection
- XPATH injection
Web Subcompoinents
- Thin and Thick clients
- Applet: A java program that is embedded in a webpage
- Servlet
- ActiveX
- Flash Application
Info Security Controls
- EISA (Enterprise info security architecture)
- A set of requirements, processes, principles, and models that determines the structure and behavior of an org's info systems
- Administrative Security Controls:
- Administrative acess controls implemented by …
- Regulatory Framework Compliance
- Complying with regulatory frameworks is a collaborative effort between governments and private bodies to encourage voluntary improvements to cybersecurity
- Info security policies
- The foundation of security infrastructure
- Define the basic security requirements and rules to be implemented in order to protect and secure an organization's information systems
- Types
- Promiscuous policy: No restrictions
- Permissive policy: Begin wide open and only known dangerous srvs, attacks, and behaviors are blocked
- Prudent policy: Block all srvs and only safe or necessary srvs are individually enbaled, everything is logged
- Paranoid policy: Forbid everything
- Privacy policies at the workplace
- HR or Legal Implication of Security Policy Enforcement
- Security Awareneess and Training
- Employee Awareness and Training: Physical Security
- Social Engineering
- Data classification
- Separation of Duties (SoD)
- Least Privileges (POLP)
- Physical Security Contorl
- Lock
- Fences
- Badge systems
- Security guards
- Mantrap door
- Biometric systems
- Lighting
- Motion detectors
- Closed-circuit TVs
- Alarms
- Types of Physical Security Controls
- Preventive Controls: Door lock, security guard, etc.
- Detective Controls: Motion detectors, alarm systems, video surveillance …
- Deterrent Controls: Warning signs
- Recovery Controls: Disaster recovery, business continuity plans, backup systems…
- Compensating Controls: Hot sites, backup power systems…
- Access control
- DAC (Discretionary access control)
- MAC (Mandatory access control)
- Role-based Access
- IAM (Identity and Access management)
- Types of authentication
- Password
- 2FA
- Biometric
- Fingerprinting
- Retinal scanning: Layer of blood vessels at the back of their eyes
- Iris scanning: Colored part of the eye
- Vein Structure recognition
- Face recognition
- Voice recognition
- Smart Card
- Crypto-based authentication, stronger than password authentication
- Insert smart card and type PIN
- Accounting
Network Security Solution
- SIEM (Security Incident and Event Management)
- UBA (User behavior analytics)
- UTM (Unified Threat Management)
- Load Balancer
- NAC (Network access control)
- Components
- Vpn client
- Tunnel terminating device
- NAS (Network access server)
- VPN protocol
- VPN Concentrators
- A network device used to create secure VPN connections
- Act as a VPN router which is generally used to create a remote access or site-to-site VPN
- Functions
- Encrypt and decrypt data
- Authenticate users
- Manage data transfer across the tunnel
- Negotiate tunnel parameter
- Manage security key
- Establish tunnels
- Assign user address
- Manage inbound and outbound data transfer as a tunnel endpoint or router
- Components
- Data Leakage
- DLP (Data loss prevention)
- Data backup
- RAID (Redundant array of independent disks): A method of combining multiple hard drives into a single unit and writing data across several disk drives that offers fault tolerance
- Method
- Hot backup (online)
- Cold backup (offline)
- Warm backup (nearline): a combination of a hot and cold backup
- Data recovery
Risk Management
- ERM (Enterprise risk management framework)
- NIST risk management framework
- COSO ERM framework
- COBIT framework
- Enterprise network risk management policy
- Risk mitigation
- Control the risks
- Risk calculation formulas
- Asset Value (AV): The value you have determined an asset to be worth
- Exposure Factor (EF): The estimated percentage of damage or impact that a realized threat would have on the asset
- Single Loss Expectancy (SLE): The projected loss of a single event on an asset
- Annual Rate if Occurrence (ARO): The estimated number of times over a period the threat is likely to occur
- Annualized Loss Expectancy (ALE): The projected loss to the asset based on an annual estimate
- Qualitative risk: A subjective assessment
- Quantitative Risk: A numeric assessment, ARO*SLE=ALE
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
- BC (Business continuity)
- DC (Disaster Recovery)
- BIA (Business Impact Analysis)
- RTO (Recovery Time Objective)
- RPO (Recovery Point Objective)
- BCP (Business Continuity Plan)
- DCP (Disaster Recovery Plan)
Cyber Threat Intelligence
- CIF (Collective Intelligence Framework)
- Threat intelligence data collection
- Threat intelligence sources
- OSINT (Open-source intelligence): Publicly available sources
- HUMINT (Human intelligence): Interpersonal contacts
- SIGINT (Signals intelligence): Intercepting signals
- …
- Collect IoCs (Indicator of compromise)
Penetration Testing
- Security audit: Check whether the org is following a set of standard …
- Vulnerability assessment: Discover the vulnerabilities in the info system, but do not indicate whether the system can be exploited successfully
- Penetration testing: Encompass the security audit and vulnerability assessment and demonstrate if the vulnerabilities in the system can be successfully exploited
- Blue Team
- Red Team
- Black box
- White box
- Grey box: Limited knowledge of the infrastructure to be tested
- Phases of penetration testing
- Pre-attack
- Attack
- Post-attack
- Security testing methodology
- EC-Council LPT Methodology
- ROE (Role of engagement)
Software Development Security
- N-tier Application Architecture
- Presentation tier
- Logic tier
- Data tier
- 3-Tier Application Architecture
- Presentation tier
- Application tier
- Database tier