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Susereum Developer's Guide

A-Shawni Mitchell edited this page Dec 18, 2018 · 59 revisions


What is Susereum?

Susereum is a software system that aids software projects towards more sustainable code. This is accomplished by developers/contributors of a project, agreeing and enforcing a set of code standards that are designed to prevent future code smells.

Susereum keeps track of all agreements and records throughout the project’s lifecycle with blockchain. Susereum also evaluates that a project’'s metadata is meeting these set standards.

Why Use GitHub?

GitHub is the best place to store records for every unique individual project throughout its entire lifecycle. The following records will be found in every project: set of health measures, project health evaluation reports, proposal history, and project contributors.


  • Ubuntu 16.04

  • Python 2.7

  • Python 3.5 or higher

  • Git

  • SourceMeter

    • For information on how to install SourceMeter, please refer to the Developing Susereum for Personal Use section.

    • For more information on SourceMeter product, please refer to How Susereum Achieves Sustainable Code page which can be located in the Code Analysis section.

  • Sawtooth

    • Susereum is required to be run on blockchain. Use the following link on how to install the components of Sawtooth on Ubuntu 16: How to install Sawtooth

    • Alternatively, you can set up sawtooth using the following video link: Setting up Sawtooth on Ubuntu 16.04

    • For more details regarding the internal functions of the blockchain, you can consult the official documentation of Hyperledger Sawtooth

Python Module Required Libraries
GitHub toml, requests
Sawtooth toml, yaml
Code Analysis pandas
GUI Gtk 3.0, PyGObject, requests, matplotlib

Note: script "" under ServerSideScripts can run on Ubuntu to install the required libraries

Developing Susereum for Personal Use

For developers who wish to modify or view the code base for Susereum can do so on their system/machine by cloning the following GitHub link and do the following steps:

  • Use the Command Prompt/Terminal/your favorite Python Editor to clone or download the Susereum Repository by using the following link:
  • Once you clone the repository, you will need to run the install script
cd Susereum/ServerSideScripts/
sudo ./
  • Download SourcerMeter using this link

    • You will need to enter a valid email where this is where your downloadable .zip or .tar file will be sent.
  • Unzip SourceMeter into Susereum/CodeAnalysis/SourceMeter_Interface/

  • Now have access to all Susereum’s project files. These include GTK+, GUI application using the PyGObject:

  • Locate the login script which can be found under, “Susereum-master/GUI/”. Run the script and enter your GitHub credentials.

Locating the Config File

  • In order to upload your GitHub repository to Susereum, go to the GitHub repository where Susereum has been installed and view the Config (.suse) file which should look like the following:

# Copyright 2017 Intel Corporation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Sawtooth -- Settings Transaction Processor Configuration
NewuserLink = "http://Some.IP.Address./connect/tmp.<fileID>"
Title = "Code Smell Family Configuration"

proposal_active_days = 3
approval_treshold = 1

SmallMethod = [ 5, 1,]
LargeParameterList = [ 5, 1,]
LargeMethod = [ 50, 1,]

CommentsToCodeRatioUpper = [ 35.0, 1.0,]
CommentsToCodeRatioLower = [ 10.0, 1.0,]

SmallClass = [ 10, 1,]
GodClass = [ 5, 1,]
LargeClass = [ 100, 1,]
InappropriateIntimacy = [ 5, 1,]

  • Use copy the 'NewUserLink' to Susereum so your project can be analyzed. For More information regarding the GUI, please refer to the GUI Module and Helpful Links Module found later in this guide.

Note: The config file ".suse" in you project is written in "TOML"

Susereum Developer's Setup Guide

If you are planning to get familiar with the codebase and developing on the Susereum product, please read the upcoming sections.

Information regarding Susereum Architecture: Susereum Architecture

Information regarding how Susereum achieves sustainable code: How Susereum Achieves Sustainable Code

The following steps will guide throughout the process of getting the necessary components to contribute to the Development of Susereum. The first component that we will address is the GitHub Module and its components. Next, we will discuss the Sawtooth Blockchain module.

Contributing to the Susereum GitHub ModuleScript

To get up and running with the GitHub ModuleScript, one can view the following video (provided its dependencies are installed form the Requirements Section):

Video: Running Suseruem Scripts on your Local Machine/Device

Alternatively, developers can use the upcoming section on how to set up and run the GitHub ModuleScript.

Running Susereum

You will need to run the server from two different terminals. The first one is for the proxy to connect to the server, and the other is for the server listening in the proxy.

Starting the Team Viewer Server

In the Susereum’'s Github App Settings, you will notice the Homepage URL and Webhook URL have a smee URL. Note: Please keep in mind if you want to run the server out of campus please use a VPN to connect to UTEP’s 's IP address.

On your terminal/command prompt SSH command into the server by entering:

    ssh <server_user_id>\@<use.your.IP.address>

If it is your first-time logging into the server, you will be asked if you want to accept the connection please type Yes. You will only have to do this once on your computer.

You should get the following output:


Run the Smee Proxy

Using the previous steps on the same terminal from “Start Team Viewer Server" Section.

First, navigate your current path to Desktop/Github.


  npm install --global smee-client

Run the client:

  smee -u

You should get the following output:

Forwarding to

The proxy is now running, leave this in the background.

Running GitHub App scripts

Now, open another terminal/command prompt and ssh, in the same way, mentioned “"Starting the Server Section”" and navigate to the same directory. (Connect to the server once again).

Setting up Environment Variables

Now you need to enter some environment variables. You may want to save these in a text file somewhere in your computer for easy access.

Enter the following commands:

  export GITHUB\_APP\_IDENTIFIER=<appid>

Note: the ID can be found in the About section of the GitHub App general settings page

  export GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET="<yoursecret>" -->
  export GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY=`awk '{printf "%s\\n", $0}' <your_private_key>.pem`

Note: Don’'t forget that backtick at the end of .pem` and that you are at the path of where your private path key file is stored.

Setting up Environment Variables correctly

To make sure your environment variables are set up correctly you can enter the following command:


A list of your local environment variables will be displayed.

If your key was stored correctly you should have something similar to this:

    --------BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----------
    Blah blah blah key stuff
    --------END RSA PRIVATE KEY----------

Running scripts

Now anytime somebody pushes to the SampleProject1 and SampleProject2 repositories, that should run.

Type the following:

  python <> 3000

Note: We write 3000 since our proxy is on port 3000

Testing the Push event

We are going to test if the gitApiListener python script we just ran in the previous section is actually listening for changes done to any project found in Susereum ‘s repositories. Important: To test this, you must be a collaborator or owner to the project you are pushing to.

  1. Clone a project with Susereum installed
    1. In a new terminal enter: git clone
  2. Make a change to the project
    1. Edit any of the files in the repository, create a new file, or delete a file (except for the SuseMeasures.suse file which is required for code analysis)
  3. Push your changes
    1. Add all of your changes to be prepared to commit git add -A
    2. Create the commit with a message git commit -m "I'm making a change"
    3. Push that commit to GitHub (it may prompt you to authenticate your GitHub account) git push


Now, look back at those terminals/command prompts wherethat you ran the smee proxy and python GitHub listening script in, you should start seeing some activity.

On the Smee proxy terminal: Smee Proxy Test

On the GitHub script terminal: GitHub Script Test

Step 4: Editing the script

  1. SSH into the Susereum server <server_user_id>\@<use.your.IP.address>
  2. Navigate to the script cd ~/Desktop/Github
  3. Edit the script. There are multiple methods of editing the script, including nano, vim, emacs, etc. We will assume the developer is familiar with vim. vim

Please see for a list of webhook events that may be subscribed to and their associated payloads.

Note: From the Building Your First GitHub App tutorial, the script is originally written in Ruby. This is because GitHub is written in Ruby, and their Octokit library is for Ruby scripts. The Susereum GitHub script uses Python for consistency with the rest of the project and the current developers prefer it. Therefore, the script contains extra functions that validate webhook events received from GitHub, and authenticate requests to GitHub to change or create new files.

Sawtooth Module

If you have already installed sawtooth using the links provided in the Requirements Section, Please ignore this module. If you have not yet installed sawtooth, please use the following links:

How to install Sawtooth on Ubuntu 16

Video: Setting up Sawtooth on Ubuntu 16.04

Susereum's Developers can use the command line interface of each processor family to test and validate their changes. Details of all command line interfaces can be found at: CLI Command Reference

More information regarding sawtooth installation and components can be found in Sawtooth Documentation: Sawtooth Documentation

Implementing the GUI

For more information on how to use the GUI, please see Helpful Links at the bottom of this page.

Susereum GUI

Susereum GUI is developed using GIMP Toolkit (a.k.a GTK). GTK is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. GTK supports wide range of languages including Python and Java.

For this particular project, we have used GTK 3.0. More information about GTK can be found on

GUI Dependencies

Since we have used Ubuntu as the primary OS for Susereum development, the steps to install the GUI dependencies are as follows:

Install Python

    sudo apt-get -y install python

Install pip for Python

    sudo apt-get -y install python-pip python-dev build-essential 
    sudo pip install --upgrade pip
    sudo pip install --upgrade virtualenv

Install GTK and related libraries

    sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev 
    sudo apt install libgirepository1.0-dev
    sudo pip install toml
    sudo pip install matplotlib
    sudo pip install requests

GUI Screens

Add the screens and explain a little about them. You should get the following output: SSH

Note: If you are not on the UTEP campus, please connect using a UTEP's VPN

Accessing Susereum's Application Settings

Susereum GitHub account

As of now, Susereum is not a public application, it is only available to the owner and current contributors. For this reason, a new GitHub account was created specifically for Susereum. To access the developer's contents and the credentials to access the account, use the following link:

Github Credentials

GitHub App Settings

To edit the GitHub App settings, you log in to the Susereum GitHub account, click the user icon in the top-right corner / settings / Developer settings / GitHub Apps and click Edit beside the Susereum app.

Permissions and Events

In the Susereum GitHub app, you can specify what permissions, and events you want GitHub to notify you in your application. Below is a screenshot of some permissions that be activated.


Event Subscribing

Below is a list of Susereum's current permissions and events:

Permissions Name Access Level
Repository Contents Read and Write
Repository Metadata Read
Push Subscribed to event

One reason you might go into these settings is to install it on another sample repository by going to the Install App, clicking the Cog, choosing Only select repositories and then selecting any Susereum GitHub account’'s repositories.

You might also want to publish this app to the GitHub marketplace for any project to install by going to Advanced and Make public.

Note: Anytime permissions are changed, all owners of repositories with Susereum installed will receive an email asking if they agree to Susereum’'s proposed permission changes. Until they accept the changes, Susereum can NOT listen to those events.

Helpful links

Here are some helpful links that will help you navigate through the Susereum product:

Videos on how to:

Navigate the Susereum GUI

Commit a Vote

Accessing Sawtooth Explorer