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oarevalo edited this page Mar 15, 2013 · 8 revisions

Applications can send bug reports to BugLogHQ via three different ways:

  • webservice call
  • http post (via regurlar url/form parameters or a json encoded body)
  • direct CFC call

BugLogHQ provides a CFC that can be used to send the bug reports. This CFC is located in /bugLog/client/bugLogService.cfc. This is the only file that needs to be distributed with any application that wants to submit reports to BugLogHQ.

You may instantiate and keep the instance of this CFC in some a scope such as Application and then just call the notifyService() method in it whenever the application needs to submit a bug report.

To initialize the bugLogService, call the Init method. This method takes three parameters:

  • bugLogListener: The location of the listener where to send the bug reports
  • bugEmailRecipients: A comma-delimited list of email addresses to which send the bug reports in case there is an error submitting the report to the bugLog listener.
  • bugEmailSender: The sender address to use when sending the emails mentioned above.

The bugLogListener parameter can be any of:

  • WSDL pointing to /bugLog/listeners/bugLogListenerWS.cfc (to submit the report using a webservice),
  • Full URL pointing to /bugLog/listeners/bugLogListenerREST.cfm (to submit as an http post)
  • path to /bugLog/listeners/bugLogListenerWS.cfc in dot notation (i.e. bugLog.listeners.bugLogListenerWS)

If an error occurs while submitting the report to the listener, then bugLogService will automatically send the same information as an email to the addresses provided in the init() method.

TIP: Check the file /bugLog/test/client.cfm for an example of how to use the bugLog client CFC

Using BugLog with Non ColdFusion Applications

Since BugLog listens for bug reports through standard protocols via HTTP (REST and SOAP), you can use it to aggregate bug reports from any application, not just ones made in CFML. An application just needs to point to the right listener endpoint and pass the necessary parameters.

On the /bugLog/client folder you can find a few client-side libraries in multiple languages that can be used to have an easier integration between apps and BugLog.

In the clients folder you will find BugLogHQ clients for:

  • ColdFusion
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Javascript

NOTE: If you have experience with other languages, please consider forking the BugLogHQ repo and contributing a new client library.

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