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BugLogHQ Config Settings Reference

oarevalo edited this page Oct 10, 2014 · 4 revisions

BugLogHQ is configuration is driven mainly from an xml config file located in '{BugLogHome}/config/buglog-config.xml.cfm'

General Settings

default: [email protected]
This is the email address used as a default sender whenever BugLogHQ needs to send an email to someone.

default: blank
This is used by BugLogHQ to build external facing URLs for linking to itself (i.e. links in email alerts). By default it will use the variables in the CGI scope to find out its current URL.

default: blank
The URL that identifies the individual server. Defaults to externalURL (which defaults to current URL), but might need to be overridden when BugLogHQ is deployed as a cluster behind a load balancer.

default: mm/dd/yy
Date format mask to use when displaying dates.

default: blank
By default all dates/times are based on the current server time, but you can use this setting to display times on a different time zone. Keep in mind that this is a basic offset calculation and does not handle things like daylight savings time and such. Use the format: "UTC+/-{hour offset}". Ex UTC+8

Database Settings

default: bugLog
The DSN that the application will use to talk to the database. The DSN must exist prior to installing BugLogHQ.

default: mysql
The type of database to use. BugLogHQ supports the following database engines: MySQL/MariaDB (mysql), Microsoft SQL Server (mssql), Oracle (oracle) and PostgreSQL(pgsql).

default: blank
The database username if required by the DSN.

default: blank
The database user password if required by the DSN.

Service Configuration

default: bugLog.components.bugLogListenerAsync
The path to the core component that implements the service that processes all incoming bug reports.

default: true
Indicates whether to automatically instantiate the listener service whenever a bug report is received by a listener endpoint. If set to False, then you must manually start/stop the service from within the BugLogHQ web app.

default: false
When enabled any client submitting a bug report must include an "APIKey" argument in order for the report to be accepted. The API Key can be defined either in the service.APIKey setting (globally) or on a per-user basis. To define per-user API Keys, use the user management screens in the BugLogHQ application.

default: 2CF20630-DD24-491F-BA44314842183AFC
A global API Key that must be sent with each bug report. Only enforced if the service.requireAPIKey setting is set to True.

default: 1000
The maximum number of elements that can be hold in the in-memory listener queue before they are processed by BugLogHQ. If the queue is full, further bug reports are discarded until the queue gets processed.

default: 20
The maximum number of elements to keep in the message log when processing received bug reports.

default: 120
The interval seconds to wait before processing the queue of received bug reports.

Jira Integration

default: false
Enables/disables the "Send To Jira" option when viewing a bug report.

default: blank
The location of the Jira REST API endpoint where to submit tickets.

default: blank
The user that will be used to connect to Jira. Tickets will appear as created by this user.

default: blank
The password for the user given in jira.username.

Data Purging

default: 90
When purging is enabled, BugLogHQ will delete all bug reports older than this number of days.

default: false
Enables/disables the deletion of old bug reports.

Digest Settings

default: false
When enabled, BugLogHQ will send a periodic email with a summary and basic counts of all activity.

default: blank
Email address (or addresses as a comma delimited list) that will receive the Digest (if enabled).

default: 24
The time period (in hours) to include in the digest. The digest will only include data about the bug reports received within this period.

default: 06:00
The time at which to send the digest email.

default: false
Indicates whether to send the digest email if no bug reports have been received in the given period.

default: blank
A comma separated list of severity codes to include (or exclude) in the digest. To indicate that you want to exclude a severity, start the list with a dash (i.e. -INFO). Note that you can either include or exclude severities, but cannot combine inclusions and exclusions.
default: blank
A comma separated list of host names to include (or exclude) in the digest. To indicate that you want to exclude a host, start the list with a dash (i.e. -INFO). Note that you can either include or exclude hosts, but cannot combine inclusions and exclusions.

default: blank
A comma separated list of application codes to include (or exclude) in the digest. To indicate that you want to exclude an application, start the list with a dash (i.e. -INFO). Note that you can either include or exclude applications, but cannot combine inclusions and exclusions.

'AutoCreate' Settings

default: true
Indicates whether to automatically register a new application when bug reports for said application are received. If disabled, applications must be manually defined in the Settings/Data Management section of BugLogHQ.
default: true
Indicates whether to automatically register a new hostname when bug reports for said hostname are received. If disabled, hostnames must be manually defined in the Settings/Data Management section of BugLogHQ.

default: true
Indicates whether to automatically register a new severity when bug reports for said severity are received. If disabled, severities must be manually defined in the Settings/Data Management section of BugLogHQ.

Debug Settings

WARNING: These settings are only intended for internal debugging purpose and should not be relied upon for any production use.
default: false
When enabled, all emails generated by rules will be saved as files instead of sent via regular email. By default file will be saved in the {bugLogHome}/emails directory, but can be overriden by using the debug.emailPath setting.

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