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Solr Endpoints Structure

This document explains what endpoints Quepid hits on Solr.

However, before we begin, I want to talk about the two ways Quepid can connect to Solr.
To connect directly to Solr we use JSONP, which lets Quepid avoid CORS issues that control when a browser app hosted on one domain connects to an API hosted on another domain. However, if your Quepid is hosted on the same domain as your Solr, then you can use traditional GET requests as there won't be any CORS issue.

When your endpoint is set up to be JSONP, then the Query responses are JSON formatted, wrapped in JSONP function name:

The name of the function angular.callbacks._2 is dynamically generated, so if you see a parameter called json.wrf, then you need to take your resulting JSON formatted response and wrap it to look like a JavaScript function:

        "title":["The Elusive Corporal"]},
        "title":["Sundays and Cybele"]}]

Otherwise, if you use GET, then you get a normal JSON response that looks like:

      "title":["The Elusive Corporal"]},
      "title":["Sundays and Cybele"]}]

Ping Solr During Case Setup

Quepid checks that that Solr is available and responding during the Case Setup Wizard, and if not then Quepid attempts to provide you some workarounds. You can bypass this check as well, and then fix your connectivity setup yourself in the Case Settings window ;-).*:*&fl=*&wt=json&debug=true&debug.explain.structured=true&hl=false&rows=10&json.wrf=angular.callbacks._5
  1. q=*:* is meant to be a query all docs, and is just to help you get a sample doc. As long as you get one doc back, this is fine.
  2. fl=* is to get a listing of fields back, for the UI in the Case Setup Wizard.
  3. wt=json is to ensure the response is in JSON format that Quepid expects.
  4. json.wrf=angular.callbacks._5 to avoid needing to use CORS, we use JSONP, which requires this parameter to be sent to Solr, and wraps the resulting JSON response in the function angular.callbacks._5().


Queries are sent off to Solr using the standard GET request handler. title&wt=json&debug=true&debug.explain.structured=true&hl=false&rows=10&start=0&json.wrf=angular.callbacks._2

Quepid adds some parameters:

  1. q=star%wars comes from the Query Pane in the UI.
  2. fl=id title comes from the Settings Pane in the UI.
  3. wt=json is to ensure the response is in JSON format that Quepid expects.
  4. debug=true&debug.explain.structured=true is used to get back the query explain information. If this isn't available, that is fine, you just don't get the information about how the query matched the docs in the UI.
  5. echoParams=all lets us return all the params used in constructing the query to show in the UI. You can override this via passing in echoParams=none.
  6. hl=false disables highlighting. We used to actually use highlighting in our snippets, so this may be able to be removed.
  7. rows=10 is driven by the Settings Pane in the UI.
  8. start=1 is added when you start to paginate through the results.
  9. json.wrf=angular.callbacks._2 to avoid needing to use CORS, we use JSONP, which requires this parameter to be sent to Solr, and wraps the resulting JSON response in the function angular.callbacks._2().

Find and Rate Missing Documents

This Modal UI in Quepid has two query patterns for interacting with Solr. The first is the ability for you to craft basic Lucene queries to go find some documents that then can be rated. The second query pattern is to return ALL the documents that have been rated for a query, and is in the style of a lookup via list of id's for the documents.

Find Documents

This function sends off whatever you enter to Solr using the standard GET request handler and expects a response type of JSON, wrapped in JSONP. title poster_path overview cast&wt=json&debug=true&debug.explain.structured=true&hl=false&rows=10&json.wrf=angular.callbacks._8
  1. q=star comes from the actual Query that you clicked Missing Documents button in the UI.
  2. explainOther=title:war comes from the query you entered on the Find and Rate Missing Documents modal and is a Lucene query. If you are building an adapter, you probably just want to search for the explainOther property.
  3. fl=id title poster_path overview cast comes from the Settings
  4. wt=json is to ensure the response is in JSON format that Quepid expects.
  5. debug=true&debug.explain.structured=true is used to get back the query explain information. If this isn't available, that is fine, you just don't get the information about how the query matched the docs in the UI.
  6. hl=false disables highlighting. We used to actually use highlighting in our snippets, so this may change.
  7. rows=10 is driven by the Settings Pane in the UI.
  8. json.wrf=angular.callbacks._8 to avoid needing to use CORS, we use JSONP, which requires this parameter to be sent to Solr, and wraps the resulting JSON response in the function angular.callbacks._8().

List All Documents That Have Been Rated

This function sends off a query using the {!terms} component to look up the docs by their ids, using the GET request handler and expects a response type of JSON, wrapped in JSONP.{!terms%20f=id}193,13475&defType=lucene&fl=id title poster_path overview cast&wt=json&debug=true&debug.explain.structured=true&hl=false&json.wrf=angular.callbacks._z
  1. q={!terms%20f=id}193,13475 is the lookup by document id, in this case docs 193 and 13475. This list will be as long as the number of rated docs.
  2. defType=lucene changes the query parser to be specific to Lucene. (Do we need it?).
  3. qf=title id is the fields to be queried on, however in Lucene this isn't a parameter we use. (Do we need it?).
  4. fl=id title poster_path overview cast comes from the Settings
  5. wt=json is to ensure the response is in JSON format that Quepid expects.
  6. debug=true&debug.explain.structured=true is used to get back the query explain information. If this isn't available, that is fine, you just don't get the information about how the query matched the docs in the UI.
  7. hl=false disables highlighting. We used to actually use highlighting in our snippets, so this may change.
  8. rows=10 is driven by the Settings Pane in the UI.
  9. json.wrf=angular.callbacks._8 to avoid needing to use CORS, we use JSONP, which requires this parameter to be sent to Solr, and wraps the resulting JSON response in the function angular.callbacks._8().

Show Only Rated Documents

Snapshot Comparison

When you have a snapshot and you want to diff it to the current try, we need to go look up by id the fields for the documents that were snapshotted. OR 18645 OR 26965 OR 71714 OR 81899 OR 124136 OR 129848 OR 164258 OR 202337 OR 228649 OR 253150 OR 327390 OR 404021 OR 416182 OR 432613)&fl=id title poster_path overview cast&wt=json&hl=false&json.wrf=angular.callbacks._2
  1. defType=lucene is to specify the lucene query parser, though not sure if that is needed.
  2. rows=15 is to control how many results come back, and is based on the number of documents that are in the snapshot.
  3. q=id:(12697 OR 18645) is to look up the individual documents based on their id field.
  4. fl=id title comes from the Settings Pane in the UI.
  5. wt=json is to ensure the response is in JSON format that Quepid expects.
  6. hl=false disables highlighting. We used to actually use highlighting in our snippets, so this may be able to be removed.
  7. json.wrf=angular.callbacks._2 to avoid needing to use CORS, we use JSONP, which requires this parameter to be sent to Solr, and wraps the resulting JSON response in the function angular.callbacks._2().

View Document

From the detailed document modal view, you can view the document in Solr in a new browser window. Notice no use of JSONP.

Quepid formats this request with these parameters:

  1. indent=true to do pretty printing of the response.
  2. wt=json to return the document in JSON format.
  3. facet=true to turn on faceting, though I am unclear why we would want to facet over all the fields, maybe to give you a sense of the attributes available? This CAN cause major performance issue to your Solr!
  4. q=id:26965 this is the heart of the query, a look up by ID.