version 5.0.8
Copyright (C)2008-2012 Ryo Iizuka
- ARToolkit Unity is a NyARToolkit implementation for Unity.
- Supported Unity version are Unity5.3.4 or later.
- It is provides easy accessible NyARToolkit APIs(AR marker, NyId Marker, NFT) for the Unity.
- Pure C# implementation. Work on any platform.
See following URL for ARToolKit details.
Application is located under the sample directory in the Asset.
Typical AR marker sample program. It draws a cube onto the AR marker.
This sample takes a image on realtime from marker plane.
This sample drows a mached cube on the static image. It uses a static jpeg image insted of camera image.
This sample convert points of marker plane to screen point.
This sample handles 2 or more marker on same time.
Typical NFT marker sample program.
webplayer is a test programs for Web player. It is located under the sample directory in the Asset.
SimpleLite application for Webplayer. It is same as SimpleLite program.
Test program. It tests webcamera captureing on webplayer.
NyARToolkit for Unity is dual licence.
- LGPLv3
Check COPYING.txt for more details. - Commercial license