Note: folder : /nesi/nobackup/ga03793/pg_workshop/vc_exact_compare/
We can use below script to map the reads to the reference sequnce using linear method bwa mem
#Load required modules with specific versions
module purge
module load BCFtools/1.9-GCC-7.4.0
module load SAMtools/1.9-GCC-7.4.0
module load BWA/0.7.17-GCC-9.2.0
module load wgsim/20111017-GCC-11.3.0
mkdir vc_exact_compare
cd vc_exact_compare
#Copy the below files into the folder
$ ls -1trhs
total 14M
2.3M GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna
2.3M Simulation_INDEL_5000.simseq.genome.fa
2.5M Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.simseq.genome.fa
2.3M Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.simseq.genome.fa
2.3M Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.simseq.genome.fa
2.3M Simulation_SNP_5000.simseq.genome.fa
#indexing the reference sample
bwa index GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna
In order to simulate a real sequensing experiment, we'll simulate the short reads too from the simulated full sequence using wgsim
and map those reads to the reference sequnce using bwa
. Since the length of the each sequnce is around 2.3 million, 0.7 millions of 100pb reads will give 30x read depth. (700000x100/2300000 ~ 30)
#creating VCF files for each sample file considering GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna as reference and silulating 30x 100bp reads.
wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_SNP_5000.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_SNP_5000.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_5000.read2.fq
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_SNP_5000\tSM:Simulation_SNP_5000\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_5000.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_5000.read2.fq > Simulation_SNP_5000.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_SNP_5000.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_SNP_5000.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_5000.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_INDEL_5000.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_INDEL_5000.read1.fq Simulation_INDEL_5000.read2.fq
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_INDEL_5000\tSM:Simulation_INDEL_5000\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_INDEL_5000.read1.fq Simulation_INDEL_5000.read2.fq > Simulation_INDEL_5000.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_INDEL_5000.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_INDEL_5000.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_INDEL_5000.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_INDEL_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_INDEL_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.read2.fq
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000\tSM:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.read2.fq > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.read2.fq
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4\tSM:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.read2.fq > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.read2.fq
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4\tSM:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.read2.fq > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
(You can find above script as a SLURM job script here
Now we can find the variant call stats using bcftools stats
$ bcftools stats Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz | head -30
# This file was produced by bcftools stats (1.9+htslib-1.9) and can be plotted using plot-vcfstats.
# The command line was: bcftools stats Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
# Definition of sets:
# ID [2]id [3]tab-separated file names
ID 0 Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
# SN, Summary numbers:
# number of records .. number of data rows in the VCF
# number of no-ALTs .. reference-only sites, ALT is either "." or identical to REF
# number of SNPs .. number of rows with a SNP
# number of MNPs .. number of rows with a MNP, such as CC>TT
# number of indels .. number of rows with an indel
# number of others .. number of rows with other type, for example a symbolic allele or
# a complex substitution, such as ACT>TCGA
# number of multiallelic sites .. number of rows with multiple alternate alleles
# number of multiallelic SNP sites .. number of rows with multiple alternate alleles, all SNPs
# Note that rows containing multiple types will be counted multiple times, in each
# counter. For example, a row with a SNP and an indel increments both the SNP and
# the indel counter.
# SN [2]id [3]key [4]value
SN 0 number of samples: 1
SN 0 number of records: 6740
SN 0 number of no-ALTs: 0
SN 0 number of SNPs: 6395
SN 0 number of MNPs: 0
SN 0 number of indels: 345
SN 0 number of others: 0
SN 0 number of multiallelic sites: 1
Here we map reads to a pangenome graph instead of single linear reference sequence. For example we'll consider the first case Simulation_INDEL_5000.simseq.genome.fa
. We can build a graph considering the reference sequence GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna
and the ground truth VCF file
#Load additional model need for vg
module load vg/1.46.0
#Copy the vcf files into the folder
ls -1trhs Simulation_*.vcf
768K Simulation_SNP_5000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf
768K Simulation_INDEL_5000.refseq2simseq.INDEL.vcf
768K Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf
768K Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.refseq2simseq.INDEL.vcf
512 Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.refseq2simseq.inversion.vcf
256K Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.refseq2simseq.CNV.vcf
#create tabix index
bgzip Simulation_SNP_5000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf
tabix Simulation_SNP_5000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf.gz
#create the graph and index (-p is prefix for filenames)
vg autoindex --workflow giraffe -r GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna -v Simulation_SNP_5000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf.gz -p VG_SNP_5000
#Map reads to the graph
vg giraffe -Z VG_SNP_5000.giraffe.gbz -f Simulation_INDEL_5000.read1.fq -f Simulation_INDEL_5000.read2.fq -o SAM > Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.sam
#Follow same procedure for VCF file creation
samtools view -bS Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.giraffe.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.giraffe.30x.100R.vcf.gz
We can follow the same procedure for the rest of the samples and generate VCF files.