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134 lines (115 loc) · 8.53 KB

Mapping Reads using bwa mem (Linear Method)

Note: folder : /nesi/nobackup/ga03793/pg_workshop/vc_exact_compare/ We can use below script to map the reads to the reference sequnce using linear method bwa mem.

#Load required modules with specific versions
module purge
module load BCFtools/1.9-GCC-7.4.0
module load SAMtools/1.9-GCC-7.4.0
module load BWA/0.7.17-GCC-9.2.0
module load wgsim/20111017-GCC-11.3.0

mkdir vc_exact_compare
cd vc_exact_compare

#Copy the below files into the folder
$ ls -1trhs
total 14M
2.3M GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna
2.3M Simulation_INDEL_5000.simseq.genome.fa
2.5M Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.simseq.genome.fa
2.3M Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.simseq.genome.fa
2.3M Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.simseq.genome.fa
2.3M Simulation_SNP_5000.simseq.genome.fa

#indexing the reference sample
bwa index GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna 

In order to simulate a real sequensing experiment, we'll simulate the short reads too from the simulated full sequence using wgsim and map those reads to the reference sequnce using bwa. Since the length of the each sequnce is around 2.3 million, 0.7 millions of 100pb reads will give 30x read depth. (700000x100/2300000 ~ 30)

#creating VCF files for each sample file considering GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna as reference and silulating 30x 100bp reads. 
wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_SNP_5000.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_SNP_5000.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_5000.read2.fq 
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_SNP_5000\tSM:Simulation_SNP_5000\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_5000.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_5000.read2.fq > Simulation_SNP_5000.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_SNP_5000.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_SNP_5000.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_5000.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz 

wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_INDEL_5000.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_INDEL_5000.read1.fq Simulation_INDEL_5000.read2.fq 
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_INDEL_5000\tSM:Simulation_INDEL_5000\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_INDEL_5000.read1.fq Simulation_INDEL_5000.read2.fq > Simulation_INDEL_5000.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_INDEL_5000.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_INDEL_5000.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_INDEL_5000.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_INDEL_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_INDEL_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz 

wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.read2.fq 
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000\tSM:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.read1.fq  Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.read2.fq > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz

wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.read2.fq
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4\tSM:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.read2.fq > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz

wgsim -N675000 -1100 -2100 Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.simseq.genome.fa Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.read2.fq
bwa mem -R "@RG\tID:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4\tSM:Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4\tLB:L1" GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.read1.fq Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.read2.fq > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.sam
samtools view -bS Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz

(You can find above script as a SLURM job script here

Now we can find the variant call stats using bcftools stats.

$ bcftools stats Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz | head -30
# This file was produced by bcftools stats (1.9+htslib-1.9) and can be plotted using plot-vcfstats.
# The command line was: bcftools stats  Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
# Definition of sets:
# ID    [2]id   [3]tab-separated file names
ID      0       Simulation_SNP_5000.bwa.30x.100R.vcf.gz
# SN, Summary numbers:
#   number of records   .. number of data rows in the VCF
#   number of no-ALTs   .. reference-only sites, ALT is either "." or identical to REF
#   number of SNPs      .. number of rows with a SNP
#   number of MNPs      .. number of rows with a MNP, such as CC>TT
#   number of indels    .. number of rows with an indel
#   number of others    .. number of rows with other type, for example a symbolic allele or
#                          a complex substitution, such as ACT>TCGA
#   number of multiallelic sites     .. number of rows with multiple alternate alleles
#   number of multiallelic SNP sites .. number of rows with multiple alternate alleles, all SNPs
#   Note that rows containing multiple types will be counted multiple times, in each
#   counter. For example, a row with a SNP and an indel increments both the SNP and
#   the indel counter.
# SN    [2]id   [3]key  [4]value
SN      0       number of samples:      1
SN      0       number of records:      6740
SN      0       number of no-ALTs:      0
SN      0       number of SNPs: 6395
SN      0       number of MNPs: 0
SN      0       number of indels:       345
SN      0       number of others:       0
SN      0       number of multiallelic sites:   1

Mapping Reads using vg giraffe (Graph Method)

Here we map reads to a pangenome graph instead of single linear reference sequence. For example we'll consider the first case Simulation_INDEL_5000.simseq.genome.fa. We can build a graph considering the reference sequence GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna and the ground truth VCF file

#Load  additional model need for vg
module load vg/1.46.0

#Copy the vcf files into the folder
ls -1trhs Simulation_*.vcf
768K Simulation_SNP_5000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf
768K Simulation_INDEL_5000.refseq2simseq.INDEL.vcf
768K Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf
768K Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000.refseq2simseq.INDEL.vcf
 512 Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_INV_4.refseq2simseq.inversion.vcf
256K Simulation_SNP_4000_INDEL_4000_CNV_4.refseq2simseq.CNV.vcf

#create tabix index
bgzip Simulation_SNP_5000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf
tabix Simulation_SNP_5000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf.gz

#create the graph and index (-p is prefix for filenames)
vg autoindex --workflow giraffe -r GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna -v Simulation_SNP_5000.refseq2simseq.SNP.vcf.gz -p VG_SNP_5000

#Map reads to the graph
vg giraffe -Z VG_SNP_5000.giraffe.gbz -f Simulation_INDEL_5000.read1.fq -f Simulation_INDEL_5000.read2.fq -o SAM > Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.sam

#Follow same procedure for VCF file creation
samtools view -bS Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.sam | samtools sort - > Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.bam
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f GCF_000191525.1_ASM19152v1_genomic.fna Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.bam | bcftools call -vmO z -o Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.giraffe.30x.100R.vcf.gz
bcftools index Simulation_VG_SNP_5000.giraffe.30x.100R.vcf.gz 

We can follow the same procedure for the rest of the samples and generate VCF files.