diff --git a/README.mdx b/README.mdx index 648dbe7..2a1396a 100644 --- a/README.mdx +++ b/README.mdx @@ -20,17 +20,21 @@ $ find / -user flag00 -exec cat {} + 2>/dev/null cdiiddwpgswtgt 👉 looks like cipher to decode ``` + - command explained - `/` - from root directory - `+` - forces `find` to run `cat` on many files at once and not one at a time - `2>/dev/null` - redir stderr output to `/dev/null` - decipher in python -``` + +```py a = ord('a') for i in range(25): print(i, ''.join(chr(a + (ord(c) - a + i) % 26) for c in 'cdiiddwpgswtgt')) ``` + - swicth to user `flag00` w/ pw + ```sh $ su flag00 Password: nottoohardhere