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VMware ESXi, mixed VRS target architecture

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released this 28 Feb 15:38
· 13879 commits to master since this release

What's new:

  1. Added pre-deploy support for VMware. Tested on R4.0R6.1 and 4.0R7.
  2. Added support for mixed VRS architectures. That is, you can have some VRSs deployed on Ubuntu and some on RedHat/CentOS all using a single build.yml file.
  3. Enhanced support for Dockermon install.
  4. Documentation enhancements, including examples and how-tos.
  5. Several bug fixes and infrastructure upgrades, including enhanced OpenStack deployment support and Jenkins CI integration.
  6. Tested with 3.2R8, 4.0R4, and 4.0R7