There are two ways to run the project. The recommended way is from a github download that allows you to store and commit changes locally and ultimately back to your team repo. For example, if you clone a repo locally, you would then navigate to that directory and follow these four steps.
- Start the server
mwc-084037:ghdata gogginss$ python -m ghdata.server
Failed to open config file.
Default config saved to ghdata.cfg
- Configure the ghtdata.cfg to be as below
mwc-084037:ghdata gogginss$
ghdata.cfg should look like this:
host =
port = 3306
user = msr
pass = ghtorrent
name = msr
apikey = 0
developer = 1
- Restart the server
mwc-084037:ghdata gogginss$ python -m ghdata.server
- Start Front End
mwc-084037:ghtdata gogginss$ cd frontend
mwc-084037:frontend gogginss$ python -m http.server