The dataset will be released upon publication of the corresponding paper.
This repository contains a dataset collected in a cylindrical tank at Relyon Nutec Trondheim.
The dataset was collected using a flying platform with an Ouster OS0-64 Rev. D LiDAR as the main sensor.
Collected in April 2022.
The dataset is a ROS 1 bagfile available at this link.
The bagfile contains the following topics:
Topic | Type | Source |
/os_node/lidar_packets |
ouster_ros/PacketMsg |
Ouster OS0-64 Rev. D LiDAR |
/os_node/imu_packets |
ouster_ros/PacketMsg |
Ouster OS0-64 Rev. D LiDAR |
/mavros/imu/data_raw |
sensor_msgs/Imu |
Pixracer Pro Autopilot IMU |
The official Ouster ROS driver can be used to convert the packets on the /os_node
topics to pointclouds and IMU messages.
To run the driver with the dataset, one may use the command
roslaunch ouster_ros replay.launch metadata:=metadata.json ouster_ns:=os_node timestamp_mode:=TIME_FROM_ROS_TIME
with the metadata.json
file from this repostory.
The transform between the IMU frame (body) and the LiDAR (os_sensor) is given by the following static transform:
frame_id child_frame_id x y z qx qy qz qw
body os_sensor 0 0 0.05 0 0 0 1
We thank Relyon Nutec Trondheim for access to the facility.