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Activities Overview |
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This is an overview of NDSA reports, survey outcomes, and articles. See our overview of activities for more, and don't miss the latest NDSA National Agenda for Digital Stewardship.
- NDSA OSF: A repository for all NDSA publications
- National Agenda
- Levels of Preservation
- Selected Reports and Articles
- Experts Guide: A list of individuals from member organizations available to speak to the news media about a variety of digital stewardship topics, and who are recognized for their contributions to the NDSA community.
- Case Studies: The Content Interest Group has created case studies to engage members of the community in the preservation of content and to encourate the cultivation of relationships that could enambe preservation.
- Digital Preservation in a Box: A toolkit to support outreach activities that introduce the basic concepts of preserving digital information.
- Glossary: A definition of terms of special value to the NDSA and its extended digital stewardship community.