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Hello World - Your First Lambda

This section explains how to deploy and invoke a lambda function using Terraform. Examples here will use NodeJS as the runtime. AWS Lambda supports other runtimes (Python, Ruby, Java, Go lang, .net) too. The document here AWS Lambda Runtimes lists them in detail.

Terraform Scripts and lambda source code for this section are available in Chapter 05.

(1) Build lambda archive

This section will bundle the lambda source in a .zip file. This will enable the Terraform script to upload the lambda source zip file for deployment.

(1.1) Lambda source

The helloWorldLambda.js contains a simple nodejs AWS Lambda. Below snippet shows the same code. When invoked, the lambda returns a json payload with the current timestamp and a message.

exports.handler =  async (event) => {
  const payload = {
    date: new Date(),
    message: 'Hello Terraform World'
  return JSON.stringify(payload);


  • handler module should be exported by the lambda js file.
  • handler function is async and takes an event object.
  • event object contains the request data from the caller.

(1.2) Compress the lambda source file

Packaging the helloWorldLambda.js file is done using the zip command (on Mac). From the samples/05 directory, run the following to create a .zip file.

zip -r /tmp/ helloWorldLambda.js

(2) Main Script

The main terraform script for creating the lambda is located in Chapter 05 directory. This script creates the required IAM role for the lambda also.

(2.1) Lambda Role

For executing the lambda, it should be associated with a IAM role. Following section in samples/05/ uses the lambda-role module to create the IAM Role.

Note: No input variables are passed to the lambda-role module here. Because, this module will be reused for the other lambda that will be creates in this tutorial.

The next section will explain the lambda-role module.

module "lambda_tf_way_role" {
  source = "../modules/lambda-role"
(2.1) Lambda Role Module

The lambda-role module is located at samples/modules/lambda-role. This module creates a IAM Role with assume-role-policy and also attaches the policies required for the lambda.

Following are the 2 resources created in this module.

resource "aws_iam_role" "lambda_tf_way_role" {
  name = "tf_way_lambda_role"
  assume_role_policy = file("${path.module}/lambda-assume-role-policy.json")

resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "tf_way_lambda_iam_role_policy" {
  name = "tf_way_lambda_role_policy"
  role =
  policy = file("${path.module}/lambda-policy.json")
  • The resource lambda_tf_way_role creates an IAM role with the assume-role-policy.json content.
  • The file function assigns the contents of lambda-assume-role-policy.json to assume_role_policy.
  • Assume role policy json allows the lambda service ( to access other services on your IAM account behalf. These are service roles. Role Reference
  • The name of the role created is tf_way_lambda_role
  • The resource lambda_tf_way_role_policy assigns policies to the tf_way_lambda_role. Contents of the lambda-policy.json file are assigned as policy to the role.
  • If you notice the lambda-policy.json file, it will allow access to the services S3, DynamoDB & SQS. For tutorial purpose we will allow access to all the resources and actions. In general, the good practice is to assign specific resources and actions.
(2.2) Lambda

The in samples/05 creates hello_world_lambda by using the lambda module in samples/modules/lambda. Following is the script you will find in it.

  • Lambda name, zip file containing the archived source (from step 1.2 above), handler function are passed as input variables.
locals {
  lambda_name = "helloWorldLambda"
  zip_file_name = "/tmp/"
  handler_name = "helloWorldLambda.handler"

module "hello_world_lambda" {
  source = "../modules/lambda"
  lambda_function_name = local.lambda_name
  lambda_function_handler = local.handler_name
  lambda_role_arn = module.lambda_tf_way_role.lambda_role_arn
  lambda_zip_filename = local.zip_file_name

The tf_way_lambda_function resource is declared in the lambda module located at samples/module/lambda. This module creates the lambda function in AWS. The lambda module exports the function name and function ARN (Amazon Resource Name).

Following is the script you will find there.

  • The runtime is configured as nodejs.
  • Layers are optional, and lambda_tf_way_layer var has an empty string as default.
resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda_tf_way_function" {
  filename = var.lambda_zip_filename
  function_name = var.lambda_function_name
  handler = var.lambda_function_handler
  role = var.lambda_role_arn
  runtime = "nodejs12.x"
  layers = var.lambda_tf_way_layer == "" ? [] : [var.lambda_tf_way_layer]

(3) Terraform Apply

Now we will run terraform script to create the Lambda with its IAM Role. You need to be in the samples/05 folder to run the script.

Note: The AWS_PROFILE is configured as lambda-tf-user

export AWS_PROFILE=lambda-tf-user
terraform init
terraform apply --auto-approve

Note: Once terraform apply completes, it should print the Lambda and Role details as output. The output on the console should look similar to the one below.

module.lambda_tf_way_role.aws_iam_role.lambda_tf_way_role: Creating...
module.lambda_tf_way_role.aws_iam_role.lambda_tf_way_role: Creation complete after 4s [id=tf_way_lambda_role]
module.lambda_tf_way_role.aws_iam_role_policy.lambda_tf_way_role_policy: Creating...
module.hello_world_lambda.aws_lambda_function.lambda_tf_way_function: Creating...
module.lambda_tf_way_role.aws_iam_role_policy.lambda_tf_way_role_policy: Creation complete after 2s [id=tf_way_lambda_role:tf_way_lambda_role_policy]
module.hello_world_lambda.aws_lambda_function.lambda_tf_way_function: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
module.hello_world_lambda.aws_lambda_function.lambda_tf_way_function: Still creating... [20s elapsed]
module.hello_world_lambda.aws_lambda_function.lambda_tf_way_function: Creation complete after 22s [id=helloWorldLambda]

Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


lambda_arn = "arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:919191919191:function:helloWorldLambda"
lambda_name = "helloWorldLambda"
lambda_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::919191919191:role/tf_way_lambda_role"

(4) Invoke the lambda

Now, we will invoke the function deployed using AWS CLI.

aws lambda invoke --function-name helloWorldLambda \
    --log-type Tail \
    --payload '{}' \
    --profile "$AWS_PROFILE" outputfile.txt

cat outputfile.txt

You should see an output similar to the following after executing the lambda function.


"{\"date\":\"2019-01-01T12:00:00.000Z\",\"message\":\"Hello Terraform World\"}"

(5) Teardown (delete the lambda)

Now, we will delete the helloWorldLambda using terraform destroy. From the samples/05/ folder run the following command. This will delete the lambda.

terraform destroy --auto-approve

Note: Once destroy completes, you should see a log similar to the one below.

module.lambda_tf_way_role.aws_iam_role_policy.tf_way_lambda_iam_role_policy: Destroying... [id=tf_way_lambda_role:tf_way_lambda_role_policy]
module.hello_world_lambda.aws_lambda_function.tf_way_lambda_function: Destroying... [id=helloWorldLambda]
module.hello_world_lambda.aws_lambda_function.tf_way_lambda_function: Destruction complete after 0s
module.lambda_tf_way_role.aws_iam_role_policy.tf_way_lambda_iam_role_policy: Destruction complete after 1s
module.lambda_tf_way_role.aws_iam_role.lambda_tf_way_role: Destroying... [id=tf_way_lambda_role]
module.lambda_tf_way_role.aws_iam_role.lambda_tf_way_role: Destruction complete after 2s

Destroy complete! Resources: 3 destroyed.

🏁 Congrats ! You deployed your first AWS Lambda function using Terraform and invoked it successfully. 🏁

Next: View Lambda Logs