I provide many resouces so you can have options, use whatever works for you.
Dont stay here to long, when you feel you understand how it works go ahead and move on.
- html/css/bootstrap https://www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-html-and-css--ud304
- https://internetingishard.com/html-and-css/
- how the internet works https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-science/internet-intro
assumes knowledge of git
Move on once you've finished a ruby track.
- https://www.codecademy.com/learn/ruby
- https://learnrubythehardway.org/book/
- http://ruby.bastardsbook.com/
ruby / rails tutorials
Write Ruby programs in your browser.
These are the tools we're going to use every day. So get familar before moving on to rails.
Download and install a text editor. I recommend:
This is where all the skills we've built come together. Do this book slow, twice.
Getting started with rails.
12 Rails apps in 12 weeks
His stuff is just really good, and you should do them all.
A four part tutorial on RACK, which is the backbone of rails. A good primer on ERB and HTTP Requests
- have a quiz or example projects, to determine when its time to move on
- add resources for tools
- add setting up machine for development resources