- multi-select & associated keyboard shortcuts
- keyboard shortcut to line things up vertically
- the "default view type & settings" for a given node
- maybe allow to save "view states" so if you've got some complex setup, you can name it n stuff.
split panes!
electron viewer
table view! also w/ sorting
view settings - like the "bullets vs lines" thing in the list view, and maybe a "compact vs spacious node size" in whiteboard
jupyter plugin
export to markdown
- I want a bunch of options like
- "number of headings to
instead of making into lists" - toplevel is paragraphs instead of list items
Things I want to save local-only [x] collapse state for each node; I'm now thinking default-closed is the best way. Anyway, probably debounce to save to every second or so? Keep everything in a giant object that get's JSON.stringifyied to localStorage [x] "last view state for this doc"
api endpoints
hmmm i really need to be able to tap into the user auth
/ensure-user ? username
/create-doc ? username, docid // it'll be called 'userid-docid' probably
/add-collaborator ? docid, username
// then they get added as readers/writers
/remove-collaborator ? docid, username
// then they get removed
/add-viewer ? docid, username
/remove-viewer ? docid, username
I think that's it?
- do the signup / login dance
- hit an endpoint that's like "ensure user database"
- it will create one for you if it's not there
- then your user database
- hit an endpoint "make me a database" with username & db name
- then the database is made, and it's added to
User db
-> user settings- {type: 'folder', id: string, title: string, folder: string}
- {type: 'doc', id: string, title: string, ...}
- {type: 'theme', } // custom theming
Doc db
- latest view config (might to something w/ having multiple view configs?)
- any theme stuff
- plugin configs
- ???
- {type: 'node', ...}
- {type: 'tag', ...}
- {type: ..., ...} open to storing other types of things if plugins want to.
Any other DBs? maybe not.
* This will contain
* - the settings blob
* - entries for all of your documents
* {id: docid,
* folder: ?folderid,
* title: string,
* type: 'doc',
* size: number,
* last_modified: number(date),
* last_updated: number(date),
* }
* on the server, document ids will be `doc_userid_docid`, but locally,
* they will be `doc_docid` b/c you don't intrinsically have a userid
* anyway, these things will be a little denormalized between the doc
* db and this list, but I don't think we can avoid that.
* - entries for all of your folders
* {id: string, title: string, folder: string, type: 'folder'} // anything else? don't think so
* - what are the kinds of configuration things that files can have?
* these will live *in* the collection, under a special key, like
* `settings`
* view configuration (windows, panes, etc)
* plugin config
* - OOhh maybe this will need to be readable too
* - orr actually maybe it'll just be a document in the doc collection.
* yeah!
* - how about system-wide settings?
* - themes!
* if you're using a custom theme, you'll have to share the theme
* but the default will be to use a built-in theme & make small
* modifications. A custom theme could be a single document that you
* fetch from a user's db; and others who are listed in the document
* would have read-only access to it. I think that will work.
* so I can probably worry about themes later.
const db = new PouchDB('notablemind_user', 'idb')
RxDB.create('notablemind', 'idb', null, true).then(db => {
this.setState({localDb: db})
return db.collection('user', userSchema).then(userCol => {
// TODO do I need the settings here?
}, err => console.log('er', err))