Basic CNC API for SketchUp. Not even work in progress. This readme is to help me keep track of the general approach I plan on taking when writing this extension.
A persistant object is meant to tie the following together
- Ruby objects
- SketchUp entities
- Attribute dictionaries
Here is some pseudo code to illustrate how they work
class Foo < PersistantObject
def initialize(entities)
#construct some geometry and add to the entities
ents = Sketchup.active_model.entities
foo =
foo["my_data"] = "something interesting"
ent = ents[0]
obj = Foo.load(ent)
puts obj.is_a?(Foo) #=>true
puts obj["my_data"] #=>"something interesting"
A helper to iterate through the tree of the model, group or component instance to find persistant objects
model = Sketchup.active_model
puts Tree.find(Foo, model) #=> [foo, foo, foo]
- Workpiece (Persistant Object)
- Operation (Persistant Object)
- Toolpath (Persistant Object)
- Hole (Persistant Object)
- Machine
- Parser
- Job
- Simmulation
- Workpiece is defined. Design is double nested
- Basic tool for defining toolpaths
- Basic tool for defining holes
- Parse
- Simmulate