diff --git a/Auto-Tune/dependency-reduced-pom.xml b/Auto-Tune/dependency-reduced-pom.xml
index 9abf0b9..ea06b8a 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/dependency-reduced-pom.xml
+++ b/Auto-Tune/dependency-reduced-pom.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- 0.12.1
+ 0.12.2
The automatic pricing plugin for minecraft
diff --git a/Auto-Tune/pom.xml b/Auto-Tune/pom.xml
index fceb86c..2bb4f5c 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/pom.xml
+++ b/Auto-Tune/pom.xml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
- 0.12.1
+ 0.12.2
diff --git a/Auto-Tune/src/resources/config.yml b/Auto-Tune/src/resources/config.yml
index d573d54..a1ed9cd 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/src/resources/config.yml
+++ b/Auto-Tune/src/resources/config.yml
@@ -164,3 +164,11 @@ tutorial: true
## Time in seconds between messages
tutorial-message-period: 325
+## Data storage location
+data-location: 'plugins/Auto-Tune/'
+## Enable transactions
+## Info: This will result in much larger file sizes and additional transaction files but more stability and improved data-protection
+## Info: This is off by default as the default data protection will be fine for most servers
+data-transactions: false
diff --git a/Auto-Tune/src/resources/plugin.yml b/Auto-Tune/src/resources/plugin.yml
index 85278e8..110f0cb 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/src/resources/plugin.yml
+++ b/Auto-Tune/src/resources/plugin.yml
@@ -21,9 +21,11 @@ commands:
description: Auto-Tune Command.
usage: /
+ aliases: [autotune]
description: Trade Online with other players.
usage: /
+ aliases: [pricehistory, onlinepricehistory]
description: GUIShop alias for buy and sell commands.
usage: /
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ commands:
description: View and change plugin config settings
description: Buy items not available in the shop
+ aliases: [purchase]
description: Displays Auto-Tune help information
diff --git a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneBuyCommand.java b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneBuyCommand.java
index 988aac5..d30bfa8 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneBuyCommand.java
+++ b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneBuyCommand.java
@@ -27,96 +27,99 @@ public class AutoTuneBuyCommand implements CommandExecutor {
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args) {
- if (sender instanceof Player){
- Player player = (Player) sender;
- if (!(player.hasPermission("at.buy") || player.isOp())){
- TextHandler.noPermssion(player);
- return true;
- }
- if (args.length == 0){
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Command Usage: ");
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "/buy: ");
- for (String str : shopTypes){
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Available shop: '" + str + "'");
+ if(command.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("buy")){
+ if (sender instanceof Player){
+ Player player = (Player) sender;
+ if (!(player.hasPermission("at.buy") || player.isOp())){
+ TextHandler.noPermssion(player);
return true;
- }
- if (args.length == 1){
- if (args[0].contains("enchantments")){
- ConcurrentHashMap inputMap = Main.enchMap.get("Auto-Tune");
- for (String str : Main.enchMap.get("Auto-Tune").keySet()){
- EnchantmentSetting setting = inputMap.get(str);
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "Enchantment: " + ChatColor.AQUA + str + ChatColor.YELLOW +
- " | Price : "+ Config.getCurrencySymbol() + AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df2.format(setting.price) + " | Item Multiplier: " + setting.ratio + "x");
+ if (args.length == 0){
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Command Usage: ");
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "/buy: ");
+ for (String str : shopTypes){
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + "Available shop: '" + str + "'");
+ return true;
- return true;
- }
- else{
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Shop " + args[0] + " not found!");
- return false;
- }
- if (args.length == 2){
- if (args[0].contains("enchantments")){
- ConcurrentHashMap inputMap = Main.enchMap.get("Auto-Tune");
- EnchantmentSetting setting = inputMap.get((args[1].toUpperCase()));
- ItemStack is = player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand();
- Material mat = is.getType();
- boolean enchantExists = false;
- Map map = is.getEnchantments();
- Enchantment ench = Enchantment.getByName(setting.name);
- if (map.get(ench) != null){
- enchantExists = true;
+ if (args.length == 1){
+ if (args[0].contains("enchantments")){
+ ConcurrentHashMap inputMap = Main.enchMap.get("Auto-Tune");
+ for (String str : Main.enchMap.get("Auto-Tune").keySet()){
+ EnchantmentSetting setting = inputMap.get(str);
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.WHITE + "Enchantment: " + ChatColor.AQUA + str + ChatColor.YELLOW +
+ " | Price : "+ Config.getCurrencySymbol() + AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df2.format(setting.price) + " | Item Multiplier: " + setting.ratio + "x");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else{
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Shop " + args[0] + " not found!");
+ return false;
- if (is != null){
- try{
- if (!enchantExists){
- is.addEnchantment(ench, 1);
+ }
+ if (args.length == 2){
+ if (args[0].contains("enchantments")){
+ ConcurrentHashMap inputMap = Main.enchMap.get("Auto-Tune");
+ EnchantmentSetting setting = inputMap.get((args[1].toUpperCase()));
+ ItemStack is = player.getInventory().getItemInMainHand();
+ Material mat = is.getType();
+ boolean enchantExists = false;
+ Map map = is.getEnchantments();
+ Enchantment ench = Enchantment.getByName(setting.name);
+ if (map.get(ench) != null){
+ enchantExists = true;
+ }
+ if (is != null){
+ try{
+ if (!enchantExists){
+ is.addEnchantment(ench, 1);
+ }
+ else{
+ int level = is.getEnchantmentLevel(ench);
+ is.addEnchantment(ench, level+1);
+ }
- else{
- int level = is.getEnchantmentLevel(ench);
- is.addEnchantment(ench, level+1);
+ catch(IllegalArgumentException ex){
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Cannot enchant item: " + is.getType().toString() + " with enchantment " + setting.name);
+ ex.printStackTrace();
+ return true;
- }
- catch(IllegalArgumentException ex){
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Cannot enchant item: " + is.getType().toString() + " with enchantment " + setting.name);
- ex.printStackTrace();
+ double price = setting.price + Main.map.get(is.getType().toString()).get(Main.map.get(is.getType().toString()).size()-1)[0]*setting.ratio;
+ Main.getEconomy().withdrawPlayer(player, Double.parseDouble(AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df1.format(price)));
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Purchased " + setting.name + " for "
+ + ChatColor.GREEN + Config.getCurrencySymbol() + AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df2.format(price));
+ ConcurrentHashMap buySellMap = setting.buySellData;
+ Double[] arr = buySellMap.get(buySellMap.size()-1);
+ if (arr == null){
+ arr = new Double[]{setting.price, 0.0, 0.0};
+ }
+ if (arr[1] == null){
+ arr[1] = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (arr[2] == null){
+ arr[2] = 0.0;
+ }
+ arr[1] = arr[1]+1;
+ buySellMap.put(buySellMap.size()-1, arr);
+ setting.buySellData = buySellMap;
+ inputMap.put(setting.name, setting);
+ Main.enchMap.put("Auto-Tune", inputMap);
return true;
- double price = setting.price + Main.map.get(is.getType().toString()).get(Main.map.get(is.getType().toString()).size()-1)[0]*setting.ratio;
- Main.getEconomy().withdrawPlayer(player, Double.parseDouble(AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df1.format(price)));
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Purchased " + setting.name + " for "
- + ChatColor.GREEN + Config.getCurrencySymbol() + AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df2.format(price));
- ConcurrentHashMap buySellMap = setting.buySellData;
- Double[] arr = buySellMap.get(buySellMap.size()-1);
- if (arr == null){
- arr = new Double[]{setting.price, 0.0, 0.0};
- }
- if (arr[1] == null){
- arr[1] = 0.0;
- }
- if (arr[2] == null){
- arr[2] = 0.0;
- }
- arr[1] = arr[1]+1;
- buySellMap.put(buySellMap.size()-1, arr);
- setting.buySellData = buySellMap;
- inputMap.put(setting.name, setting);
- Main.enchMap.put("Auto-Tune", inputMap);
+ player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Hold the item you want to enchant in your main hand!");
return true;
- player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Hold the item you want to enchant in your main hand!");
- return true;
- }
- else{
- player.sendMessage("Shop " + args[0] + "not found!");
- return false;
+ else{
+ player.sendMessage("Shop " + args[0] + "not found!");
+ return false;
+ }
- }
- else{
- Main.sendMessage(sender, "&cPlayers only.");
- return true;
+ else{
+ Main.sendMessage(sender, "&cPlayers only.");
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
return false;
diff --git a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneGDPCommand.java b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneGDPCommand.java
index 92fbdb5..cd8b031 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneGDPCommand.java
+++ b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneGDPCommand.java
@@ -22,14 +22,13 @@ public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String gdp, Stri
if (command.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("gdp")){
if (args.length < 1){
if (p.hasPermission("at.gdp") || p.isOp()){
- String GDP = AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df4.format(Main.tempdatadata.get("GDP"));
- double returnedGDP = Double.parseDouble(GDP);
+ String GDP = AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df2.format(Main.tempdatadata.get("GDP"));
double[] serverBalance = getServerBalance();
double loanBalance = getLoanBalance();
- p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Current GDP is: $" + ChatColor.GREEN + AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df1.format(returnedGDP));
- p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Current GDP per capita is: $" + ChatColor.GREEN + AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df2.format(returnedGDP/serverBalance[1]));
- p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Current Average Balance is: $" + ChatColor.GREEN + (serverBalance[0]/serverBalance[1]));
- p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Current Average Debt is: $" + ChatColor.GREEN + (loanBalance/serverBalance[1]));
+ p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Current GDP is: $" + ChatColor.GREEN + GDP);
+ p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Current GDP per capita is: $" + ChatColor.GREEN + AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df2.format(Main.tempdatadata.get("GDP")/serverBalance[1]));
+ p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Current Average Balance is: $" + ChatColor.GREEN + AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df2.format(serverBalance[0]/serverBalance[1]));
+ p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "The Current Average Debt is: $" + ChatColor.GREEN + AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.df2.format(loanBalance/serverBalance[1]));
else if (!(p.hasPermission("at.gdp")) && !(p.isOp())){
diff --git a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.java b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.java
index beb0fd3..5573da0 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.java
+++ b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Commands/AutoTuneGUIShopUserCommand.java
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ public static OutlinePane loadTradingItems(String itemName, Section sec, Outline
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.BOLD + "Cant Sell " + Integer.toString(amounts[finalI - 7])
+ "x of " + itemName);
- if (max[1] < (currentMax + amounts[finalI - 7])) {
+ else if (max[1] < (currentMax + amounts[finalI - 7])) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.BOLD + "Cant Sell " + Integer.toString(amounts[finalI - 7])
+ "x of " + itemName);
int difference = (currentMax + amounts[finalI - 7]) - max[1];
@@ -299,7 +299,8 @@ public static OutlinePane loadTradingItems(String itemName, Section sec, Outline
Main.maxSellMap.put(player.getUniqueId(), maxSellMapRec);
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Max Sells Reached! - " + max[1] + "/" + max[1]);
- } else {
+ }
+ else {
removeItems(player, (finalI - 7), itemName, sec, 0);
} else {
diff --git a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Main.java b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Main.java
index f8cd4d0..4f18020 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Main.java
+++ b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/Main.java
@@ -268,7 +268,6 @@ public void onEnable() {
this.getCommand("buy").setExecutor(new AutoTuneBuyCommand());
basicVolatilityAlgorithim = Config.getBasicVolatilityAlgorithim();
priceModel = Config.getPricingModel().toString();
- TextHandler.sendPriceModelData(priceModel);
scheduler = getServer().getScheduler();
if (Config.isAutoSellEnabled()){
scheduler.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(getINSTANCE(), new AutoSellEventHandler(), Config.getAutoSellUpdatePeriod() * 5,
@@ -451,16 +450,27 @@ public static FileConfiguration saveGUIShopFiles(){
public static void setupDataFiles() {
+ String dataLocationString = (Config.getDataLocation() + "data.db");
if (Config.isChecksumHeaderBypass()) {
Main.debugLog("Enabling checksum-header-bypass");
- db = DBMaker.fileDB("data.db").checksumHeaderBypass().fileChannelEnable().allocateStartSize(10240).transactionEnable().closeOnJvmShutdown().make();
+ if (Config.isDataTransactions()){
+ db = DBMaker.fileDB(dataLocationString).checksumHeaderBypass().fileChannelEnable().allocateStartSize(10240).transactionEnable().closeOnJvmShutdown().make();
+ }
+ else{
+ db = DBMaker.fileDB(dataLocationString).checksumHeaderBypass().fileChannelEnable().allocateStartSize(10240).closeOnJvmShutdown().make();
+ }
map = (ConcurrentMap>) db.hashMap("map").createOrOpen();
memDB = DBMaker.heapDB().checksumHeaderBypass().transactionEnable().closeOnJvmShutdown().make();
memMap = memDB.hashMap("memMap", Serializer.INTEGER, Serializer.STRING).createOrOpen();
enchDB = DBMaker.fileDB("enchantment-data.db").checksumHeaderBypass().fileChannelEnable().transactionEnable().closeOnJvmShutdown().make();
enchMap = (ConcurrentMap>) enchDB.hashMap("enchMap", Serializer.STRING, Serializer.JAVA).createOrOpen();
} else {
- db = DBMaker.fileDB("data.db").checksumHeaderBypass().fileChannelEnable().allocateStartSize(10240).transactionEnable().closeOnJvmShutdown().make();
+ if (Config.isDataTransactions()){
+ db = DBMaker.fileDB(dataLocationString).fileChannelEnable().allocateStartSize(10240).transactionEnable().closeOnJvmShutdown().make();
+ }
+ else{
+ db = DBMaker.fileDB(dataLocationString).fileChannelEnable().allocateStartSize(10240).closeOnJvmShutdown().make();
+ }
map = (ConcurrentMap>) db.hashMap("map").createOrOpen();
memDB = DBMaker.heapDB().closeOnJvmShutdown().transactionEnable().make();
memMap = memDB.hashMap("memMap", Serializer.INTEGER, Serializer.STRING).createOrOpen();
@@ -513,6 +523,7 @@ public static void loadTopMovers(){
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command testcmd, String trade, String[] help) {
+ if(testcmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("trade")){
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
String hostIP = "";
@@ -555,6 +566,8 @@ public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command testcmd, String trade, St
return false;
+ return false;
+ }
public static void saveplayerdata() {
try {
diff --git a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/util/Config.java b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/util/Config.java
index 74730a5..18094ab 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/util/Config.java
+++ b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/util/Config.java
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ public final class Config {
- sendPlayerTopMoversOnJoin;
+ sendPlayerTopMoversOnJoin,
+ dataTransactions;
@@ -47,7 +48,8 @@ public final class Config {
- economyShopConfig;
+ economyShopConfig,
+ dataLocation;
@@ -75,6 +77,7 @@ public static void loadDefaults() {
Config.setSendPlayerTopMoversOnJoin(Main.getMainConfig().getBoolean("send-player-top-movers-on-join", true));
Config.setWebServer(Main.getMainConfig().getBoolean("web-server-enabled", true));
Config.setTutorial(Main.getMainConfig().getBoolean("tutorial", true));
+ Config.setDataTransactions(Main.getMainConfig().getBoolean("data-transactions", false));
Config.setCalculateGlobalGDP(Main.getMainConfig().getBoolean("calculate-global-GDP", true));
Config.setAutoSellEnabled(Main.getMainConfig().getBoolean("auto-sell-enabled", true));
Config.setInflationEnabled(Main.getMainConfig().getBoolean("inflation-enabled", true));
@@ -97,8 +100,9 @@ public static void loadDefaults() {
ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', Main.getMainConfig().getString("menu-title", "Auto-Tune Shop")));
- ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', Main.getMainConfig().getString("pricing-model", "Basic")));
+ ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', Main.getMainConfig().getString("pricing-model", "Exponential")));
Config.setApiKey(Main.getMainConfig().getString("api-key", "xyz"));
+ Config.setDataLocation(Main.getMainConfig().getString("data-location", ""));
Config.setInflationMethod(Main.getMainConfig().getString("inflation-method", "Mixed"));
Config.setEmail(Main.getMainConfig().getString("email", "xyz@gmail.com"));
Config.setBasicVolatilityAlgorithim(ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', Main.getMainConfig().getString("Volatility-Algorithim", "Variable")));
diff --git a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/util/TextHandler.java b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/util/TextHandler.java
index f367d66..5b95110 100644
--- a/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/util/TextHandler.java
+++ b/Auto-Tune/src/unprotesting/com/github/util/TextHandler.java
@@ -5,52 +5,6 @@
import unprotesting.com.github.Main;
public class TextHandler {
- public static void sendPriceModelData(String priceModel){
- if (priceModel.contains("Basic")) {
- Main.log("Loaded Basic Price Algorithim");
- if (Main.basicVolatilityAlgorithim.contains("Variable")) {
- Main.log("Loaded Algorithim under Variable Configuration");
- }
- if (Main.basicVolatilityAlgorithim.contains("Fixed")) {
- Main.log("Loaded Algorithim under Variable Configuration");
- }
- }
- if (priceModel.contains("Advanced")) {
- Main.log("Loaded Advanced Price Algorithim");
- if (Main.basicVolatilityAlgorithim.contains("Variable")) {
- Main.log("Loaded Advanced Algorithim under Variable Configuration");
- }
- if (Main.basicVolatilityAlgorithim.contains("Fixed")) {
- Main.log("Loaded Advanced Algorithim under Variable Configuration");
- }
- }
- }
- public static void sendDataBeforePriceCalculation(String priceModel, String basicVolatilityAlgorithim){
- Main.debugLog("Starting price calculation task... ");
- Main.debugLog("Price algorithim settings: ");
- if (priceModel.contains("Basic") && basicVolatilityAlgorithim.contains("Fixed")) {
- Main.debugLog("Basic Max Fixed Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMaxFixedVolatility());
- Main.debugLog("Basic Min Fixed Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMinFixedVolatility());
- }
- if (priceModel.contains("Basic") && basicVolatilityAlgorithim.contains("Variable")) {
- Main.debugLog("Basic Max Variable Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMaxVariableVolatility());
- Main.debugLog("Basic Min Variable Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMinVariableVolatility());
- }
- if (priceModel.contains("Advanced") && basicVolatilityAlgorithim.contains("Fixed")) {
- Main.debugLog("Advanced Max Fixed Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMaxFixedVolatility());
- Main.debugLog("Advanced Min Fixed Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMinFixedVolatility());
- }
- if (priceModel.contains("Advanced") && basicVolatilityAlgorithim.contains("Variable")) {
- Main.debugLog("Advanced Max Variable Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMaxVariableVolatility());
- Main.debugLog("Advanced Min Variable Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMinVariableVolatility());
- }
- if (priceModel.contains("Exponential") && basicVolatilityAlgorithim.contains("Variable")) {
- Main.debugLog("Exponential Max Variable Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMaxVariableVolatility());
- Main.debugLog("Exponential Min Variable Volatility: " + Config.getBasicMinVariableVolatility());
- Main.debugLog("Exponential data selection algorithim: y = " + Config.getDataSelectionM() + "(x^" + Config.getDataSelectionZ() + ") + " + Config.getDataSelectionC());
- }
- }
public static void noPermssion(Player p){