- Download and install gatling.
- Edit
to setworker_connections
to a much reasonable setting for a development machine - Launch a development apicast with the following parameters:
export APICAST_LOG_LEVEL=error
export THREESCALE_CONFIG_FILE=config.json
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=65536
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=65536
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 65536 65536
ulimit -n 65536
bin/apicast -i 3600 -m on -w 8 &> apicast.log
WARNING: On MacOS, you have to run apicast as root to be able to push up
the maximum number of open files (ulimit -n
NOTE: the -w 8
tells nginx to start 8 workers. As a rule of thumb, set the
number of workers to the number of available cores.
- Install and run a rsyslog server:
sudo brew install rsyslog
/usr/local/Cellar/rsyslog/*/sbin/rsyslogd -4 -n -f rsyslog.conf -i "$PWD/rsyslog.pid"
Gatling scenario are available in the performance-testing directory. However, you can record your own by :
- Launcing the recorder and starting a recording
- Doing a test request through the gatling proxy
export http_proxy=http://localhost:8000
curl "http://localhost:8080/?user_key=secret" -D - -X POST -d "data"
Then, you can customize the scenario to loop over the request you recorded and add virtual users.
Run the gatling scenario:
gatling.sh -sf . -s itix.Apicast1kPOST
Then, re-start apicast with the following environment:
export APICAST_MODULE=custom/verbose
export SYSLOG_PORT=1601
export SYSLOG_PROTO=tcp
Run the gatling scenario:
gatling.sh -sf . -s itix.Apicast1kPOST
Check that you have exactly 200000 lines in the apicast.log
by the apicast server:
$ wc -l apicast.log
200000 apicast.log
Also, check that you have exactly 200000 requests logged
in /tmp/apicast.log
$ grep -o '"http_version"' /tmp/apicast.log |wc -l
NOTE: you might have to wait a few seconds after gatling completed the performance test to have the 200000 lines in the apicast.log. This is due to the SYSLOG_PERIODIC_FLUSH parameter (5 seconds by default) that is needed to flush the last requests from the log buffers.
- https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-optimize-nginx-configuration
- http://blog.martinfjordvald.com/2011/04/optimizing-nginx-for-high-traffic-loads/
- http://gatling.io/docs/current/general/simulation_setup/#injection
- http://gatling.io/docs/current/cheat-sheet/
- https://superuser.com/a/867865