A data science toolkit for the H3 geospatial grid.
This library is not a substitute for the official python h3 library - instead it provides more high-level functions on top of H3 and integrations into common dataframe libraries.
Documentation is available on https://h3ronpy.readthedocs.io/.
- H3 algorithms provided using the performant h3o library.
- Build on Apache Arrow and the lightweight arro3 for efficient data handling. The arrow memory model is compatible with dataframe libraries like pandas and polars.
- Extensions for the polars Series` and Expr APIs.
- Some dedicated functions to work with geopandas GeoSeries.
- Multi-threaded conversion of raster data to the H3 grid using numpy arrays.
- Multi-threaded conversion of vector data, including geopandas GeoDataFrames and any object which supports the python __geo_interface__ protocol (shapely, geojson, ...).
Not all functionalities of the H3 grid are wrapped by this library, the current feature-set was implemented when there was a need and the time for it. As a opensource library new features can be requested in the form of github issues or contributed using pull requests.