terraform {
required_providers {
vsphere = ">= 1.25.0"
module "vsphere_vapp_entity" {
source = "./modules/vsphere/r/vsphere_vapp_entity"
# container_id - (required) is a type of string
container_id = null
# custom_attributes - (optional) is a type of map of string
custom_attributes = {}
# start_action - (optional) is a type of string
start_action = null
# start_delay - (optional) is a type of number
start_delay = null
# start_order - (optional) is a type of number
start_order = null
# stop_action - (optional) is a type of string
stop_action = null
# stop_delay - (optional) is a type of number
stop_delay = null
# tags - (optional) is a type of set of string
tags = []
# target_id - (required) is a type of string
target_id = null
# wait_for_guest - (optional) is a type of bool
wait_for_guest = null
variable "container_id" {
description = "(required) - Managed object ID of the vApp container the entity is a member of."
type = string
variable "custom_attributes" {
description = "(optional) - A list of custom attributes to set on this resource."
type = map(string)
default = null
variable "start_action" {
description = "(optional) - How to start the entity. Valid settings are none or powerOn. If set to none, then the entity does not participate in auto-start."
type = string
default = null
variable "start_delay" {
description = "(optional) - Delay in seconds before continuing with the next entity in the order of entities to be started."
type = number
default = null
variable "start_order" {
description = "(optional) - Order to start and stop target in vApp."
type = number
default = null
variable "stop_action" {
description = "(optional) - Defines the stop action for the entity. Can be set to none, powerOff, guestShutdown, or suspend. If set to none, then the entity does not participate in auto-stop."
type = string
default = null
variable "stop_delay" {
description = "(optional) - Delay in seconds before continuing with the next entity in the order of entities to be stopped."
type = number
default = null
variable "tags" {
description = "(optional) - A list of tag IDs to apply to this object."
type = set(string)
default = null
variable "target_id" {
description = "(required) - Managed object ID of the entity to power on or power off. This can be a virtual machine or a vApp."
type = string
variable "wait_for_guest" {
description = "(optional) - Determines if the VM should be marked as being started when VMware Tools are ready instead of waiting for start_delay. This property has no effect for vApps."
type = bool
default = null
resource "vsphere_vapp_entity" "this" {
# container_id - (required) is a type of string
container_id = var.container_id
# custom_attributes - (optional) is a type of map of string
custom_attributes = var.custom_attributes
# start_action - (optional) is a type of string
start_action = var.start_action
# start_delay - (optional) is a type of number
start_delay = var.start_delay
# start_order - (optional) is a type of number
start_order = var.start_order
# stop_action - (optional) is a type of string
stop_action = var.stop_action
# stop_delay - (optional) is a type of number
stop_delay = var.stop_delay
# tags - (optional) is a type of set of string
tags = var.tags
# target_id - (required) is a type of string
target_id = var.target_id
# wait_for_guest - (optional) is a type of bool
wait_for_guest = var.wait_for_guest
output "id" {
description = "returns a string"
value =
output "this" {
value = vsphere_vapp_entity.this