What? This bot will inform you about (fixed-line) calls you missed via the telegram-messenger. It only works if your calls are managed by an AVM FritzBox. If available, it also displays the name associated with the phone number so that you know, who tried to call you - without even beeing at home.
The versions given here are the ones I used at the time of development. Feel free to experiment with upgrading to other versions but then the code may require tweaking.
First, please install Python 3.7 and then install the necessary packages as superuser/admin (best would probably be a specific Python Environment but that's not a must):
- lxml==4.5.1 to parse XML
- precombiled windows binary and then
pip install lxml-....whl
- precombiled windows binary and then
- fritzconnection==1.3.0 to access the FritzBox API
- python-telegram-bot==12.7 to manage your Telegram Bot
pip install requests==2.24.0, lxml==4.5.1, fritzconnection==1.3.0, python-telegram-bot==12.7
On Telegram, talk to BotFather to create a bot and get its access-token.
# Botfather: name?
# Botfather: username?
# Botfather: Congrats, your token is TOKEN
You'll need that token later!
- Find out your FritzBox' IP
- Good starting point is fritz.box when your in the FritzBox' LAN.
- If the bot is running the FritzBox' LAN, the local IP is what we need. Usually it's yours but ending on
- Create a user with access to the call-list and remember its name and password.
- For security reason, disable access from internet if the bot runs from the LAN.
Don't have a FritzBox at the moment? No problem, open example.py
and set mock_fritzbox=True
Open bot_phonebook.cfg in your favorite UTF-8 compatible text editor.
What you see is the configuration in JSON-Format. Search for fritzboxip
, fritzboxpassword
, fritzboxusername
and telegrambot-token
and replace with the appropriate.
Now it's time to start our bot. Enter the directory and simply enter:
python example.py
or python3 example.py
To stop the bot, you must kill the python process.
In Telegram you can now search for your bots name and start a new chat with him. You can control it via a few commands:
The bot will inform you about new calls via this chat./stop
The bot will stop informing about new calls via this chat./info
A list of chat ids that are currently subscribed.
So go ahead and type /start
and tell a friend to call you. If his phone-number
is available via a reverse lookup in the config file, via tellows(Germany) or
dastelefonbuch(Germany) his name will show up.
Otherwise, it'll just be his number next to a question mark.
The call-id of the most recent call that the bot has processed. Older calls will be ignored.phonebook
A dict with phonenumbers matched to names for reverse lookups. If a callers number cannot be found in this dictionary, a lookup is attempted in several online phonebooks. The result is then stored in here for later lookups.bot
IDs of the subscribed Telegram-Chats. These are notified by the bot about new calls.telegramToken
The token you got from the BotFather.checkFritzboxInterval
The time in seconds between checking the FritzBox for new calls.
- Add reverse lookups for phone numbers from your country: Take a look at teh class
in fritzbox.py. The function that performs the reverse lookup (matching a name to the phone number) is calledPhonebook.nameFromNumberLookup
and calls one of three functions beginning withnameFrom
. Add yours or edit one of them to fit a service providing reverse lookups for your countries phone numbers.