This is my custom neovim configuration, for platforms windows and linux.
Just clone the repository and run the
- bufferline.nvim - Buffer line plugin with tabpage integration for Neovim.
- cmp-buffer - nvim-cmp source for buffer words.
- cmp-cmdline - nvim-cmp source for Vim's command-line.
- cmp-emoji - nvim-cmp source for emoji.
- cmp-nvim-lsp - nvim-cmp source for Neovim's built-in LSP.
- cmp-nvim-lua - nvim-cmp source for Neovim Lua API.
- cmp-path - nvim-cmp source for filesystem paths.
- cmp_luasnip - nvim-cmp source for LuaSnip snippets.
- Comment.nvim - Smart and powerful commenting plugin for Neovim.
- dressing.nvim - Improved UI for Neovim's built-in interfaces.
- fidget.nvim - Standalone UI for LSP progress in Neovim.
- harpoon - Quick file navigation plugin for Neovim.
- lazy.nvim - Modern plugin manager for Neovim.
- lualine.nvim - Fast and configurable statusline plugin for Neovim.
- LuaSnip - Snippet engine for Neovim written in Lua.
- mason-lspconfig.nvim - Bridge between mason.nvim and lspconfig.
- mason.nvim - Portable package manager for Neovim.
- neodev.nvim - Setup for Neovim Lua development.
- null-ls.nvim - Inject LSP features via Lua in Neovim.
- nvim-autopairs - Autopairs plugin for Neovim written in Lua.
- nvim-cmp - Completion plugin for Neovim coded in Lua.
- nvim-lspconfig - Quickstart configs for Neovim LSP client.
- nvim-surround - Manipulate surrounding characters with ease.
- nvim-treesitter - Treesitter configurations and abstraction layer.
- nvim-ts-autotag - Auto close and rename HTML tags using Treesitter.
- nvim-ts-context-commentstring - Set commentstring based on cursor location.
- nvim-web-devicons - File icons for Neovim Lua plugins.
- nvim-yarp - Yet another RPC framework for Neovim.
- onedark.nvim - One Dark color scheme for Neovim.
- playground - View Treesitter information in Neovim.
- plenary.nvim - Useful Lua functions for Neovim plugins.
- popup.nvim - Popup API implementation for Neovim.
- telescope-media-files.nvim - Preview media files with Telescope.
- telescope-vim-bookmarks.nvim - Integrate vim-bookmarks into Telescope.
- telescope.nvim - Highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists.
- toggleterm.nvim - Persist and toggle multiple terminals in Neovim.
- undotree - Visualize Vim undo history as a tree.
- vim-fugitive - Git integration plugin for Vim.
- vim-hug-neovim-rpc - Make Neovim remote plugins callable from Vim8.
- wilder.nvim - Fuzzy command line autocompletion for Neovim.
Here is the documentation for your Neovim key mappings presented in MDX format:
Mode | Key(s) | Mapping/Command | Description |
i |
jk |
<Esc> |
Exit insert mode using jk . |
i |
kj |
<Esc> |
Exit insert mode using kj . |
v |
J |
:m '>+1<CR>gv=gv |
Move selected text down. |
v |
K |
:m '<-2<CR>gv=gv |
Move selected text up. |
n |
n |
nzzzv |
Center cursor after searching forward. |
n |
N |
Nzzzv |
Center cursor after searching backward. |
n |
<C-d> |
<C-d>zz |
Half-page down and center cursor. |
n |
<C-u> |
<C-u>zz |
Half-page up and center cursor. |
n |
<leader>q |
:wq!<CR> |
Save and quit file. |
n |
<leader>w |
:w<CR> |
Save current file. |
n |
<leader>we |
:w<CR>:source %<CR> |
Save and source current file. |
n |
<Tab> |
:bnext<CR> |
Go to next buffer. |
n |
<S-Tab> |
:bprevious<CR> |
Go to previous buffer. |
n |
<leader>b |
:bw<CR> |
Close current buffer. |
n |
<leader>p |
"_dP |
Paste over without yanking. |
v |
< |
<gv |
Indent left and reselect text. |
v |
> |
>gv |
Indent right and reselect text. |
n |
<C-h> |
<C-w>h |
Move to left window. |
n |
<C-j> |
<C-w>j |
Move to window below. |
n |
<C-k> |
<C-w>k |
Move to window above. |
n |
<C-l> |
<C-w>l |
Move to right window. |
n |
<C-b> |
<C-w>b |
Move to bottom window. |
n |
<C-t> |
<C-w>t |
Move to top window. |
n |
<leader>f |
<cmd>Telescope find_files<CR> |
Find files using Telescope. |
n |
<leader>sg |
<cmd>Telescope live_grep<CR> |
Live grep with Telescope. |
n |
<leader>b |
<cmd>Telescope buffers<CR> |
List buffers with Telescope. |
n |
<leader>th |
<cmd>Telescope help_tags<CR> |
Search help tags with Telescope. |
n |
<leader>tl |
<cmd>Telescope git_files<CR> |
Find Git files with Telescope. |
n |
<leader>tt |
:Lexplore<CR> |
Toggle file explorer. |
n |
<leader>o |
:lua vim.lsp.buf.format()<CR> |
Format code using LSP. |
n |
<leader>u |
:UndotreeToggle<CR> |
Toggle the undo tree panel. |
is a placeholder for your leader key, which is usually set to\
by default.- The mappings for
are assigned twice::bw<CR>
to close the current buffer.<cmd>Telescope buffers<CR>
to list buffers with Telescope.
- Adjust one of the
mappings to prevent conflicts.
- Exit Insert Mode Quickly: Use
in insert mode to exit to normal mode without reaching for the<Esc>
key. - Move Selected Text: In visual mode,
moves the selected block down, andK
moves it up, allowing quick text rearrangement. - Center Cursor After Search: After using
to navigate search results, the cursor will center in the window for better visibility. - Smooth Scrolling:
scroll half a page down or up and center the cursor to maintain context. - Window Navigation: Use
, and<C-l>
to navigate between split windows efficiently. - Buffer Management: Navigate buffers using
, close buffers with<leader>b
, and list buffers with Telescope. - Indentation in Visual Mode:
indent selected text and keep it selected for further indentation if needed. - File Operations: Save files with
, save and quit with<leader>q
, and save and source with<leader>we
. - Telescope Integrations: Quickly access file searching, live grep, buffers, and help tags using Telescope commands.
- Formatting and Undo Tree: Format code with
and toggle the undo tree visualization with<leader>u
Feel free to adjust the mappings or descriptions according to your specific configuration or preferences.