All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Unfortunately this is not a big upgrade as the version number indicates. This is just needed to overwrite a fuzzy version number on the appstore.
- Fix app store releases
- Fix app store releases
- Make Nextcloud 24 compatible
- Startpage
- Translations
- Updated dependencies
- Make compatible with Nextcloud 28
- Cut support for Nextcloud 24 and older
- translations
- compatible nextcloud versions up to 27
- Translations
- Things to make this app compatible with Nextcloud 25
- Medication module (many thanks to kenda)
- translations
- translations
- Nextcloud 24 compatible
- Add donations link
- API v1 - you can request and interact with every data within this app
- The API follows the internal structure, no official formats and structures are implemented
- have a look at the routes.php and the following function headers to see what data are expected
- Button to show charts with only relative data on the y-axis
- update dependencies
- updated translations
- support for nextcloud 23
- update dependencies
- merged 2 pulls (thanks)
- updated translations
- calculate bmi with lb unit correctly (thanks for help)
- Use common structure for changelog (this)
- NPM Updates
- Translation updates
- CSV export use correct labels and text values
- Smaller fixes
- npm updates
- nc22 compatible - db fix
- integrate new translations
- background updates
- new urls for app-store resources
- many small fixes
- many string fixes (many thanks to @Valdnet)
- add translations
- removed official support for nc19, but should work
- npm updates
- add module activities
- chart scales more detailed
- nc21 ready
- many small fixes
- clean up database tables < old ces tables will be removed
- fix db definitions to work with nc21
- fix constructor parameter for mapper to work with nc21
- remove beta from title
- various bugfixes
- add module smoking
- add bmi column for the weight module
- add time range for data tables
- add download csv for data tables
- add multiple scales for charts
- small fixes
- charts for all modules
- show person creation time
- weight data bodyfat accepts decimals
- Rewriting backend for all modules except the weight module Note: No data migration except weight module. This is still beta software.
- css fixes, specially for mobile use
- css fixes for dark theme compatibility
- no limitation to db with json support
- Start with changelog
- added some modules with basic data tables
- dependency for mysql, pgsql not tested