Will be released in September 2022
Work in progress. This release includes different workflows to process antomical, functional and diffusion MR images. All workflows are integrated in dedicated containers to enforce reproducible research.
The following workflows are released:
- fsreconall
- fsreconall-summary
- fsreconall-qc
- fsreconall-longitudinal
- cat12vbm
- cat12vbm-qc
- cat12vbm-roi
- quasiraw
- quasiraw-qc
- fmriprep
- fmriprep-conn
- mriqc
- mriqc-summary
- deface
- tbss-preproc
- tbss
- dmriprep
The following people contributed to this release (from git shortlog -ns v0.0.1
* 61 Antoine Grigis * 38 LoicDorval * 26 JulieNeuro