CloudTest is automatic tool to perform integration testing for cloud based environments, it allow to configure and bring few multiple clouds to live and execurte go/shell integration tests agains all of clusters configured and combine all results into one junit.xml report file to be used with any suitable CI system.
Integration testing agains multiple different cluster systems could be difficult, so this tool is designed to make this possible to use.
We have few tests, they could be go integration tests or shell scripts we want to check agains every cloud system we want our product to work, we need to setup few different cloud systems, with number of instances for every of them and perform execution of every test we want agains every cluster with selection of instance we want to run agains.
And after all this done we want to have a report showing which tests are passed or not, for failed tests we want some output and results to obtain.
- User define configuration:
- it is used to provide individual instructions to setup every cloud instance.
- it define executions:
- 'go based' folder with tests/or
it will usego
command line to obtain a list of individual tests by optionally passing a tag to filter tests. - shell test script - execute it and check for exit code.
- 'go based' folder with tests/or
- Start tool, it execute tests against every cloud configuration.
- After execution:
- produced JUnit structured XML report file could be used.
- statistics and details about executions in progress could be used to track exeution.
- all activities will be captured into individual folders/files for later analysis.
is main executable for tool. It allow to execute all set of individual tests across all clouds provided.
cloudtest [flags]
cloudtest [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Print the version number of cloudtest
-c, --cluster strings Enable only specified cluster config(s)
--config string Config file, default=.cloudtest.yaml
--count int Execute only count of tests (default -1)
-h, --help help for cloudtest
-k, --kind strings Enable only specified cluster kind(s)
--noInstall Skip install operations
--noMask Disable masking of environment variables in output
--noPrepare Skip prepare operations
--noStop Skip stop operations
-t, --tags strings Run tests with given tag(s) only
CloudTest read .cloudtest.yaml file from current directory or use --config parameter passed as arguments. Configuration file support include sections with Executions/Providers specified as alternative files.
Full configuration syntax could be checked here: config.go
- CloudTestConfig - top level element configure basic stuff, support imports and define instance configurations and executions.
- CloudProviderConfig - define a cloud configuration.
- Execution - define individual execution.
- ExecutionSource - specify tags or individual tests to run.
- HealCheckConfig - define a procedure to check if we still need to perform testing, it could check for git commits appear in pull request, etc.
- RetestConfig - a way to tweak execution failures caused by cloud instabilities, we found few of them during NSM work and found this very useful.
- ExecutionStatistics - enable/disable and interval for runtime statistics.
- PacketConfig/DeviceConfig - a packet specific configuration options.
CloudTest architecture support multiple cloud providers, right now few of them are implemented.
At the moment tool support few providers:
- 'shell' - provider, a user control all life cycle of creation and manage of individual instances of cloud using shell scripts.
- 'packet' - a provider for hosting, it allow to create Packet devices and uses few shell scripts to configure created devices.
Shell provider is allow us to define every instance as combination of few steps.
Supported Scripts:
script - prepare environment, executed only once per provider. Could be used to install all required dependencies.Zone Selector
script - a script to select one or more zones, put randomly selected zone into property $(zone-selector) and it could be used to start cloud into different zones. Must return individual zones per line of output.Start
script - used to start an instance of cloud configured. Use environment variables for cloud name/etc to make it independent. Right now after start will start live-monitoring of Kubernetes cluster to check for required number of nodes are available.Prepare
script - Prepare instance after it is started, ex: Install CRDs/etc.Config
script - A script to return Cluster configuration file location, will be called if environment variable KUBECONFIG is not specified with configuration.Cleanup
script - a script to remove old or unused instances, executed at same time as general testing in background.
Example configuration:
version: 1.0
- name: "gke"
kind: "shell"
instances: 6
retry: 5
node-count: 2
enabled: true
timeout: 900 # 15 minutes to start cluster
- GKE_PROJECT_ID=ci-management
- GKE_CLUSTER_NAME=$(cluster-name)-$(date)-${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}-$(rands10)
- KUBECONFIG=$(tempdir)/config
- GKE_CLUSTER_ZONE=$(zone-selector)
- GKE_CLUSTER_TYPE=n1-standard-2
- CA_DIR=./deployments/helm/nsm/charts/spire/
install: ./.cloudtest/gke/
zone-selector: ./.cloudtest/gke/ ci-management # List zones, but it need GKE_PROJECT_ID to be passed.
start: |
make gke-start
stop: make gke-destroy
# config: # We do not need it since we put KUBECONFIG into env.
prepare: scripts/
cleanup: |
./scripts/gke/ 4 "^gke"
Packet provider is provider to create devices in
It requires few environment variables to be passed:
- PACKET_AUTH_TOKEN - a token to allow to create devices in.
- PACKET_PROJECT_ID - a project id to create devices in.
Supported Scripts:
script - uses to install any deps, executed only once per all instances.Setup
script - perform some initialization logic, at least it should generate or pass a ssh key to be used to contact to created devices.Start
script - perform post-start operations, devices are created before calling of this script.Prepare
script - a script to prepare instance after setup is complete.Cleanup
script - a script executed in background to cleanup any of outdated instances.
In compare to shell, Stop
script is not used since removal of cluster are performed with Packet APIs with deletion of device.
Additional special variables are added to context after Install script and after all devices are created:
- $(device.{Name}.pub.ip.{address_family}) with value to IP4 or IP6 address.
- $(device.{Name}{address_family}) with value to IP4 or IP6 network.
- $(device.{Name}{address_family}) with value to IP4 or IP6 gateway address.
Example packet configuration:
version: 1.0
- name: "packet"
kind: "packet"
instances: 6
retry: 5
node-count: 2
enabled: true
timeout: 1800 # 30 minutes to start cluster
- CLUSTER_RULES_PREFIX=null # To not add any specific code
- KUBECONFIG=$(tempdir)/config
- CLUSTER_NAME=$(cluster-name)-$(date)-${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}-$(rands10)
- CA_DIR=./deployments/helm/nsm/charts/spire/
ssh-key: # A key name relative to $(tempdir) or absolute
- name: "Master"
host-name: "Master-${CLUSTER_NAME}"
plan: "t1.small.x86"
os: "ubuntu_16_04"
billing-cycle: "hourly"
- name: "Worker"
host-name: "Worker-${CLUSTER_NAME}"
plan: "t1.small.x86"
os: "ubuntu_16_04"
billing-cycle: "hourly"
- baremetal
- layer_2
- global_ipv4
preferred-facility: sjc1
install: "echo all deps installed"
setup: |
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $(tempdir)/sshkey -q -N "" # Will also generate
ssh-add $(tempdir)/sshkey
start: ./examples/packet/ $( $( "$(tempdir)/sshkey"
prepare: echo "Do prepare"
cleanup: echo "Do cleanup"
Environment variables defined could use
List of special values:
$(cluster-name) - uniq, name of cluster instance usually == "$ (provider-id)-NUM" - $(provider-name) - name of cluster provider defined in config
- $(random) - random integer value from 0 to 1000000
- $(uuid) - uuid.New().String()
- $(rands30) - random string of 30 characters
- $(rands10) - random string of 10 characters
- $(tempdir) - location of temporary folder for cluster instance
- $(year) - today Year
- $(month) - today Month
- $(date) - date in format ("%s-%s-%s", todayYear, todayMonth, todayDay)
- $(day) - today Day
- $(zone-selector) - a value of random selected zone for instance.
Every script defined for individual cluster configuration actions or defined for execution operations are
split into individual lines by '\n' pattern and support \{x} substitutions and interpreter support characters inside " as string with spaces.
Before passing to execution every line are substituted with
No other processing are supported right now.
Every tests are scheduled for every cloud setup and executed on one of available instances. It is possible to define environment variables to be used by every test executed, cloud setup are passed to tests using cloud instanceof configuration environment variables. So integration test authors should use this variables to tests against required cloud instance.
Every execution produce output and report record with execution status. CloudTest tool allow to re-start execution in case of test was timeout execution or log contains some cloud specified problems, in this case cloud instance will be restarted and test will be executed again on same or another instance for same cloud setup.
Example single cluster execution:
- name: "Single cluster tests"
- basic
- recover
- usecase
root: ./test/integration
timeout: 300
cluster-count: 1
on-fail: |
make k8s-delete-nsm-namespaces
Example of multi-could test, in this case we specify names of provider and different config variables names:
- name: "Interdomain tests packet-aws"
- interdomain
root: ./test/integration
timeout: 600
cluster-count: 2
- packet
- aws
on-fail: |
make k8s-delete-nsm-namespaces