2.1.24 (2023-08-07)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #1857 add trace logging for Sidecar Handlers #1858 (stevehu)
- fixes #1855 change jwt cache exceeds limit from error to warn #1856 (stevehu)
- fixes #1853 put serviceIds higher priority than requestPath in audien… #1854 (stevehu)
- fixes #1851 update logic to get audience in single OAuth 2.0 provider #1852 (stevehu)
- fixes #1849 Only serviceId is found from requestPath, the audience va… #1850 (stevehu)
- fixes #1847 update TokenIntrospectionRequest to output error only whe… #1848 (stevehu)
- fixes #1845 update security config to add swtClientIdHeader and swtCl… #1846 (stevehu)
- fixes #1843 update swt token introspection to allow the clientId and … #1844 (stevehu)
- fixes #1841 impove security handler to include JWT audience validatio… #1842 (stevehu)
- fixes #1825 Decryptor problem with AES-GCM #1840 (stevehu)
- fixes #1838 add certFilename and certPassword to the PathPrefixAuth i… #1839 (stevehu)
- fixes #1825 Decryptor problem with AES-GCM #1835 (stevehu)
- fixes #1836 Add getJsonObjectConfigNoCache method to load object conf… #1837 (stevehu)
- fixes #1833 Skip loading the jwk mapping in getJsonWebKeyMap if servi… #1834 (stevehu)
Upgrade Guidelines:
Please skip this release and use the 2.1.25 release instead. We found one defect introduced in this release, which was fixed in the 2.1.25 release immediately.