diff --git a/tests/integration/500.command.dev.test.cjs b/tests/integration/500.command.dev.test.cjs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b00ab04ab6..00000000000
--- a/tests/integration/500.command.dev.test.cjs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
-// Handlers are meant to be async outside tests
-const { promises: fs } = require('fs')
-const path = require('path')
-// eslint-disable-next-line ava/use-test
-const avaTest = require('ava')
-const { isCI } = require('ci-info')
-const FormData = require('form-data')
-const getPort = require('get-port')
-const { withDevServer } = require('./utils/dev-server.cjs')
-const got = require('./utils/got.cjs')
-const { withSiteBuilder } = require('./utils/site-builder.cjs')
-const test = isCI ? avaTest.serial.bind(avaTest) : avaTest
-test('should return 404 when redirecting to a non existing function', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-missing-function', async (builder) => {
- builder.withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- functions: { directory: 'functions' },
- redirects: [{ from: '/api/*', to: '/.netlify/functions/:splat', status: 200 }],
- },
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const response = await got
- .post(`${server.url}/api/none`, {
- body: 'nothing',
- })
- .catch((error) => error.response)
- t.is(response.statusCode, 404)
- })
- })
-test('should parse function query parameters using simple parsing', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-multi-part-function', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- functions: { directory: 'functions' },
- },
- })
- .withFunction({
- path: 'echo.js',
- handler: async (event) => ({
- statusCode: 200,
- body: JSON.stringify(event),
- }),
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const response1 = await got(`${server.url}/.netlify/functions/echo?category[SOMETHING][]=something`).json()
- const response2 = await got(`${server.url}/.netlify/functions/echo?category=one&category=two`).json()
- t.deepEqual(response1.queryStringParameters, { 'category[SOMETHING][]': 'something' })
- t.deepEqual(response2.queryStringParameters, { category: 'one, two' })
- })
- })
-test('should handle form submission', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-form', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'index.html',
- content: '
- })
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- functions: { directory: 'functions' },
- },
- })
- .withFunction({
- path: 'submission-created.js',
- handler: async (event) => ({
- statusCode: 200,
- body: JSON.stringify(event),
- }),
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const form = new FormData()
- form.append('some', 'thing')
- const response = await got
- .post(`${server.url}/?ding=dong`, {
- body: form,
- })
- .json()
- const body = JSON.parse(response.body)
- const expectedBody = {
- payload: {
- created_at: body.payload.created_at,
- data: {
- ip: '::ffff:',
- some: 'thing',
- user_agent: 'got (https://github.com/sindresorhus/got)',
- },
- human_fields: {
- Some: 'thing',
- },
- ordered_human_fields: [
- {
- name: 'some',
- title: 'Some',
- value: 'thing',
- },
- ],
- site_url: '',
- },
- }
- t.is(response.headers.host, `${server.host}:${server.port}`)
- t.is(response.headers['content-length'], JSON.stringify(expectedBody).length.toString())
- t.is(response.headers['content-type'], 'application/json')
- t.is(response.httpMethod, 'POST')
- t.is(response.isBase64Encoded, false)
- t.is(response.path, '/')
- t.deepEqual(response.queryStringParameters, { ding: 'dong' })
- t.deepEqual(body, expectedBody)
- })
- })
-test('should handle form submission with a background function', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-form-background-function', async (builder) => {
- await builder
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'index.html',
- content: '⊂◉‿◉つ
- })
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- functions: { directory: 'functions' },
- },
- })
- .withFunction({
- path: 'submission-created-background.js',
- handler: async (event) => ({
- statusCode: 200,
- body: JSON.stringify(event),
- }),
- })
- .buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const form = new FormData()
- form.append('some', 'thing')
- const response = await got.post(`${server.url}/?ding=dong`, {
- body: form,
- })
- t.is(response.statusCode, 202)
- t.is(response.body, '')
- })
- })
-test('should not handle form submission when content type is `text/plain`', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-form-text-plain', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'index.html',
- content: '⊂◉‿◉つ
- })
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- functions: { directory: 'functions' },
- },
- })
- .withFunction({
- path: 'submission-created.js',
- handler: async (event) => ({
- statusCode: 200,
- body: JSON.stringify(event),
- }),
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const response = await got
- .post(`${server.url}/?ding=dong`, {
- body: 'Something',
- headers: {
- 'content-type': 'text/plain',
- },
- })
- .catch((error) => error.response)
- t.is(response.statusCode, 405)
- t.is(response.body, 'Method Not Allowed')
- })
- })
-test('should return existing local file even when rewrite matches when force=false', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-force-false', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'foo.html',
- content: 'foo',
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
- content: 'not-foo',
- })
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- redirects: [{ from: '/foo', to: '/not-foo', status: 200, force: false }],
- },
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const response = await got(`${server.url}/foo?ping=pong`).text()
- t.is(response, 'foo')
- })
- })
-test('should return existing local file even when redirect matches when force=false', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-force-false', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'foo.html',
- content: 'foo',
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
- content: 'not-foo',
- })
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- redirects: [{ from: '/foo', to: '/not-foo', status: 301, force: false }],
- },
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const response = await got(`${server.url}/foo?ping=pong`).text()
- t.is(response, 'foo')
- })
- })
-test('should ignore existing local file when redirect matches and force=true', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-force-true', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'foo.html',
- content: 'foo',
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
- content: 'not-foo',
- })
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- redirects: [{ from: '/foo', to: '/not-foo', status: 301, force: true }],
- },
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const response = await got(`${server.url}/foo`, { followRedirect: false })
- t.is(response.headers.location, `/not-foo`)
- const body = await got(`${server.url}/foo`).text()
- t.is(body, 'not-foo')
- })
- })
-test('should use existing file when rule contains file extension and force=false', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-file-extension-force-false', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'foo.html',
- content: 'foo',
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
- content: 'not-foo',
- })
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- redirects: [{ from: '/foo.html', to: '/not-foo', status: 301, force: false }],
- },
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const response = await got(`${server.url}/foo.html`, { followRedirect: false })
- t.is(response.headers.location, undefined)
- t.is(response.body, 'foo')
- })
- })
-test('should redirect when rule contains file extension and force=true', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-file-extension-force-true', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'foo.html',
- content: 'foo',
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
- content: 'not-foo',
- })
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- redirects: [{ from: '/foo.html', to: '/not-foo', status: 301, force: true }],
- },
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const response = await got(`${server.url}/foo.html`, { followRedirect: false })
- t.is(response.headers.location, `/not-foo`)
- const body = await got(`${server.url}/foo.html`).text()
- t.is(body, 'not-foo')
- })
- })
-test('should redirect from sub directory to root directory', async (t) => {
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-sub-to-root', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'foo.html',
- content: 'foo',
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
- content: 'not-foo',
- })
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- redirects: [{ from: '/not-foo', to: '/foo', status: 200, force: true }],
- },
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- const response1 = await got(`${server.url}/not-foo`).text()
- const response2 = await got(`${server.url}/not-foo/`).text()
- // TODO: check why this doesn't redirect
- const response3 = await got(`${server.url}/not-foo/index.html`).text()
- t.is(response1, 'foo')
- t.is(response2, 'foo')
- t.is(response3, 'not-foo')
- })
- })
-test('Runs build plugins with the `onPreDev` event', async (t) => {
- const userServerPort = await getPort()
- const pluginManifest = 'name: local-plugin'
- // This test plugin starts an HTTP server that we'll hit when the dev server
- // is ready, asserting that plugins in dev mode can have long-running jobs.
- const pluginSource = `
- const http = require("http");
- module.exports = {
- onPreBuild: () => {
- throw new Error("I should not run");
- },
- onPreDev: () => {
- const server = http.createServer((_, res) => res.end("Hello world"));
- server.listen(${userServerPort}, "localhost", () => {
- console.log("Server is running on port ${userServerPort}");
- });
- },
- };
- `
- const { temporaryDirectory } = await import('tempy')
- const pluginDirectory = await temporaryDirectory()
- await fs.writeFile(path.join(pluginDirectory, 'manifest.yml'), pluginManifest)
- await fs.writeFile(path.join(pluginDirectory, 'index.js'), pluginSource)
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-custom-server-in-plugin', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- plugins: [{ package: path.relative(builder.directory, pluginDirectory) }],
- },
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'foo.html',
- content: 'foo',
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
- t.is(await got(`${server.url}/foo`).text(), 'foo')
- t.is(await got(`http://localhost:${userServerPort}`).text(), 'Hello world')
- })
- })
-test('Handles errors from the `onPreDev` event', async (t) => {
- const userServerPort = await getPort()
- const pluginManifest = 'name: local-plugin'
- // This test plugin starts an HTTP server that we'll hit when the dev server
- // is ready, asserting that plugins in dev mode can have long-running jobs.
- const pluginSource = `
- const http = require("http");
- module.exports = {
- onPreBuild: () => {
- throw new Error("I should not run");
- },
- onPreDev: () => {
- throw new Error("Something went wrong");
- },
- };
- `
- const { temporaryDirectory } = await import('tempy')
- const pluginDirectory = await temporaryDirectory()
- await fs.writeFile(path.join(pluginDirectory, 'manifest.yml'), pluginManifest)
- await fs.writeFile(path.join(pluginDirectory, 'index.js'), pluginSource)
- await withSiteBuilder('site-with-custom-server-in-plugin', async (builder) => {
- builder
- .withNetlifyToml({
- config: {
- plugins: [{ package: path.relative(builder.directory, pluginDirectory) }],
- },
- })
- .withContentFile({
- path: 'foo.html',
- content: 'foo',
- })
- await builder.buildAsync()
- await t.throwsAsync(() =>
- withDevServer(
- { cwd: builder.directory },
- async (server) => {
- t.is(await got(`${server.url}/foo`).text(), 'foo')
- t.is(await got(`http://localhost:${userServerPort}`).text(), 'Hello world')
- },
- { message: /Error: Something went wrong/ },
- ),
- )
- })
diff --git a/tests/integration/commands/dev/dev-forms-and-redirects.test.mjs b/tests/integration/commands/dev/dev-forms-and-redirects.test.mjs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..31b681ed576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/integration/commands/dev/dev-forms-and-redirects.test.mjs
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+// Handlers are meant to be async outside tests
+import fs from 'fs/promises'
+import path from 'path'
+import FormData from 'form-data'
+import getPort from 'get-port'
+import fetch from 'node-fetch'
+import { describe, test } from 'vitest'
+import { withDevServer } from '../../utils/dev-server.cjs'
+import { withSiteBuilder } from '../../utils/site-builder.cjs'
+describe.concurrent('commands/dev-forms-and-redirects', () => {
+ test('should return 404 when redirecting to a non existing function', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-missing-function', async (builder) => {
+ builder.withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ functions: { directory: 'functions' },
+ redirects: [{ from: '/api/*', to: '/.netlify/functions/:splat', status: 200 }],
+ },
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const response = await fetch(`${server.url}/api/none`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: 'nothing',
+ })
+ t.expect(response.status).toBe(404)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should parse function query parameters using simple parsing', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-multi-part-function', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ functions: { directory: 'functions' },
+ },
+ })
+ .withFunction({
+ path: 'echo.js',
+ handler: async (event) => ({
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: JSON.stringify(event),
+ }),
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const [response1, response2] = await Promise.all([
+ fetch(`${server.url}/.netlify/functions/echo?category[SOMETHING][]=something`).then((res) => res.json()),
+ fetch(`${server.url}/.netlify/functions/echo?category=one&category=two`).then((res) => res.json()),
+ ])
+ t.expect(response1.queryStringParameters).toStrictEqual({ 'category[SOMETHING][]': 'something' })
+ t.expect(response2.queryStringParameters).toStrictEqual({ category: 'one, two' })
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should handle form submission', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-form', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'index.html',
+ content: '⊂◉‿◉つ
+ })
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ functions: { directory: 'functions' },
+ },
+ })
+ .withFunction({
+ path: 'submission-created.js',
+ handler: async (event) => ({
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: JSON.stringify(event),
+ }),
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const form = new FormData()
+ form.append('some', 'thing')
+ const response = await fetch(`${server.url}/?ding=dong`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: form,
+ }).then((res) => res.json())
+ const body = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ const expectedBody = {
+ payload: {
+ created_at: body.payload.created_at,
+ data: {
+ ip: '::ffff:',
+ some: 'thing',
+ user_agent: 'node-fetch/1.0 (+https://github.com/bitinn/node-fetch)',
+ },
+ human_fields: {
+ Some: 'thing',
+ },
+ ordered_human_fields: [
+ {
+ name: 'some',
+ title: 'Some',
+ value: 'thing',
+ },
+ ],
+ site_url: '',
+ },
+ }
+ t.expect(response.headers.host).toEqual(`${server.host}:${server.port}`)
+ t.expect(response.headers['content-length']).toEqual(JSON.stringify(expectedBody).length.toString())
+ t.expect(response.headers['content-type']).toEqual('application/json')
+ t.expect(response.httpMethod).toEqual('POST')
+ t.expect(response.isBase64Encoded).toBe(false)
+ t.expect(response.path).toEqual('/')
+ t.expect(response.queryStringParameters).toStrictEqual({ ding: 'dong' })
+ t.expect(body).toStrictEqual(expectedBody)
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should handle form submission with a background function', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-form-background-function', async (builder) => {
+ await builder
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'index.html',
+ content: '⊂◉‿◉つ
+ })
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ functions: { directory: 'functions' },
+ },
+ })
+ .withFunction({
+ path: 'submission-created-background.js',
+ handler: async (event) => ({
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: JSON.stringify(event),
+ }),
+ })
+ .buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const form = new FormData()
+ form.append('some', 'thing')
+ const response = await fetch(`${server.url}/?ding=dong`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: form,
+ })
+ t.expect(response.status).toBe(202)
+ t.expect(await response.text()).toEqual('')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should not handle form submission when content type is `text/plain`', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-form-text-plain', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'index.html',
+ content: '⊂◉‿◉つ
+ })
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ functions: { directory: 'functions' },
+ },
+ })
+ .withFunction({
+ path: 'submission-created.js',
+ handler: async (event) => ({
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: JSON.stringify(event),
+ }),
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const response = await fetch(`${server.url}/?ding=dong`, {
+ method: 'POST',
+ body: 'Something',
+ headers: {
+ 'content-type': 'text/plain',
+ },
+ })
+ t.expect(response.status).toBe(405)
+ t.expect(await response.text()).toEqual('Method Not Allowed')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should return existing local file even when rewrite matches when force=false', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-force-false', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'foo.html',
+ content: 'foo',
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
+ content: 'not-foo',
+ })
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ redirects: [{ from: '/foo', to: '/not-foo', status: 200, force: false }],
+ },
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const response = await fetch(`${server.url}/foo?ping=pong`).then((res) => res.text())
+ t.expect(response).toEqual('foo')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should return existing local file even when redirect matches when force=false', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-force-false', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'foo.html',
+ content: 'foo',
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
+ content: 'not-foo',
+ })
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ redirects: [{ from: '/foo', to: '/not-foo', status: 301, force: false }],
+ },
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const response = await fetch(`${server.url}/foo?ping=pong`).then((res) => res.text())
+ t.expect(response).toEqual('foo')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should ignore existing local file when redirect matches and force=true', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-force-true', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'foo.html',
+ content: 'foo',
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
+ content: 'not-foo',
+ })
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ redirects: [{ from: '/foo', to: '/not-foo', status: 301, force: true }],
+ },
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const [response, body] = await Promise.all([
+ fetch(`${server.url}/foo`, { redirect: 'manual' }),
+ fetch(`${server.url}/foo`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ ])
+ t.expect(response.headers.get('location')).toEqual(`${server.url}/not-foo`)
+ t.expect(body).toEqual('not-foo')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should use existing file when rule contains file extension and force=false', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-file-extension-force-false', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'foo.html',
+ content: 'foo',
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
+ content: 'not-foo',
+ })
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ redirects: [{ from: '/foo.html', to: '/not-foo', status: 301, force: false }],
+ },
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const response = await fetch(`${server.url}/foo.html`, { follow: 0 })
+ t.expect(response.headers.location).toBe(undefined)
+ t.expect(await response.text()).toEqual('foo')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should redirect when rule contains file extension and force=true', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-file-extension-force-true', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'foo.html',
+ content: 'foo',
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
+ content: 'not-foo',
+ })
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ redirects: [{ from: '/foo.html', to: '/not-foo', status: 301, force: true }],
+ },
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const [response, body] = await Promise.all([
+ fetch(`${server.url}/foo.html`, { redirect: 'manual' }),
+ fetch(`${server.url}/foo.html`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ ])
+ t.expect(response.headers.get('location')).toEqual(`${server.url}/not-foo`)
+ t.expect(body).toEqual('not-foo')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('should redirect from sub directory to root directory', async (t) => {
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-shadowing-sub-to-root', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'foo.html',
+ content: 'foo',
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: path.join('not-foo', 'index.html'),
+ content: 'not-foo',
+ })
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ redirects: [{ from: '/not-foo', to: '/foo', status: 200, force: true }],
+ },
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const [response1, response2, response3] = await Promise.all([
+ fetch(`${server.url}/not-foo`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ fetch(`${server.url}/not-foo/`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ // TODO: check why this doesn't redirect
+ fetch(`${server.url}/not-foo/index.html`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ ])
+ t.expect(response1).toEqual('foo')
+ t.expect(response2).toEqual('foo')
+ t.expect(response3).toEqual('not-foo')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('Runs build plugins with the `onPreDev` event', async (t) => {
+ const userServerPort = await getPort()
+ const pluginManifest = 'name: local-plugin'
+ // This test plugin starts an HTTP server that we'll hit when the dev server
+ // is ready, asserting that plugins in dev mode can have long-running jobs.
+ const pluginSource = `
+ const http = require("http");
+ module.exports = {
+ onPreBuild: () => {
+ throw new Error("I should not run");
+ },
+ onPreDev: () => {
+ const server = http.createServer((_, res) => res.end("Hello world"));
+ server.listen(${userServerPort}, "localhost", () => {
+ console.log("Server is running on port ${userServerPort}");
+ });
+ },
+ };
+ `
+ const { temporaryDirectory } = await import('tempy')
+ const pluginDirectory = await temporaryDirectory()
+ await fs.writeFile(path.join(pluginDirectory, 'manifest.yml'), pluginManifest)
+ await fs.writeFile(path.join(pluginDirectory, 'index.js'), pluginSource)
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-custom-server-in-plugin', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ plugins: [{ package: path.relative(builder.directory, pluginDirectory) }],
+ },
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'foo.html',
+ content: 'foo',
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ await withDevServer({ cwd: builder.directory }, async (server) => {
+ const [response1, response2] = await Promise.all([
+ fetch(`${server.url}/foo`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ fetch(`http://localhost:${userServerPort}`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ ])
+ t.expect(response1).toEqual('foo')
+ t.expect(response2).toEqual('Hello world')
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ test('Handles errors from the `onPreDev` event', async (t) => {
+ const userServerPort = await getPort()
+ const pluginManifest = 'name: local-plugin'
+ // This test plugin starts an HTTP server that we'll hit when the dev server
+ // is ready, asserting that plugins in dev mode can have long-running jobs.
+ const pluginSource = `
+ const http = require("http");
+ module.exports = {
+ onPreBuild: () => {
+ throw new Error("I should not run");
+ },
+ onPreDev: () => {
+ throw new Error("Something went wrong");
+ },
+ };
+ `
+ const { temporaryDirectory } = await import('tempy')
+ const pluginDirectory = await temporaryDirectory()
+ await fs.writeFile(path.join(pluginDirectory, 'manifest.yml'), pluginManifest)
+ await fs.writeFile(path.join(pluginDirectory, 'index.js'), pluginSource)
+ await withSiteBuilder('site-with-custom-server-in-plugin', async (builder) => {
+ builder
+ .withNetlifyToml({
+ config: {
+ plugins: [{ package: path.relative(builder.directory, pluginDirectory) }],
+ },
+ })
+ .withContentFile({
+ path: 'foo.html',
+ content: 'foo',
+ })
+ await builder.buildAsync()
+ t.expect(() =>
+ withDevServer(
+ { cwd: builder.directory },
+ async (server) => {
+ const [response1, response2] = await Promise.all([
+ fetch(`${server.url}/foo`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ fetch(`http://localhost:${userServerPort}`).then((res) => res.text()),
+ ])
+ await t.expect(response1).toEqual('foo')
+ await t.expect(response2).toEqual('Hello world')
+ },
+ { message: /Error: Something went wrong/ },
+ ),
+ ).rejects.toThrowError()
+ })
+ })